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reception among them as their head. This vague and indefinite offer of place, unsanctioned by the king, was but a concession from the aristocratic portion of the Whigs to a necessity of seeking support. Pitt remembered the former treachery of Newcastle, and being resolved never to accept office through him or his connections, he treated their invitation as an unmeaning compliment; declaring that he would support those and those only who acted on true revolution principles. The care of his heseason for credulity; confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom. By comparing events with each other, reasoning from effects to causes, methinks I discover the traces of overruling influences. This he said referring to the Duke of Newcastle. Lord Charlemont to Henry Flood, Jan. 28 (by misprint in the printed copy Jan. 8) 1766. It is a long time, he continued, since I have attended in parliament. When the resolution was taken in the house to tax America, I was ill in bed. I