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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
m that some potent and malign influence, resident at the capital, some high functionary, by some species of occultation, controlling the action of the government, a Talleyrand in the pay of both governments, and balancing or equalizing disasters between them to magnify his importance and increase his reward, has been controlling many events since the beginning of this war, and is still engaged in the diabolical work. It now appears that several regiments were withdrawn from the vicinity of Bristol, whose presence there was necessary for the protection of the railroad and the bridges. They were brought hither after Lee's defeat of Burnside, for the protection of the capital! The President was away, and Mr. Seddon was now in the War Office. But Gen. Cooper is old in office, and should have known better; and Gen. G. W. Smith certainly must have known better. Just suppose we had been beaten at Murfreesborough, and our communications cut, west and east and south! There would have be
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 35: cut off from East and West. (search)
my being believed by citizens and others to be moving around us, and that we were in danger of losing a considerable part of our army; that our men were in no condition for campaigning; that General Longstreet had promised shoes, but how could they be furnished? that we only had communication with Richmond, and could only get a mail from there in three weeks; that he was opposed to the movement; would require written orders, and would obey under protest. General Robertson was ordered to Bristol to await the action of the Richmond authorities, who were asked for a court-martial to try the case. On the 17th the following orders concerning General McLaws were issued: Special orders no. 27.Headquarters near Bean's Station, December 17, 1863. Major-General L. McLaws is relieved from further duty with this army, and will proceed to Augusta, Georgia, from which place he will report by letter to the adjutant-and inspector-general. He will turn over the command of the division
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
quarters that eight trains loaded with troops went up from Chattanooga on the night of the 17th. A telegram came on the 19th from Richmond to say that the additional troops called for could not be sent, and on the same day a telegram from the President ordered me to send General Martin with his cavalry to General Johnston. In reply I reported that the order depriving me of the cavalry would force me to abandon the move, then in progress, against Knoxville, and draw the troops back towards Bristol. Then came other despatches from General Johnston that the enemy was still drawing forces from Chattanooga, but no authority came from Richmond authorizing me to retain the cavalry, so we were obliged to draw back to fields that could be guarded by smaller commands. Referring to the proposed advance, General Grant said, Longstreet cannot afford to place his force between Knoxville and the Tennessee. It was not so intended, but to put the army alongside of Knoxville to hold the enemy t
of August, General Buckner, with his entire force, withdrew from Knoxville, leaving the country east along the line of the East-Tennessee and Virginia Railroad to Bristol to be guarded and defended by General A. E. Jackson's brigade. Notwithstanding the evacuation of Knoxville and the abandonment of the country, except by the smal dashed into Knoxville and captured their best passenger train and three locomotives. On the same day our little force at the Plains was withdrawn by railroad to Bristol. On the morning of the fourth the enemy pushed up to Mossy Creek, captured a train, and then run into Jonesboro, one hundred miles distant from Knoxville, with fd Captain McClung, and demanded its surrender; when, upon refusal, they retreated toward Knoxville. Having learned the above facts, General Jackson, who was at Bristol with the principal body of his forces, with a regiment of Kentucky cavalry and some other forces that had recently joined him, made a forced march for Jonesboro,
ankee horde back. But, alas for poor rebs! they knew not the metal they were contending with. On the twelfth instant, Colonel Foster, Sixty-fifth Indiana Mounted infantry, commanding Second brigade of Shackelford's division, moved up toward Bristol, and got in the rear of the rebels, and burned two railroad bridges. The rebels moved out to meet him, but our forces drove them back and held possession of the town. Night coming on, the rebels retired within their works. Our loss in this enof September, our regiment has been to Sevierville, nearly to the top of Smoky Mountains, N. C., to Greenville, to Bristol, Va., to Zollicoffer, where we had a sharp fight, killing fifty and wounding one hundred. We had a short skirmish also at Bristol, where we had five men wounded and none killed. We are now at Knoxville, waiting further orders. Our horses are jaded and our men tired, but at the sound of the bugle will all jump, give one whoop and start off to win new laurels, and hasten
eir dead on the field and most of the wounded in our hands. We pursued them in the morning with infantry and cavalry. The intercepting force met them at Henderson's, but, owing to some misunderstanding, withdrew and allowed them to pass with only a slight check. The.pursuit was continued till evening, when I withdrew most of my infantry and returned to this place. General Shackleford, with his cavalry and a brigade of infantry, continued the pursuit, the enemy making a stand at every important position. But he has driven them completely from the State and captured the Fort at Zollicoffer, burning the long railroad bridge at that place and five other bridges, and destroying three locomotives and about thirty-five cars. His advance is now ten miles beyond Bristol. Our loss at Blue Springs and in the pursuit was about one hundred killed and wounded. That of the enemy was considerably greater. About one hundred and fifty prisoners were taken. A. E. Burnside, Major-General.
Doc. 198.-battle near Blountsville, Tenn. Cincinnati Commercial account. Bristol, Tenn., October 16, 1863. I wrote you a few days ago from Brabson's Hill, giving an account of the battle of Blue Springs, on the tenth instant, and the chase after them to that point. General Shackleford, after recruiting his nearly woille, evidently thinking we were making for the Salt Works at that place. Our troops followed them up to within six miles of Abington, Va., when they returned to Bristol. We captured here three locomotives and thirty-four cars, all of which we destroyed, as well as five railroad bridges above Bristol. We also captured a large amBristol. We also captured a large amount of salt, sugar, etc. The rebels had thrown down the fences in the vicinity of Blountsville, and thrown up breastworks, and boasted that they intended to give the Yanks a good thrashing, and drive them from East-Tennessee; but, as usual, instead of their doing it, they did the tallest kind of running. Our loss in this engag
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Knoxville. (search)
and the prospect for a junction was good until Chickamauga put an end to further movements in that direction, and Sweetwater became our outpost. Early in October a force of the enemy under General John S. Williams, coming from the eastward, moved down the railroad to the vicinity of Bull's Gap, and pressed heavily upon our forces in that quarter. With such troops as could readily be concentrated, General Burnside attacked them at Blue Springs on the 10th and drove them well back toward Bristol. On the 22d of October our outpost at Sweetwater and our reserve at Philadelphia were attacked successfully. Subsequent operations and reconnoissances resulted in the determination to abandon temporarily the Valley of the Tennessee south of Loudon. The troops were all withdrawn and the pontoon-bridge was transferred from London to Knoxville, where General Sanders's cavalry command crossed it to the south side of the river, on the 1st of November. The abandonment of Loudon had in view
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Longstreet at Knoxville. (search)
the flank movement here referred to as having miscarried.--editors. We spent the winter between Russellville and Greenville, living off the country, having occasional expeditions, and alarms enough to destroy most of the comfort of winter-quarters. We had some of our foraging wagons captured and men killed by the bushwhackers. The latter were supposed. to be guerrilla troops in the Federal service recruited among the people of that section whose sympathies were anti-Confederate. They seldom fought, but they cut off small parties and took no prisoners.--E. P. A. In the latter part of March we moved back to Bristol, and in April General Lee sent for us to rejoin him by rail.. Reaching Gordonsville on the 22d of April, we were once more with the Army of Northern Virginia, just twelve days before it entered the Wilderness and began the death-grapple that was only to end, after eleven months of daily fighting, at Appomattox. Knoxville in 1870. from a water-color Sketoh.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Operations in east Tennessee and south-west Virginia. (search)
hat Breckinridge found himself in command of only about 1000 or 1500 men in a department large enough to require an army corps to defend it. This handful was concentrated at the salt-works in hopes of defending a position naturally very strong, even against so large an opposing force. Stone-man, doubtless aware of this fact, and knowing the defenseless condition of the country, changed the ordinary tactics and devoted himself to capturing the towns and destroying the railroad. He occupied Bristol and Abingdon, and passing by the salt-works advanced upon Wytheville and the lead-mines. In hopes of arresting his course Breckinridge moved from the salt-works to Marion, on the railroad, where he intercepted Stoneman on Sunday, the 18th of December, and fought an engagement which lasted through the day and resulted in a substantial victory for the Confederates, who held their position against largely superior numbers. But during the day Stoneman sent a force down another road to the sal