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they were mounted and moved into Chambersburgh. About seven o'clock I went into town, and found that the First brigade, under General Hampton, had gone toward Gettysburgh. Gen. Stuart sat on his horse in the centre of the town, surrounded by his staff, and his command was coming in from the country in large squads, leading theirysburgh pike, but where they will go from there is hard to conjecture. They are evidently aiming to recross the Potomac at or near Edwards's Ferry; and, if so, Gettysburgh may escape, as they may go by Millerstown to Emmettsburgh. If they should recross below Harper's Ferry, they will owe their escape to the stupidity or want of bles in the immediate neighborhood of the depot and warehouses. After these buildings were enveloped in flames, our rebel visitors departed in the direction of Gettysburgh. There was not a farmer within miles of their course that they did not visit, robbing every farmer of all his horses. The horses they took from our county, th
n of Cumberland, full of mountain gorges, particularly hazardous. The route selected was through an open country. Of course I left nothing undone to prevent the inhabitants from detecting my real route and object. I started directly towards Gettysburgh, but having passed the Blue Ridge, turned back towards Hagerstown for six or eight miles, and then crossed to Maryland by Emmettsburgh, when, as we passed, we were hailed by the inhabitants with the most enthusiastic demonstrations of joy. A scouting-party of one hundred and fifty lancers had just passed toward Gettysburgh, and I regret exceedingly that my march did not admit of the delay necessary to catch them. Taking the road toward Frederick, we intercepted despatches from Col. Rush (Lancers) to the commander of the scout, which satisfied me that our whereabouts was still a problem to the enemy. Before reaching Frederick I crossed the Monocacy, continued the march through the night, via Liberty, New-Market, Monrovia, on the
solute necessity of refitting and giving some little rest to troops worn down by previous long-continued marching and severe fighting, together with the uncertainty as to the actual position, strength and intentions of the enemy, rendered it incumbent upon me to move slowly and cautiously until the headquarters reached Urbana, where I first obtained reliable information that the enemy's object was to move upon Harper's Ferry and the Cumberland Valley, and not upon Baltimore, Washington or Gettysburgh. In the absence of the full reports of corps commanders, a simple outline of the brilliant operations, which resulted in the carrying of the two passes through the South-Mountains, is all that can, at this time, with justice to the troops and commanders engaged, be furnished. The South-Mountain range, near Turner's Pass, averages perhaps a thousand feet in height, and forms a strong natural military barrier. The practicable passes are not numerous, and are readily defensible, the gap
tart with his command, and was soon en route for Hagerstown, arriving there about eleven o'clock. There he was informed that the rebels were moving in the direction of Mercersburgh. He started toward Clear Spring, on the Hancock road, to intercept them. He had proceeded four miles, when he was ordered to halt, by a despatch from headquarters. At half-past 1 o'clock P. M., he was ordered to move to Mechanicstown via Cavertown and Harrison's Gap, and sent patrols to Emmettsburgh and Gettysburgh to obtain information of the enemy. He arrived at Mechanicstown at half-past 8 o'clock P. M. At half-past 12 o'clock A. M. he sent scouts in the direction of Middleburgh, who reported that the rebel cavalry, under Stuart, had passed through Middletown, five miles to the east of Mechanicstown, one hour before that time, taking a private road to Woodsborough, and thence to Liberty, on the route to the mouth of the Monocacy. General Pleasanton started for this point via Frederick City,
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore), Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives: (search)
wer of observation; nor the gratitude I owe for their indulgent consideration. But the heart swells with unwonted emotion when we remember our sons and brothers, whose constant valor has sustained on the field, during nearly three years of war, the cause of our country, of civilization, and liberty. Our volunteers have represented Massachusetts, during the year just ended, on almost every field and in every department of the army where our flag has been unfurled. At Chancellorsville, Gettysburgh, Vicksburgh, Port Hudson, and Fort Wagner; at Chickamauga, Knoxville, and Chattanooga; under Hooker, and Meade, and Banks, and Gillmore, and Rosecrans, Burnside, and Grant; in every scene of danger and of duty; along the Atlantic, and the Gulf, on the Tennessee, the Cumberland, the Mississippi, and the Rio Grande, under Du Pont, and Dahlgren, and Foote, and Farragut, and Porter, the sons of Massachusetts have borne their part, and paid the debt of patriotism and valor. Ubiquitous as the
tated blow of the advancing and powerful army of rebels led by General Robert E. Lee; and to Major-General George G. Meade, and Major-General Oliver O. Howard, and the officers and soldiers of that army, for the skill and heroic valor which at Gettysburgh repulsed, defeated, and drove back, broken and dispirited, beyond the Rappahannock, the veteran army of the rebellion. Mr. Grimes said: As I have read the history of that campaign, the man who selected the position where the battle of Gettysbs and changes of detail as may be necessary, from time to time, in their several armies. It extends to all our armies the system adopted eighteen months ago in the army of the Potomac, and which at Fredericksburgh, at Chancellorsville, and at Gettysburgh, according to the testimony of our officers, worked most admirably. It has been improving every day, and no doubt will continue to improve so long as the war lasts; for, in this department, as in every other, they are every day learning somet
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 19. the siege of Suffolk, Virginia. (search)
c, February 15, 1865. Major-General J. J. Peck: Dear General: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the eighth instant, with the documents enclosed, relating to the defence of Suffolk, in 1863. The testimony and evidence which you have accumulated, prove most conclusively the importance and value of the services rendered on that occasion by yourself and the gallant army under your command, for which I doubt not full credit will hereafter be awarded you. Lee's army at Gettysburgh was from forty to fifty thousand stronger than at Chancellorsville, and it is only reasonable to infer that this difference was in front of you at Suffolk. That with the limited force under your command you should have held in check and defeated the designs of such superior numbers, is a fact of which you may well be proud, and is the most practical proof of your own skill and the gallantry of your troops. Very respectfully yours, (Signed) George G. Meade, Major-General. Army o