Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Neosho, Mo. (Missouri, United States) or search for Neosho, Mo. (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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Doc. 213.-battle of Newtonia, Mo. General Salomon's report. headquarters First brigade, army of Kansas, Sarcoxie, Mo., October 1, 1862. Brigadier-General Schofield, Commanding: General: I have the honor to report the following: On the twentieth ultimo I sent scouting-parties to Newtonia, Granby, and Neosho. The latter, as per report of Col. Weer, killed two of the enemy's pickets, wounded several, and made one prisoner. Those at Granby reported no enemy there. The scouting-party to Newtonia was commanded by Col. Lynde, and consisted of the Ninth Kansas volunteers, cavalry, about one hundred and fifty men, and two mountain howitzers. In the afternoon I heard cannon firing in the direction of Newtonia. I ordered Lieut.-Col. Jacobi, Ninth regiment Wisconsin volunteers, with three cannon of Stockton's battery and two companies of the Ninth regiment Wisconsin volunteers, infantry, to his assistance. Toward evening Col. Lynde returned to camp, reporting that Lieut.-Col