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, who had a seat in the cabinet as its protector. But younger men also came into power, giving hope for the future. In place of Grenville, the able debater, the learned jurist, the post of head of the treasury was assigned to the marquis of Rockingham. He was an inexperienced man of five and thirty, possessing no great natural abilities, of a feeble constitution, and a nervous timidity which made him almost incapable of speaking in public; acquainted with race-courses, and the pedigree of hbusiness, distinguished only for his piety; The one who wears a coronet and prays. A peerage was conferred on Pratt, who took the chap. XV.} 1765. July. name of Camden; though Rockingham was averse to his advancement. But it was through Rockingham himself, that Lord George Sackville, who had been degraded while Pitt was minister, was restored to a seat at the Council Board, and raised to one of the lucrative vicetreasurerships of Ireland. Thus was an administration, whose policy had b
Chapter 20: Parliament Learns that America has resisted– Rockingham's administration continued. December, 1765—January, 166. the Stamp Act, said George Grenville, when, ema- chap XX.} 1765. Dec. ciated, exhausted, and borne down by disappointment, he spoke in the House of Commons for the last time before sinking into the grave—the Stamp Act was not found impracticable. Had I continued in office, I would have forfeited a thousand lives, if the Act had been found impracticable. Cthat should occur. Geo. III. to Conway, 7 Dec. The Earl of Hardwicke, Hugh Hammersley to Lieut. Gov. Sharpe, Dec. 1765, gives a very good report of the debate. Compare Philimore's Lyttelton, II. 687. himself opposed to the lenity of Rockingham, Albemarle, i. 284. moved the address in the House of Lords, pledging the House to bring to the consideration of the state of affairs in America, a resolution to do every thing which the exigency of the case might require. The Earl of Suffo<
Chapter 21: Has parliament the right to tax America—Rocking-Ham's administration continued. January, 1766. during the recess of parliament, Egmont, Conway, chap. XXI.} 1766. Jan. Dowdeswell, Dartmouth, and Charles Yorke, met at the house of the Marquis of Rockingham. To modify, but not to repeal the American tax, and to enact the penalty of high treason against any one who, by speaking or writing, should impeach the legislative authority of parliament, were measures proposed in this assembly; but they did not prevail. The ministry could form no plan of mutual support; and decided nothing but the words of the speech. The world looked from them to an individual in private life, unconnected and poor, vainly seeking at Bath relief from infirmities that would have crushed a less hopeful mind; and Pitt never appeared so great as now, when at a crisis in the history of liberty, the people of England bent towards him alone as the man in whose decision their safety and their gl
Chapter 24: The House of Lords give way with protests.— Rockingham's administration continued. February—May, 1766. The heat of the battle was over. The Stamp Act chap. XXIV.} 1766. Feb. was sure to be repealed; and every one felt that Pitt, would soon be at the head of affairs. Rockingham still aspired to intercept his promotion, and engage his services. In its last struggle to hold place by the tenure which the king disliked, the old whig party desired to make of the rising power of the people its handmaid, rather than its oracle. But Pitt spurned to capitulate with the aristocracy. Rockingham's tone, said he, is that of a minister, master of the court and the public, making openings to men who are seekers of office and candidates for ministry. I will not owe my coming into the closet to any court cabal or ministerial connection. On Monday, the twenty-fourth of February, the committee made its report to the house. Both England and America are now governed by th