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ed here. Edward Winship. Remained here. William Witherell. Afterwards settled in the ministry at Scituate. 1836. William Adams. Removed to Ipswich. Edmund Angier. Remained here. James Bennett. Removed to Concord. Thomas Besbeech. Removed to Scituate or Duxbury; afterwards to Sudbury. Richard Betts. Removed to Ipswich. Peter Bulkeley. Removed to Concord. Benjamin Burr. Removed to Hartford. John Champney. Remained here. Richard Champney. Remained here. Josiah Cobbett. Removed to Hingham. Edward Collins. Remained here. John Cooper. Remained here. Gilbert Crawne, Concord, and Deddam, to be another regiment, whereof John Haynes, Esqr. shall be colonel, and Roger Herlakenden Esqr. lieftenant colonel: Saugust, Salem, Ipswich, and Neweberry, to be another regiment, whereof John Endecot Esqr. shall be colonel, and John Winthrope, junior, leiftenant colonel: And the Governor for the t
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
Mr. Hill for Goodman Stanley 30s.1.10.0 Item alsoe pd to Mr. Cullott in full of his det 17l. I say per me John Cullock.17.00.0 Item alsoe pd Mr. Robert Payne of Ipswich for Goodman [ ]3.10.0 Item more a month's diet of the 4 children is owing me for On a fly-leaf of the same volume, we find the disposition of a benefaction:— 1717. Dr. Increase Mather preached and gave the charge; Dr. Cotton Mather gave the right hand of Fellowship; and they, together with Rev. Messrs. John Rogers, of Ipswich, and Samuel Angier, of Watertown, imposed hands. Ministers and delegates of eleven churches in Boston, Charlestown, Watertown, Ipswich, Newton, Lexington, and MeIpswich, Newton, Lexington, and Medford, were invited, says President Leverett, and were all present except Mr. Gibbs, who could not attend by reason of indisposition. The solemnity was carried on with as great decency and good order throughout as has been ever remembered at any time in any place. Laus Deo. The town, having concurred with the church in the inv
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 17: heresy and witchcraft. (search)
and Famalistical opinions then raised. Mather's Magnalia, Book III., ch. v., § 12. So violent became the controversy, and so great was the apparent danger of civil strife, that many of the heretical party, in Boston, Salem, Newbury, Roxbury, Ipswich, and Charlestown, were disarmed. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 211, 212. The Cambridge church, however, seems to have escaped infection; and none of its members were included among the disaffected and supposed dangerous class. The vigilancy of Mr. Shwbury, as a sign to them she went in (though it was exceeding hard to her modest and shamefaced disposition) naked amongst them, which put them into such a rage, instead of consideration, that they soon laid hands on her and to the next court at Ipswich had her etc. New England judged, etc., p. 376. For this offence she received twenty or thirty cruel stripes, being tyed to the fence post. Ibid., p. 377. Amongst the rest, one Deborah Wilson, who, bearing a great burthen for your hardhear
ance of the same persons. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 75, 77.s These were the commanders of the incipient militia. Of Daniel Patrick, Winthrop says, This Captain was entertained by us out of Holland (where he was a common soldier of the Prince's guard) to exercise our men. We made him a captain, and maintained him. Savage's Winthrop, II. 151. He resided a short time in Watertown, but came to Cambridge before May 1, 1632, Ibid., i. 74. and remained here until Nov. 1637, when he removed to Ipswich, and subsequently to Stamford, Connecticut, where he was killed by a Dutchman in 1643. During his residence here, the tract of upland surrounded by marsh, on which the Powder Magazine stands at the foot of Magazine Street, was granted by the town to him; and since that time it has been known as Captain's Island. Thus, for five years, from 1632 to 1637, Cambridge was the Headquarters of one of the two principal military commanders. And when a more perfect organization of the militia was m
am the f. was a husbandman, and was living in Ipswich 25 Mar. 1695, when he and his w. Hannah conve, leaving one son and one daughter. See Felt Ipswich. (2)Elizabeth., m. John Rogers, President of ert Fitts, who was at Salisbury 1640; rem. to Ipswich, and d. about 1665, leaving a wife Grace, and and perhaps others. Hovey, Daniel, was in Ipswich 1637, and had Daniel, b. 1642; John; Thomas, 677; Ebenezer, b. 1680, m. Elizabeth Denny at Ipswich, and had five sons and three daughters; Hannawich 9 Ap. 1719, and Rev. Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich 25 Dec. 1728; John, b. 26 Sept. 1703, d. 31 O. H. C. 1669, a candidate at Rowley 1675, at Ipswich 1678, at Lynn 1679, at which last place he wa Hannah, m. William Burges, and was living in Ipswich 1695. Andrew the f. d. between 3 May 1681, ald and Pine Swamp. Before 1642 he removed to Ipswich, and sold his house and lands to John Moore; 8, 1849, 1850. He m. Elizabeth Ann Andrews of Ipswich 28 Dec. 1815; she d. 17 Sept. 1817, and he m.[22 more...]
, 3 Dec. 1789; Lydia and Hannah, twins, bap. 27 Feb. 1774. William the f. was a Captain in two campaigns, 1758, 1760, in the French War. Towards the close of life he became poor, and d. in the almshouse, 11 Dec. 1796, a. 79. 6. Samuel, s. of Edmund (3), grad. H. C. 1748, taught school at Medford, and preached for several years, though he was probably never ordained. He d. 23 Aug. 1775, a. 53. Appleton, Nathaniel, s. of Hon. John Appleton, and grandson of President Rogers, was b. at Ipswich, 9 Dec. 1693, m. Margaret, dau. of Rev. Henry Gibbs of Wat. 1719-20, and had Margaret, b. 29 Nov. 1720, m. Rev. Joshua Prentice 9 Jan. 1755; Jose, b. 9 Mar. 1722-3, d. 6 June 1723; Nathaniel, b. 22 Feb. 1724-5, d. 1 Dec. 1726; Elizabeth, b. 16 Dec. 1726, m. Dr. Isaac Rand, 10 Jan. 1754; Mehitabel, b. 6 Dec. 1728, m. Rev. Samuel Haven, 11 Jan. 1753; John, b. 23 Mar. 1729-30, d. 22 May 1730; Nathaniel, b. 5 Oct. 1731, H. C. 1749, loan officer, d. 25 June 1798; Mercy, b. 18 Jan. 1732-3, d. 4 J
th, b. 3 Aug. 1738; Andrew, b. 10 Sept. 1740; Samuel the f. removed to Wrentham about 1743. Mary, dau. of Jeremiah of Ipswich, m. Joseph Russell, of Camb. 23 June 1662. Bemis, Joseph, perhaps s. of Joseph of Wat. (1640), was a husbandman, andirst board of Selectmen, or Townsmen, elected in Camb. About the time of Hooker's emigration to Hartford, he removed to Ipswich, and thence to Andover, about 1644; of which town he was a principal founder, and Selectman from its organization until 1654, had nine children, and d. 26 Feb. 1671-2; Hannah, m. Andrew Wiggin of Exeter, N. H.; Sarah, m. Richard Hubbard of Ipswich, who d. in 1681, and she m. Samuel Ward of Marblehead, a Major in the Canada Expedition of 1690, in which he lost his libeth, b. 1690, d. 13 Dec. 1713, a. 23, and was buried in Cambridge. William the f. was a husbandman, and was living in Ipswich 25 Mar. 1695, when he and his w. Hannah conveyed to Jonathan Nutting their share of her father's estate in Camb. Burr
, near Bow Street, between Arrow and Mount Auburn streets. He removed early to Ipswich, and became one of the most distinguished citizens of that town and of the Col John, who grad. H. C. 1684, m. Elizabeth Saltonstall, commenced preaching at Ipswich, but died 1689, leaving an only son, John, who grad. II. C. 1710, was Sheriff President Leverett, and d. 1724, leaving one son and one daughter. See Felt Ipswich. (2)Elizabeth., m. John Rogers, President of Harvard College, and d. 13 June 1homas Berry, and (2d) President Leverett; John, grad. H. C. 1684, minister at Ipswich, d. 28 Dec. 1745, a. 79; Daniel, grad. H. C. 1686, a physician and Justice of here in the spring of 161. He remained here only a few years; but removed to Ipswich about the time of Hooker's removal to Hartford, and thence to Roxbury before tv. John Winthrop, who d. 12 Ap. 1643. He resided for short periods at Boston, Ipswich, and Salisbury; was Representative 1641, 1644; and settled in the ministry at
an 1638, d. 1661 leaving son David and dau.——Fitch. 35 2. David, s. of David (1), was early in Camb. and m. Lydia, sister of Deac. John Cooper, and dau. of Deac. Gregory Stone's second wife; she d. 29 Nov. 1654, and he m. Seaborn Wilson of Ipswich 6 Sept. 1655. His children were Sarah, b.——, d. 8 May 1647; Lydia, b. 29 Ap. 1647, m. Nicholas Wyeth 6 Sept. 1681, and d. without issue 10 Mar. 1697-8; David, b. 1 Sept. 1648, d. 20 Sept. 1649;David, b. 15 Ap. 1650; Ephraim, b. 13 Aug. 1653, d.. 12 Sept. 1861, a. 77. Fitt, Robert, owned an estate, 1638, on the southerly side of Winthrop Street, nearly opposite the southwesterly corner of Winthrop Square. Perhaps he was identical with Robert Fitts, who was at Salisbury 1640; rem. to Ipswich, and d. about 1665, leaving a wife Grace, and son Abraham. Farmer. Foorth, Roger, (in the margin written Foord), d. 24 Ap. 1644. No further record of this family, whose name was prob. Ford. Foster, Thomas, styled a physician on the Co
the creditors, in proportion if it came short, and if an overplus be, that to remain in the hands of Mr. Benjamin. The land was accordingly sold to William Andrew, and the sale confirmed by the Court, 6 Mar. 1637-8. At the Quarterly Court, 4 June 1639. Mr. Benjamin gave in the account of Richard Gurling, whereby four shillings only appeareth remaining due to widow Gurling. It is not known whether any children survived. Mr. Girling was probably the same who was Master of the ship Hope of Ipswich, in 1634, in which Shepard embarked, with his friends, for New England, but was driven back, and narrowly escaped destruction. Shepard says, The master of it, a very able seaman, was Mr. Gurling, who professed much love to me, who had got this ship, of 400 tons, from the Danes, and, as some report, it was by some fraud. But he denied it; and being a man very loving and full of fair promises of going at the time appointed, and an able seaman, hence we resolved to adventure that time, thoug