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whom were mounted, the army would not have been supported in the field; and yet, in return for their exertions, they were treated with derision and even beaten by insolent British officers. After a march of fifteen days, the army encamped at Winnsborough, an intermediate station between Camden and Ninety-Six. All the while Marion had been on the alert. hundred tories had been sent in September to sur- Sept. prise him; and with but fifty-three men he first surprised a part of his pursuers, from another quarter. Sumpter had rallied the patriots in the country above Camden, and in frequent skirmishes kept the field. Mounting his partisans, he intercepted British supplies of all sorts, and sent parties within fourteen miles of Winnsborough. Having ascertained the number and position of his troops, Cornwallis despatched a party under Major Wemyss against him. After a march of twenty-four miles with mounted Chap. XVI.} 1780. Nov. infantry, Wemyss reached Fishdam on Broad river,