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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
ngth with which it came to Virginia. By inquiring of him you will find that I am correct. From the Battle of Sharpsburg it was in the division commanded by me, and it never after that time reached 3,000 men. Drayton's brigade did not come to Virginia until after the battles around Richmond. It was composed of the Fifteenth South Carolina and the Fiftieth and Fifty-first Georgia regiments and Third South Carolina battalion. A part, if not all of it, was engaged in the fight at Secessionville, South Carolina, on the 16th of June, 1862. Its first engagement in Virginia was on the Rappahannock, the 25th of August, 1862. After Sharpsburg it was so small that it was distributed among some other brigades in Longstreet's corps. In a roster of Longstreet's corps, published in the Banner of the South, by General Alexander, the history of the regiments composing Drayton's brigade is given. Coming to Virginia after the Seven Days Battles it. of course, had no effect in increasing General L
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Confederate negro enlistments. (search)
reciation of the fact. There is evidence enough and to spare of this. I have before me a curious pamphlet, Marginalia; or, Gleanings from an army note-book, by Personne, army correspondent of the Charleston Courier, published at Columbia, S. C., in 1864, which abounds with instances and recitals of the good conduct of the negroes. Thus, Personne relates the story of Daniel, a slave of Lieutenant Bellinger, who was shot to pieces trying to take his master's sword to him, in the fort at Secessionville, during the assault on that post, and he says: Such instances of genuine loyalty have their parallel nowhere so frequently as in the pages of Southern history, and gives a flat contradiction to all the partial and puritanical statements ever made by Mrs. Stowe and her tribe of worshiping abolitionists. The fidelity of our negroes, this writer says, in another place, has been as much a subject of gratification to us as of surprise to the enemy. It has been thought that every slave would
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
rt played the national airs, and a salute of twenty-one guns was fired, after which the entertainment provided was of a more solid description. 13th June, 1863 (Saturday). Colonel Rice, aid-de-camp to General Beauregard, rode with me to Secessionville this morning. I was mounted on the horse which the General rode at Manassas and Shiloh. We reached James Island by crossing the long wooden bridge which spans the river Ashley. The land of James Island is low and marshy, and is both by repute and in appearance most unhealthy. Three years ago no white men would have dreamed of occupying it at this time of year; but now that the necessity has arisen, the troops, curiously enough, do not appear to suffer. Secessionville, the most advanced and most important of the James Island fortifications, is distant by road eight miles from Charleston bridge, with which it is connected by a chain of forts. It was surprised by the enemy just a year ago (June, 1862), and was the scene of a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.1 (search)
o the enemy's fleet. The defensive line on James Island from the Wappoo to Secessionville consisted of a system of forts, redoubts, redans, and cremailleres, very in, was armed with four 32-pounders, but could be of little use. The works at Secessionville, which were poorly devised and poorly executed, were still unfinished. Theher work, called Battery Rutledge, was close to Fort Moultrie on the east. Secessionville, near the center of James Island, will be found on the map of James and Folatter is, that the point attacked by Generals Benham and I. I. Stevens near Secessionville The assault at Secessionville was made by Stevens's division of about 35Secessionville was made by Stevens's division of about 3500 men, supported by General H. G. Wright's division, numbering 3100. Wright's troops were not seriously engaged. The aggregate Union loss was 683, of whom 529 beloront had they proceeded farther up the Stono. Even as it was, the fight at Secessionville was lost, in great measure, by lack of tenacity on the part of Generals Ben
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
Charleston and Savannah railway at Pocotaligo, with a. view of cutting off communication between those cities. There he encountered a thousand Confederates well posted, but these were soon driven, and the railway was destroyed for several miles. Stevens then retired and joined the troops destined for the direct attack on Charleston. While these movements were going on, the Confederates, who much out-numbered the Nationals then on James's Island, were strengthening their position at Secessionville, a pleasant little group of the summer residences. of the James's Island planters, about two miles from the Stono, with salt water on three sides. It was upon a narrow ridge, with swamps bordering it, and accessible from the land only from the west. There, under the direction of Colonel J. G. Lamar, the Confederates constructed a formidable battery, which commanded the Union camp. Perceiving this, General Benham, See page 95, volume II. who had been left in command by General Hunt
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
. he had cut roads, and it was thoroughly picketed in every part. He constructed a strong work on the southern end of it, to command the approaches down John A. Dahlgren. the Stono River. Another was erected on Folly River that commanded Secessionville; and at a narrow part of the island, a mile from its northern end, a line of intrenchments was cast up, with a redoubt at each end. Such was the situation on that island, soon to be made famous in history, when Gillmore arrived there, and, wits of Georgia troops from Virginia, and these he sent to co-operate with troops on James's Island in an attempt to surprise and capture Terry and his command. At the dawn of the 16th, July, 1863. these advanced rapidly upon Terry, from near Secessionville, under General Hagood, driving in the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, on picket duty. But Terry was never asleep in the presence of danger. His troops, with the gun-boats Pawnee, John Adams, Huron, Mayflower, and Marblehead, in Stono and Folly
Savannah River, obstructions placed in, 2.317. Schofield, Gen. J. M., operations of in Missouri, 2.531 at the battle of Franklin, 3.421. Schurz, Gen., Carl, at battle of Chancellorsville, 3.29. Schuyler, Col. George L., sent to purchase arms in Europe, 2.25. Scott, Lieut.-Gen., Winfield, his advice in relation to Southern forts, 1.76; re-enforcement of Southern forts urged by, 1.125; in favor of peace, 1.244; too in firm to take the field, 1. 580; retirement of, 2.130. Secessionville, battle of. 3.187. Sedgwick, Gen., wounded at Antietam, 2.478; hit victory over Early at Fredericksburg, 3.35; perilous position of, 3.36; compelled to recross the Rappahannock, 3.38; at the battle of Rappahannock Station, 3.107; death of, 3.306. Selma, capture of by Gen. Wilson, 3.517; destruction of Confederate property in, 3.518. Seminary Ridge, battle of, 3.61. Semmes, Capt., Raphael, commander of the Sumter, 2.568, and of the Alabama, 2.569. Senators, expulsion of ten
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 36: operations of the South Atlantic Squadron under Rear-Admiral Dahlgren, 1863.--operations in Charleston harbor, etc. (search)
y of troops under General strong and Colonel Putnam. dreadful hand-to-hand conflict. earth-works erected by Gillmore. the Swamp Angel. gun-boats engage batteries in Stono River. the Commodore McDonough silences Confederate artillery near Secessionville. Lieutenant Robeson plants the flag on Morris Island. Landing of troops at folly and James Islands. attack on forts Sumter and Wagner. results of bombardment. Gillmore demands surrender of Sumter. letter of Beauregard. Gillmore's replyder Bacon for his unremitting attention to duties in that locality, where, for a period of five months, he had been co-operating with the Army. On the 16th of July the Confederates commenced an artillery fire on General Gillmore's pickets at Secessionville, but were speedily silenced by Lieutenant-Commander Bacon moving up the river with the Commodore McDonough, and firing into their camp with his rifled gun. In a report by Lieutenant A. S. McKenzie, referring to the landing of the brigade,
sweeps down the coast to St. Augustine Union movement at Jacksonville Pensacola and Jacksonville abandoned Edisto Island relinquished Gen. Hunter attacks Secessionville, and is repulsed Gen. Brannan threatens the Savannah railroad fight at Coosawhatchie destruction of the Nashville Dupont repulsed at Fort McAllister the on James island; and three more days elapsed ere Gen. Wright came up from Edisto with the residue of their forces. Such disjointed Gen. Hunter's attack on Secessionville. combinations in an intensely hostile region could have but one result; since the enemy were probably twice as strong, both in defenses and in men, as they would have been found had our advance been made with compact celerity. Secessionville is a petty village formed of the Summer residences of a few James island planters, on the east side of their island, two miles from the Stono, with salt water on three sides, and swamps narrowing to a mere ride the only practicable land approach
street besieges, 432. Koltes, Col., killed at second Bull Run, 189. L. Lafourche, La., occupied by Gen. Weitzel, 104. Lamar, Col. J. G., defends Secessionville, 461. Lamine, Mo., A. J. Smith stopped at, 560. Lander, Gen. F. W., at Blooming gap, 108; death of, 114. Landrum's brigade at Vicksburg, 312. Lang7; at Wauhatchie, 436. Scott, Gen. Winfield, consulted by Pope, 172; Mr. Potter on his strategy, 256. Scott, Col. J. S., routs Union cavalry, 213. Secessionville, S. C., Gen. Wright repulsed in an attack on, 461. Sedgwick, Gen. John, at Malvern Hill, 165; at Antietam, 207; thrice badly wounded, 307; carries Marye's Heigder in relation to colored contrabands, 240. Worden, Lt. John L., fights the Merrimac, in the Monitor, and is wounded, 118. Wright, Gen. H. G., assaults Secessionville, 461; at the Wilderness, 568-71; at Cold Harbor, 580-2; at Petersburg, 734. Wright, Gen. (Rebel), at Malvern Hill, 165; wounded at Antietam, 210. Wyman,