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rtly before had astonished the ears of groundlings with spasmodic bursts of patriotic eloquence, now meekly came forth to meet Stuart's troopers, with ludicrous gait and manner. It was certain, however, that McClellan and his whole army were on the alert; and as the telegraph had informed him of our route and strength, none doubted that the enemy would make strenuous exertions to watch the roads and guard every ford between Washington and Shepherdstown. When Stuart had proceeded as far Gettysburgh, some imagined he would return; but crossing the Monocacy, he rapidly pushed down its east bank, and, during night, successfully passed large detachments of troops on McClellan's left wing. Every highway and by-path in this part of Maryland was minutely known to Stuart, who now stole through the country around Poolesville, and directed his course towards Edwards's Ferry, a few miles from Leesburgh. To screen the true number of his force, and distract the enemy's attention, his comman
ite teeth of contrabands, large and small, of both sexes. For several hours this wagon-train completely filled Market street, giving the spectators a far better idea of the dust, turmoil, and fatigue of war than they could get in any other way. Jefferson Davis, at Richmond, Va., called upon the States of the Confederacy to furnish troops for home defence, in order to replace those, who were then, under the command of General Lee, invading the North.--Littlestown, eleven miles from Gettysburgh, Pa., was occupied by rebel cavalry.--rebel salt-works, in Princess Ann County, Va., were destroyed by Major Murray, having under his command one hundred men, belonging to the One Hundred and Forty-eighth regiment of New York volunteers.--(Doc. 72.) Governor A. W. Bradford, of Maryland, issued a proclamation calling upon the citizens of Baltimore and people of Maryland to rally to defend their soil from invasion. As there was no organized militia force in the State, he announced that
and there encountered a superior force, that checked him with the fire of carbines. The fight, from the beginning to the end, was fierce. Major Remington, after having had his horse shot twice, cut his way out and made his escape with eighteen men. Eighty were reported missing. Among them were Captain Dagwell, Captain Campbell, and Lieutenant Hazleton. The companies were B and C. Carlisle, Pa., was abandoned by the Union forces, and soon after occupied by the rebels advancing on Gettysburgh.--A large number of rebel cavalry under command of Fitz-Hugh Lee, made a dash into Annandale, Va., capturing several sutlers who were in the vicinity, and burning a number of hospital stores and sutlers' wagons. The Maryland Club-house at Baltimore, having degenerated into a resort for those who are disaffected toward the Government, and hostile to its legally constituted authorities, was closed by order of Major-General Schenck.--Manchester, Tenn., was entered and occupied by the Un
June 29. At Philadelphia, Pa., there was much excitement on account of the approach of the rebels toward Gettysburgh. Business was suspended, and the people prepared themselves for defence.--(Doc. 85.) At Sykesville, Marriottsville, and other points in Maryland, the rebels appeared and committed depredations on public and private property.--Columbia, Pa., was placed under martial law, and Captain Samuel J. Randall, of the Philadelphia City Troop, was appointed Provost-Marshal; the citizens of the town were seized and sent to work on the intrenchments.--Wrightsville, Pa., was evacuated by the rebels.--the Forty-fifth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, returned to Boston from Newbern, N. C.--National troops enforced the enrolment, and arrested deserters, in Sullivan and Green counties, Ind.--Captain Jones, with a detachment of the First New York cavalry, had a sharp engagement with a party of rebel horsemen belonging to the command of General Imboden, at McConnellsburgh,
o strike the railroad at Tantalon, while Wilder went to strike it at Anderson. There he found Buckner's whole division and a train of cars going up from Knoxville to Tullahoma, and fell back, in the mean while tearing up the railroad from Cowan to Jersey City. The rebels, meanwhile, having sent a powerful force to intercept him, he struck through the mountain and returned to Manchester, which he reached to-day. He took and paroled a number of prisoners and captured a lot of mules. The damage done to the railroad is very serious, but would have been more so if the rivers had not been so high. The expedition made one hundred and twenty-six miles in two days and a half.--(Doc. 37.) In the British House of Commons an animated debate was held on the subject of the recognition of the rebel government.--Hanover and York, Pa., were occupied by the National troops, the rebels concentrating near Gettysburgh.--Baltimore, Md., was placed under martial law by General Schenck.--(Doc. 86.)
my, muster and pay-rolls, and other military matter.--the Missouri ordinance of freedom passed the State Convention, in session at Jefferson City, by a vote of eighty yeas against thirty noes.--(Doc. 90.) A train of cars on the road between Louisville and Frankfort, Ky., was thrown off the track, the rails having been removed by the rebel guerrillas.--General John F. Reynolds, with the First and Second corps of the army of the Potomac, checked the advance of Longstreet and Hill, near Gettysburgh, after a desperate and bloody engagement, in which General Reynolds was killed.--(Docs. 20 and 118.) Tullahoma, Tennessee, was occupied by the advance of General Rosecrans's army, the rebels having fled, taking the road toward Winchester. Strong fortifications, a quantity of stores, and three siege-guns were captured by the Nationals.--(Doc. 115.) The new rebel gunboat Virginia was launched from Rocket's ship-yard at Richmond, Va.--the question of rank between the major-genera
command of General Heckman.--the case of the British prize ship Peterhoff, was opened before Judge Betts, sitting in prize court at New York.--the cavalry battles of Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., were fought this day.--(Doc. 32.) Knights of the Golden Circle entered the depot at Huntington Indiana, at an early hour this morning, and seized and distributed among themselves a quantity of guns and ammunition.--A large amount of money and other necessaries, in aid of the wounded at Gettysburgh, was raised throughout the loyal States.--at New York City a conspiracy to resist the draft was discovered, and precautionary measures were taken to thwart it. --So much of the order, issued by Brigadier-General Emory, at New Orleans, on the third instant, as prohibited peaceable citizens from being out after nine o'clock P. M., provided that they are not in parties of more than three, was rescinded.--General Lee's army was in full retreat, the Nationals following rapidly. Hopes were
f war.--the steamers Alice Dean, and J. S. McCombs, were captured by a party of rebels, at Brandenburgh, Kentucky.--Colonel William Birney opened an office in Baltimore, Md., for the recruiting of negro troops.--at Washington, the victories at Gettysburgh and Vicksburgh were celebrated with great enthusiasm. Speeches were made by President Lincoln, Secretaries Stanton and Seward, General Halleck, Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, and Representatives E. B. Washburne and Arnold, of Illinois. pon the Indians, who fled to the mountains, and gave up the contest. The Nationals lost one killed and several wounded, while the Indians' loss was twenty-one killed, and thirty-nine wounded.--salutes were fired, and celebrations were held throughout the loyal States, in honor of the victories at Vicksburgh and Gettysburgh.--the rebel army of the Tennessee, under the command of General Bragg, on its retreat before the army of General Rosecrans, reached Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, Tenn.
l forces under General John Morgan.--(Doc. 47.) A short engagement took place at Aransas Pass, Texas, between the gunboat Scioto and the rebel batteries at that place, without important results or loss of life.--General Abner Doubleday published an order, returning his thanks to the Vermont brigade, the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania volunteers, and the Twentieth New York State militia, for their gallant conduct in resisting in the front line the main attack of the enemy at Gettysburgh, after sustaining a terrific fire from seventy-five to one hundred pieces of artillery.--Mr. Wolff, a candidate for Congress in Kentucky, was arrested in Owen County, and sent to General Burnside, at Cincinnati, in consequence of the following words, used in a speech to the people of Owen: This is a John Brown raid — a war against slavery, and he hoped every true Kentuckian would rise in arms in opposition to it. He was for secession, separation, or any thing against it. --the National tr
tant effect. I can assure the House, whereas now it is plainly acknowledged by every body, that the wishes of the Emperor of the French to find a fitting opportunity for advising the reestablishment of peace in America are not changed, that, on the other hand, her Majesty's Government do not see that that opportunity has arisen. The expedition under General J. G. Blunt reached Cabin Creek, fifty-five miles from Fort Gibson.--Thirty-one battle-flags captured by the National forces at Gettysburgh, were sent to the War Department by Major-General Meade.--(Doc. 92.) The siege of Jackson, Miss., was commenced this day by the Union forces under General Grant. It began by skirmishing on the Clinton road with musketry and. artillery; shells were thrown into the city, and several persons were killed and wounded.--Mobile Advertiser, July 18. An artillery and cavalry battle took place at a point on the road from Boonsboro to Hagerstown, Md., between the Union forces under Genera