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s and it was forwarded to General Grant, thereby saving, probably, a most valuable train from the hands of the enemy. Major Kiernan has been warmly recommended by high officials of the army of the Tennessee and department of the Missouri to the President for promotion. Governor Gamble, Generals Grant, Blair, Schofield, Hurlbut, Sullivan, and half a dozen others of rank, bear testimony to the gallantry of his services, and unite in asking the Government to recognize them by his advancement. Rev. Mr. Breckinridge, when taken to General Grant's headquarters, had an interview with that officer, which resulted in the unconditional release of himself and sons. Permission was also given him to return to Oakland, take the female members of his family and remove them to Kentucky, or to any place in the North he pleased. Mr. Breckinridge has never been a supporter of the rebellion, and he has remained South during the war wholly on account of his inability to get away with his family.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 21: slavery and Emancipation.--affairs in the Southwest. (search)
elena, landed at Delta, and moved in the direction of Grant's Army. Their cavalry was distributed. That of Washburne pushed rapidly eastward to the Cold water River, where they captured a Confederate camp. Moving swiftly down that stream and the Tallahatchee, they made a sweep by way of Preston, and struck the railway at Garner's. Station, just north of Grenada, where the railways from Memphis and Grand Junction meet, and destroyed the road and bridges there. They then went northward to Oakland and Panola, on the Memphis road, and then struck across the country southeast to Coffeeville, on the Grand Junction road. having accomplished the object of their expedition, Hovey and Washburne returned to the Mississippi. this raid, in which the railways on which the Confederates depended were severely damaged, and the rolling stock destroyed, while Grant was pressing in front, disconcerted Pemberton, and he fell back to Grenada, and by the 1st of December Grant held a strong position
heard of there, and from there fall back via Oakland, on the Mississippi and Tennessee Road. Cofforce of five thousand rebel cavalry came into Oakland in pursuit of me, with two field-pieces. Aft took up my line of march for Coffeeville via Oakland. I ordered Col. Spicely, who was in command ce, to throw forward for my support as far as Oakland six hundred infantry, and two field-pieces, w and the march was tedious. As we approached Oakland, information was, that there was no enemy therce was the large cavalry force that occupied Oakland on Sunday night, I felt impelled to move withthroughout was worthy of all praise. When at Oakland I was fifteen miles from Coffeeville. From pat the cavalry force, which we encountered at Oakland, were Texas troops, about one thousand five h Helena. I allowed my men to rest quietly at Oakland until morning, when I quietly and deliberatelreluctantly, retired. The day I retired from Oakland it rained hard all day, and with the previous[3 more...]
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Mississippi, 1862 (search)
. Dec. 1: Action, OxfordMICHIGAN--3d Cavalry. Dec. 1: Skirmish on Yocknapatalfa near Mitchell's Cross RoadsILLINOIS--9th Cavalry. INDIANA--1st Cavalry; 11th and 24th Infantry. IOWA--1st Battery Light Arty.; 28th and 30th Infantry. Dec. 1-3: Skirmishes about OxfordILLINOIS--4th, 6th and 7th Cavalry; Battery "G" 2d Light Arty. IOWA--2d Cavalry. KANSAS--7th Cavalry. MICHIGAN--3d Cavalry. OHIO--5th Cavalry. Dec. 2: Skirmish, OxfordILLINOIS--4th Cavalry. KANSAS--7th Cavalry. Dec. 3: Action, OaklandILLINOIS--3d, 5th, 9th and 10th Cavalry. INDIANA--1st Cavalry. IOWA--3d and 4th Cavalry. KANSAS--5th Cavalry. MISSOURI--6th Cavalry. Union loss, 10 wounded. Dec. 3: Skirmish, YocknapatalfaIOWA--2d Cavalry. Dec. 3: Skirmish, Prophet's BridgeILLINOIS--7th Cavalry. Dec. 3: Skirmish, Springdale BridgeILLINOIS--7th Cavalry. IOWA--2d Cavalry. Dec. 3: Skirmish, Free BridgeOHIO--5th Cavalry (Battalion). Dec. 3: Skirmish near OxfordILLINOIS--26th Infantry (Detachment). Dec. 4: Action, Water Val
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, California Volunteers. (search)
California Volunteers. 1st California Regiment Cavalry Organized as a Battalion of 5 Companies at Camp Merchant, near Oakland, Cali., and mustered in as follows: Co. A, August 16; Co. B, October 31; Co. C, October 31; Co. D, September 9, and Co. E, August 15, 1861. 7 new Companies organized and mustered in as follows: Co. F, December 15; Co. G, June 13; Co. H, December 31; Co. I, November 12; Co. K, May 16; Co. L, August 15, and Co. M, May 16, 1863. Service. Companies A, B, C, ter out. Mustered out July 12, 1866. 1st California Regiment Infantry. Organized at large August to October, 1861. Company K organized February 12, 1862. Attached to Depts. of the Pacific and New Mexico. Service. In camp at Oakland till October, 1861, and near Los Angeles, Cali., till December, 1861. Pursuit and capture of Showalter's party at Warner's Ranch, San Jose Valley, November 20-29, 1861 (Cos. F and G ). Moved to Fort Yuma December, 1861, and duty there til
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
. Expedition from Helena to Arkansas Post November 16-21. Expedition to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland December 3. Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 22, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28. Cm Helena to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Yocknapatalfa, near Mitchell's Cross Roads, Miss., December 1. Oakland December 3. Expedition to Duvall's Bluff January 9-16, 1863. Moved to Memphis, thence to Germantown, Tenn., April ober. Moved to Helena October 6. Expedition to mouth of White River November 16-20. Washburn's Expedition to Oakland, Miss., November 27-December 7. Oakland December 3. Arkansas Post, Ark., January 11, 1863. Yazoo Pass Expedition FeOakland December 3. Arkansas Post, Ark., January 11, 1863. Yazoo Pass Expedition February 24-April 8, 1863. Siege operations against Vicksburg, Miss., April to July. Near Richmond, La., June 6. Milliken's Bend and Young's Point, La., June 6-7. Expedition from Young's Point to Richmond June 14-16. Richmond June 16.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Indiana Volunteers. (search)
till July, 1863. Expedition from Helena to Clarendon August 4-17, 1862. Expedition from Clarendon to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13. Expedition from Helena to Moro November 5-8 (Detachment). Expedition from Helena to Arkansas Post November 16-21. Expedition from Helena to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Junction Coldwater and Tallahatchie Rivers November 29. Tallahatchie River November 30 (Detachment). Near Mitchell's Cross Roads December 1. Oakland December 3. Near Coldwater River February 19, 1863. Near Yazoo Pass February 19 (Detachment). Coldwater March 14. Languelle Creek May 11. Taylor's Creek and Crowley's Ridge May 11. Expedition from Helena to Napoleonville May 23-26 (Detachment). Near Island No.65, Mississippi River, May 25 (Detachment). Repulse of Holmes' Attack on Helena July 4. Steele's Expedition to Little Rock August 1-September 14. Action at Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock Septembe
n from Clarendon to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13, 1862. LaGrange September 11. Marianna and LaGrange November 8. Expedition to Arkansas Post November 16-21. Expedition to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland, Miss., December 3. Expedition up St. Francis and Little Rivers March 5-12, 1863 (Detachment). Expedition to Big and Little Creeks and skirmishes March 6-10. Madison, Ark., March 9 (Detachment). Madison, Ark., April 14 (Detachment). Lge September 26 (2 Cos.). Jones' Lane or Lick Creek October 11 (Detachment Cos. A, G and H ). Marianna and LaGrange November 8. Expedition from Helena to Arkansas Post November 16-21, and to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland, Miss., December 3. Expedition to Big and Little Creeks March 6-12, 1863. Big Creek March 8. St. Charles and St. Francis Counties April 8. Moved to Milliken's Bend, La., April 28-30. Reconnoissance to Bayou Macon May 1-4. March to
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kansas Volunteers. (search)
1862 (Detachment). Washburne's Expedition from Helena against Mobile & Ohio Railroad July 24-26, 1862 (Co. C ). Expedition to Oldtown and Trenton July 28-31 (Co. C ). Clayton's Expedition toward Clarendon August 4-17. Expedition to Johnsonville and Marianna September 26 (Detachment). Action at Trenton October 14. Expedition to Moro November 5-8 (Detachment). Expedition against Arkansas Post November 16-26. Expedition to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland, Miss., December 3. Expedition to Big and Little Creeks and skirmishes March 6-10, 1863 (Detachment). Little Rock Road April 2 (Co. G ). Mount Vernon May 11. Polk's Plantation, neat Helena, May 25. Repulse of Holmes' attack on Helena July 4. Steele's Expedition to Little Rock August 1-September 10. Bayou Metoe August 27. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Near Brownsville September 12. Moved to Pine Bluff September 14 and duty there till March
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
, Miss., July 22-25 (Battalion). White Oak Bayou, Miss., July 29 (Battalion). Chariton Bridge, Mo., August 3. Montevallo August 7. Between Stockton and Humansville August 12. Stockton August 12. Neosho August 21. Hickory Grove August 23 (Co. B ). Expedition from Clarendon, Ark., to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13. Occupation of Newtonia, Mo., October 4 (2nd Battalion). Expedition from Helena, Ark., to Grenada, Miss., November 27-December 5. Oakland, Miss., December 3. Cane Hill, Boston Mountains, Ark. (2nd Battalion). Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7 (2nd Battalion). Near Helena, Ark., December 14 (Co. E ). Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862-January 3, 1863. Expedition from Milliken's Bend to Dallas Station and Delhi December 25-26, 1862. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren, Ark., December 27-29 (2nd Battalion). Reconnoissance toward White River and St. Charles January 13, 1863 (Squadron)