Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died.. You can also browse the collection for Secessionville (South Carolina, United States) or search for Secessionville (South Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers killed in action. (search)
864. Delaney, Richard,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Deming, Burton D., 1st. Donavan, Timothy D.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Donelly, Patrick, S862. Donovan, Timothy,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Dorien, Christian,32d , 1862. Gibbons, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Gibbs, William,55th Ma2. Hollighan, William,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Hollis, Ai,30th Mass. onald, John J., Sergt.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. McDonald, John M.,1st 1864. Murphy, Thomas,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Murphy, Thomas,9th Mas864. Price, Cornelius,54th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,July 2, 1864. Price, Peter W.,28th Ma862. Russell, William,55th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,July 2, 1864. Russell, Ziba H.,40th M864. Sheehey, William,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 17, 1862. Sheehy, John,28th Mass[6 more...]
Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Degenering, Charles,58th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Dehon, Arthur, 1st Lieut.,12th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, 1862. Deidee, Harris,59th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Deland, Moses,2d Co. Mass. S. S.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 30, 1864. Delaney, Franklin,4th Batt. Mass. L. A.,Baton Rouge, La.,Aug. 5, 1862. Delaney, Joseph L.,25th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 18, 1864. Delaney, Richard,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Deming, Burton D., 1st Lieut.,49th Mass. Inf.,Port Hudson, La.,May 27, 1863. Denney, Robert,28th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,March 25, 1865. Dennison, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Denny, Timothy,18th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. Deon, Major,10th Mass. Inf.,Malvern Hill, Va.,July 1, 1862. Derby, Charles H., Sergt.,36th Mass. Inf.,North Anna River, Va.,May 24, 1864. Derby, Edward M.,57th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 186
,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864. Doland, Leroy,24th Mass. Inf.,Tranter's Creek, N. C.,June 5, 1862. Donahoe, Cornelius,34th Mass. Inf.,Virginia,May 15, 1864. Donahue, James,20th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 11, 1862. Donahue, John, 2d,31st Mass. Inf.,Yellow Bayou, La.,May 18, 1864. Donally, Thomas,45th Mass. Inf.,Whitehall, N. C.,Dec. 16, 1862. Donath, Herman, 1st Lieut.,19th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Donavan, Patrick,22d Mass. Inf,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864. Donavan, Timothy D.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Donelly, Patrick, Should read Connelly, Patrick.24th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Va.,Oct. 7, 1864. Donelly, Peter,28th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Donelly, Thomas,20th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 11, 1862. Donlan, Edward,25th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,May 9, 1864. Donnehoe, Philip,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Donnelly, John,20th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 11, 1862.
erstood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. Donnelly, Michael J., Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. Donnovan, John,10th Mass. Inf.,Salem Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. Donohoe, Cornelius,16th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 29, 1862. Donovan, Daniel,7th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Donovan, Patrick,12th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Donovan, Thomas,18th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, 1862. Donovan, Timothy,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Dorien, Christian,32d Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 18, 1864. Dorr, Luke,3d Mass. Cav.,Fisher's Hill, Va.,Sept. 22, 1864. Dougherty, Patrick,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862. Douglass, Charles B.,3d Mass. Cav.,Plains Store, La.,Nov. 30, 1863. Dow, Albert W.,57th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Dow, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Dow, James J.,24th Mass. Inf.,Deep Run, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864. Dowd, Henry M.,32d Mass. In
d P.,20th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861. Dunn, Gordon,37th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Dunn, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Near Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864. Dunn, Samuel C.,12th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 14, 1864. Dunn, William A.,36th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Dunning, John F., Capt.,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Dunning, Samuel J.,27th Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862. Duprey, Lewis, Sergt.,21st Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 2, 1864. Duran, Alonzo G.,12th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Durant, Bartholomew,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. Durgin, George E., Corp.,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 19, 1864. Durgin, Leavitt C., Sergt.,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Duttling, August,20th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Dutton, Myranda,33d Mass. Inf.,Dallas, Ga.,May 25, 1864. Dwight, Charles C., Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862.
George, Henry O. Name and rank. Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. George, Henry O.,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Gerrish, Edward,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862. Getchell, Lewis G.,1st Mass. Inf.,Oak Grove, Va.,June 25, 1862. Gibbons, Barney,28th Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862. Gibbons, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Gibbs, William,55th Mass. Inf.,Honey Hill, S. C.,Nov. 30, 1864. Gibson, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,On Steamer Fawn,Sept. 13, 1864. Gibson, Lorenzo D.,27th Mass. Inf.,Goldsboroa, N. C.,Dec. 17, 1862. Gibson, Seth,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. Gifford, Robert,61st Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,April 2, 1865. Gilbert, George B.,2d Mass. H. A.,Kinston, N. C.,March 8, 1865. Gilbert, Harvey,34th Mass. Inf.,Piedmont, Va.,June 5, 1864. Gilbert, Lyman H.,36th Mass. Inf.,Poplar Spring Church,Sept. 30, 1864. Gilbert, William,15th Mass. Inf.,N
Hogan, John Name and rank. Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. Hogan, John, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Hogan, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Hogan, John F.,33d Mass. Inf.,Resaca, Ga.,May 15, 1864. Hogan, Patrick,28th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, 1862. Hogan, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Hoil, Henry A.,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Holbrooien, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Malvern Hill, Va.,July 1, 1862. Holland, Daniel,19th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Holland, William, 2d Lieut.,28th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, 1862. Hollighan, William,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Hollis, Ai,30th Mass. Inf.,Donaldsonville, La.,July 13, 1863. Holloway, Charles M., Corp.,54th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 16, 1863. Holman, Orlando,25th Mass. Inf.,Near Petersburg, Va.,May 18, 1864. Holman, Wil
d,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864. McCabe, William H.,1st Mass. Cav.,Deep Bottom, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864. McCafferty, James E., Capt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. McCalray, George B.,59th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. McCammon, James,2d Mass. Cav.,Dranesville, Va.,Feb. 22, 1864. McCann, James, Corp.,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864. McCanna, John,30th Mass. Inf.,Near Baton Rouge, La.,June 6, 1862. McCarter, Charles,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 19, 1864. McCarthy, Charles,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. McCarthy, Thomas F.,12th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. McCarty, Daniel F.,26th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. McCarty, John,30th Mass. Inf.,Cedar Creek, Va.,Oct. 19, 1864. McCarty, Patrick,16th Mass. Inf.,Williamsburg Road, Va.,June 18, 1862. McClelland, Andy,34th Mass. Inf.,New Market, Va.,May 15, 1864. McCloskey, George E.,17th Mass. Inf.,Kinston, N. C.,March 10, 1865.
iam,30th Mass. Inf.,Cedar Creek, Va.,Oct. 19, 1864. McDavitt, Henry,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. McDermot, Peter,58th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 11, 1864. McDevitt, Hugh,3d Mass. Cav.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. McDonald, Daniel,57th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. McDonald, George H.,20th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. McDonald, James, Corp.,2d Mass. Cav.,Mount Zion Church, Va.,July 6, 1864. McDonald, John J., Sergt.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. McDonald, John M.,1st Mass. Cav.,Brandy Station, Va.,June 9, 1863. McDonald, Patrick,20th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861. McDonough, James F.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. McDonough, John,20th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. McEnany, Peter,20th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 11, 1862. McEvoy, Joseph, Corp.,16th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 29, 1862. McFarland, Charles A.,25th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 19, 1864.
. 19, 1864. Murkland, John, Capt.,15th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 4, 1863. Murphy, Arthur,9th Batt. Mass. L. A.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863. Murphy, Charles,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Murphy, Cornelius,57th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 17, 1864. Murphy, David, Corp.,31st Mass. Inf.,Port Hudson, La.,May 28, 1863. Murphy, Dennis,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. Murphy, Eugene,37th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Murphy, James,28th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Murphy, James,45th Mass. Inf.,Kinston, N. C.,Dec. 14, 1862. Murphy, James,40th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Murphy, James H.,1st Mass. Inf.,Blackburn's Ford, Va.,July 18, 1861. Murphy, Jeremiah,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Murphy, Jeremiah,59th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864. Murphy, Jeremiah S.,28th Mass. Inf.,Secessionville, S. C.,June 16, 1862. Murphy, John,28th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,March 25, 1865.