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commission as captain in the army, and remained and did good service in the army as long as he lived. He was brevetted major for gallant conduct at the battle of Plattsburg, and afterwards received a commission as lieutenant-colonel. He once told me a little incident of his experience during the war. A company of sailors had been drafted for service in the fleet on the lakes, and were to march under his command from the North End of Boston to go into camp at Roxbury. They marched through Hanover and down Court streets, and on reaching Washington street he gave the order, Right wheel. Whether as sailors they did not understand the order, or the strong breeze coming up State street with its familiar smell of the sea attracted them, the order shouted out with all his strength was disregarded, and they continued to head straight for Long wharf. His old instincts as a sailor prompted him, and with a yell as from a speaking-trumpet came the order, Luff, d—n you, luff! This they unders
rew to Medford in the succeeding years many men and their families who located their homes along this road. These men came mainly from the Scituates, Marshfield, Hanover, and Pembroke, where for years ship-building had flourished, finding here better facilities for their chosen occupation; and so it came about that soon afterward shop located near the present railroad crossing. Mr. Samuel Clark, who has just built a house on the site of Jonathan Sampson's homestead, came to Medford from Hanover in 1834 and was apprenticed to Edward Eells, a former ship-builder in Hanover who came to Medford in 1822 and did the joiner-work for many of the vessels built heHanover who came to Medford in 1822 and did the joiner-work for many of the vessels built here. He died in 1838 and his son Robert L. succeeded him in business. Mr. Clark married the youngest daughter of Edward Eells in 1845 and lived many years in the old home. He is the only survivor of all the workers in the ship-yards living on this old street, and is in his eighty-fourth year. The long tenement house known as t
s passed. On April 19, 1838, the gift was accepted, the appropriation made, and normal schools began their course. The donor of the ten thousand dollars was Edmund Dwight, Memoir of Edmund Dwight, by Francis Bowen. Barnard's Journal of Education, Vol. IV, p. 14. a Boston merchant. In addition to his general lecturing, Brooks worked for a normal school in Plymouth County. In September, 1838, a convention of the Plymouth County Association for the improvement of schools was held at Hanover to urge the establishment of a normal school in Plymouth County. Mr. Brooks saw the importance of the meeting and of the thoughts brought out, for later he had an abstract of the speeches printed for circulation. To this meeting Barnard's Journal of Education. Vol. I, p. 587, has a full report of the meeting. Brooks succeeded in bringing as speakers, Horace Mann, Rev. Dr. George Putnam, Robert Rantoul, Jr., President John Quincy Adams and Daniel Webster. Mr. Adams had previously decli
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Union Congregational Church. (search)
d to which, as to all his duties, he gave his best energies. After his resignation he removed to Wellesley Hills where he now resides. He left the church much stronger than it was at his coming, with a membership of about one hundred and a Sabbath School of more than two hundred members. Although there was a serious division at the time of his departure, the trouble that overshadowed the work began to pass away soon after the arrival of his successor, the Rev. John Wild, formerly of Hanover, Mass., who began his pastorate May 1, 1904. Mr. Wild's ministry has been one of reconciliation and upbuilding. He found a rapidly growing community, with new families needing and seeking a church home and religious influences, and he has striven to the limit of his powers to meet the demands that the situation presented. Seven years of his pastorate have just been completed, and the results are very creditable to the efforts both of himself and of the faithful corps of men and women who
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The old ship-building days. (search)
hboring communities. There were three ship-yards on the south side of the river and three on the north side, extending from the since established Winthrop bridge at intervals to Foster's court, off Ship street, now Riverside avenue. In each of these yards there could be seen one, two, or three vessels in various stages of construction. All this heavy work required nearly five hundred strong and robust workmen. Besides some natives, these men came from the South Shore towns of Scituate, Hanover, Pembroke, Marshfield and Duxbury. There were also some from the coast of Maine and the Provinces. All along the river there was a great and constant hum of business. The streets were filled with long tandem teams of horses, hauling timber which had come down over the railroad from the northern hills to a sidetrack at West Medford. The noises of the ship-yards were many. The swinging of broadaxes, the resounding mauls that were sending home spikes, bolts and trunnels, the ring of t