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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
the battle of Memphis, Davis, having assembled all the vessels he had left in the upper part of the river, despatched four steamers, the Mound City, the St. Louis, the Lexington and the Conestoga, with several transports, to reconnoitre the waters of the Arkansas and White River. The Federal fleet ascended the latter river for a distance of one hundred and thirty kilometres from its mouth, and on the 16th of June it made an attack upon two Confederate batteries erected on a spot called St. Charles. This engagement, which took place at a distance of six hundred metres, was most vigorous; at last the weak armor of the Mound City was pierced by a cannon-ball, which burst her boiler, causing a frightful havoc on board that vessel. In an instant the water and scalding steam spread in every direction, burning and suffocating all who were betweendecks; a large portion of the terrified crew jumped into the river only to meet with another kind of death, for those who could swim were nearl
The Daily Dispatch: July 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Yankee Editor Condemns the Outrages committed by Lincoln troops. (search)
ralists, with an unknown number of Missourians, have been fighting about thirty miles above St Charles. The Federal loss, so far, is three killed and seven wounded. The fight was still progressing at the last accounts heard from that point. One Missourian, who was caught with a gun in his hand, was hung, and another, who was attempting to escape, was riddled with balls. [Second Dispatch] St. Louis, July 17. --A military train was fired into yesterday, twelve miles above St. Charles, severely wounding two Federalists. The mail carrier reports that Major Harris, with 3,000 Missourians, is twelve miles beyond Fulton, and the Federal forces, under Colonel McKneil, was expected to reach Fulton that night. All the house along the road have been deserted. J. S. Tucker is making speeches. Colonel Stufel is at Lexington, and reports having discovered 200 kegs of powder, and machinery for making cannon. Steamers are now prohibited from passing Jefferson C
onel Siegel will be promoted to be a Brigadier General. The train on the North Missouri Railroad, conveying a detachment of Colonel Smith's Regiment of Zouaves, were fired into yesterday from the woods skirting the road twenty miles above St. Charles, and two troops severely wounded. The report that Senator Green had violated his parole is untrue. J. W. Tucker, the late editor of the State Journal, is making violent Secession speeches in the country. Colonel Steifit, of the 5th Regi Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, just from Hannibal, received the following dispatch previous to leaving that place: Hudson, Mo., July 16. --800 Federal troops came up ahead of the passenger train as far as Melville, thirty miles above St. Charles, on the North Missouri Railroad, where the track was torn up and the troops fired into. An engagement ensued, resulting in the loss of seven rebels killed and several prisoners. One man caught with a gun in his hands was immediately hung.
The Daily Dispatch: November 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], A frightful stampede of cavalry horses. (search)
A frightful stampede of cavalry horses. --A frightful stampede of cavalry horses took place recently at St. Charles, Mo. A St. Louis paper thus describes it: Colonel Merrill's First Missouri Regiment of horse was on its way to reinforce General Fremont, and quartered for the night at St. Charles. About ten o'clock the horses of Captain Charles Hunt's company became frightened and broke loose. The panic was shared by the others, and soon fourteen hundred horses, maddened with fear,St. Charles. About ten o'clock the horses of Captain Charles Hunt's company became frightened and broke loose. The panic was shared by the others, and soon fourteen hundred horses, maddened with fear, went rushing over the encampment, treading tents and men into the earth, and creating a scene of unparalleled excitement. Twelve men are known to have been frightfully mangled, and probably fatally; but the only member of the companies composing the regiment, which was organized in Ohio, at all injured, was Captain Henry Wilson, brother of Capt. Lewis Wilson, United States Army. His skull was fractured and an arm and leg broken. Little hope of his recovery is entertained.
py of the Jackson Mississippian of the battle of Elk river and the evacuation of Norfolk. We clip the following local items: Carnal Hot.--This forenoon the Thirteenth Connecticut regiment was marched from the levee out Podagras street to St. Charles, down St. Charles to Canal and thence to the Custom House. As they marched along under their heavy knapsacks, sweltering in their heavy woollen clothing, the very looks of the men said as plain as language could have done, "It's 'carnal hot."St. Charles to Canal and thence to the Custom House. As they marched along under their heavy knapsacks, sweltering in their heavy woollen clothing, the very looks of the men said as plain as language could have done, "It's 'carnal hot." The sun did come down pretty warm, but it was nothing to what it will be in the course of a month or two. Precisions.--Two steamboats came into port yesterday, with provisions from Red river, and others are expected soon to follow.--These arrivals, with the beeves which are arriving from Texas, must bring a speedy change in the condition of our domestic market places.
el. Robertson's Hospital, corner of Main and 3d streets. St. Frances D'Sale, Brook Avenue, near Beacon Quarter Branch. Hospitals Generally opened Ligson and Howard's (factory) Hospitals, Main street, between 25th and street. Ross's (factory) Hospital the above--North side of Main. Crow's (factory) Hospital corner of Cary and 21st streets. Seabrook's Warehouse, corner of Grace and 18th streets. Kent. Paine & Code Hospital, Main, between 11th and 14th street. Keen, Baldwin & Co's Hospital, Main, below Governor street. St. Charles of Main and Wall street, Richard Main street, below 14th Maschic Hell, 25th street, Church Hill. Breeden Street, street, Shockoe Hill. Spotswood Hospital, under Spotswood Hotel. Mayo's and Dibre Warehouses, and the Danville workshops in Manchester, will be used us hospital as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. Hospital tents are being erected at Howard's Grove.
ng General Butler's troops is very bad. The flue, typhoid fever, and small-pox, is doing good work among them. Nineteen of his men deserted within the last two weeks, and as desertion has commenced, we expect to hear of more. It is impossible for them to stand the heat; a United States surgeon reports that from six to ten die daily from sunstroke. The firms of Henderson & Gaines, D. McCaun, (foundry,) Leeds & Co., (foundry,) and several others I could not name, were each fined one hundred dollars for not reporting to Butler their business, &c. Messrs. Leeds & Co. were imprisoned on the fleet for not repairing the machinery of the war steamers, which was badly treated in the late fight. The Mint, Custom-House, St. Charles, Medical College, School of Medicine, and Orphan House, are all used as places of rendezvous for his army and navy. English and French flag are still flying over residences, and a few of other nations are seen. The Mississippi river is now falling rapidly.
The War in Arltansas. Grenada, Miss., June 22. --Arrivals from Memphis report that the defeat of Curtis by Gen. Hindmen in Arkansas is generally credited. Col. Fitch, with two Indiana regiments, was sent up White river to reinforce Curtia. He attacked our battories at St. Charles, 70 miles above, with two gunboats and land forces. He succeeded in capturing them by an attack in the rear. The hot shot from our batteries fired the magazine of the Mound City; and blew her into stoms, killing all but 12 out of 175 men aboard. Cotton is being burned throughout the upper country by the planters.
Guerrillas hung --General Fitch, late Senator from Indians, now leading a brigade at St. Charles, in Arkansas, has just hung two guerrillas, in pursuance of pledges to do so in case of the murder of any of his men. The first engineer of the Lexington was shot while sitting at a port- hole--General Pitch immediately took two of the citizens of St. Charles and hung them in a public place in the town.
The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], One of the enemy's "Rams" destroyed by torpedoes on the Yazoo river. (search)
s" destroyed by torpedoes on the Yazoo river. --On Friday last, the 12th inst, three gunboats and two "rams" ascended the Yazoo river as far as the "town of St. Charles, or Blake's lower negro quarter. Only of the vessels, however returned--one of the rams having been destroyed by the explosion of pedo. Evidences of the wreckn by the large sponge staffs which were found. Among the other relics of the wreck is the following epistle indicates the designs of the fleet on the "town of St. Charles:" December 10, 1862. Dear Wife. I write these few lines to you hoping they will find you both in good health as this leaves me at present. Thank God red to you. We have been up the Yazoo. We were to-day within four miles of Vicksburg. We do not see any gunboats of any kind; but when we got to a town called St. Charles, (Blake's lower negro quarter,) we got within a quarter of a mile of it, we came to two torpedoes in the river, which exploded, but did us no harm. We then cam