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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 138 10 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 22 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 20 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 14 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 9 1 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 8 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 8 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
m to Cowskin Prairie, in the south-western corner of the State, while McCulloch went into camp near Maysville in Arkansas. Lyon left Boonville in pursuit of the Governor, on the 3d of July, with about 2350 men, and directed his course toward Clinton in Henry county, where he had ordered Major Sturgis, who was following Rains with about 2500 regulars and Kansas troops, to unite with him. The two columns came together near Clinton on the 7th of July and pushed on after the Missourians. Lyon Clinton on the 7th of July and pushed on after the Missourians. Lyon did not learn till the 9th that they had defeated Sigel and effected a junction with McCulloch. He then made in all haste for Springfield, fearing that the Confederates would attack that place. Arriving there on the 13th of July, he made it his headquarters. Lyon, on the one hand, and Price on the other now began to get their armies in readiness for active operations. For Lyon this was a simple undertaking; for Price it was one of great complexity and great difficulty. Of the 7000 or 80
y for us to maintain what they have achieved, and therefore I call upon the people of Illinois to raise men in every precinct in the State for the regiments that were sent from their own sections, to fill up their own companies. Relying upon the same patriotism that has thus far furnished a brave and noble host at the shortest notice, I send forth this proclamation, and confidently expect a prompt response that will maintain the present glory of our State. A reconnoissance was made to Clinton, nine miles south of Newbern, N. C. The rebels' advanced pickets were met, and a skirmish ensued, resulting in the loss of one Lieutenant and four privates belonging to the Nationals. The rebels lost nine killed and two prisoners. Lieutenant S. M. Whitesides, with eight men of company K, of the Sixth cavalry, captured a train of one hundred mules and eight contrabands belonging to the brigade of the rebel General Whiting, near the advance of General McClellan, en route for Richmond.
t by Major-General Granger to Elk Fork, Campbell County, Tenn., composed of two hundred and fifty men of the Sixth and Tenth Kentucky cavalry, surprised a camp of rebels, three hundred and fifty strong, at that place, killing thirty, wounding one hundred and seventy-six, and capturing fifty-one, without the loss of a man. All of their camp equipage was burnt, eighty horses, and a large amount of arms captured.--(General Wright's Despatch. Early this morning the attack on Vicksburgh was resumed, and continued all day, but without any important result. The rattle of musketry and booming of cannon was heard on all sides, but when evening came, the opposing armies were found to be in much the same positions as when they began.--(Doc. 91.) A skirmish took place near Clinton, La., between a party of Stuart's Baton Rouge rebel cavalry and a detachment of National cavalry, resulting in the retreat of the latter, with a loss of one man and five horses killed.--Jackson Appeal (Miss.).
mbahee River, S. C., and succeeded in destroying a large quantity of rebel stores and other property.--(Doc. 1.) The bombardment of Vicksburgh continued. All the guns in position opened fire at midnight, and continued their fire until daylight this morning. After a short cessation the firing was renewed, and kept up all day.--the second party of recalcitrants left St. Louis for the South. They numbered seventeen, among whom were the wife and two daughters of Trusten Polk. A large meeting, to procure funds to send supplies to the wounded at Vicksburgh, was held at Chicago, Ill., at which nearly six thousand dollars were raised.--the schooner Echo was captured yesterday, in the Gulf of Mexico, by the United States steamer Sunflower.--A fight took place at Clinton, La., between the Union forces under the command of Colonel Grierson, and the rebel forces stationed in that town, resulting in the loss of twenty-one killed and wounded of the rebels, and a number of the Nationals.
will avail himself of the tremendous power which the possession of the coal-fields, even temporarily, would confer. A skirmish occurred near Bottom's Bridge, Va., in which Sergeant Barnett, of company C, Fifth Pennsylvania cavalry, was killed. There were no other casualties. The Fifth Pennsylvania captured twenty-five prisoners.--the United States steamer Maumee was launched at Brooklyn, N. Y. General Neal Dow was captured by a party of rebel scouts at a private residence near Clinton, La., and sent to Richmond, Va.--the rebel blockade-runner Britannia was captured by the National gunboat Santiago de Cuba.--at Baltimore, Md., the following order was issued by the General Commanding: Until further orders, the citizens of Baltimore city and county are prohibited from keeping arms in their houses unless enrolled in volunteer companies for the defence of their homes. The dwellings of citizens were visited by the Provost-Marshal and the police, for arms, in accordance wit
in America are not changed, that, on the other hand, her Majesty's Government do not see that that opportunity has arisen. The expedition under General J. G. Blunt reached Cabin Creek, fifty-five miles from Fort Gibson.--Thirty-one battle-flags captured by the National forces at Gettysburgh, were sent to the War Department by Major-General Meade.--(Doc. 92.) The siege of Jackson, Miss., was commenced this day by the Union forces under General Grant. It began by skirmishing on the Clinton road with musketry and. artillery; shells were thrown into the city, and several persons were killed and wounded.--Mobile Advertiser, July 18. An artillery and cavalry battle took place at a point on the road from Boonsboro to Hagerstown, Md., between the Union forces under Generals Buford and Kilpatrick, and the rebels belonging to the army of General Lee.--(Doc. 82.) Major-General Schenck, from his headquarters at Baltimore, issued an order regulating the treatment of rebel pris
he rest of this brigade being detailed as skirmishers. After the Second came the First brigade, under Colonel Ferris, of the Twenty-eighth Connecticut, and composed of the Twenty-eighth Connecticut, the Fourth Massachusetts, Colonel Walker, and four companies of the One Hundred and Tenth New-York, under Major Hamilton. These were all followed up by the necessary number of pioneers and Nim's Massachusetts battery. At half-past 3 A. M. of Sunday, June fourteenth, the column formed.on the Clinton road and commenced moving. At about four A. M. the skirmishers moved right up to the scene of action, General Paine being with them in advancing, and the deadly work commenced, the enemy pouring in upon them the most terrible volleys, and our dauntless men combating their way right up to the enemy's breastworks. For hours the carnage continued furiously; our determined soldiers, in spite of their General being seriously wounded, and in spite of the fearful odds against them of fighting ag
ments were daily arriving at Jackson, and that General Joe Johnston was hourly expected there to take command in person. I, therefore, determined to make sure of that place, and leave no enemy in my rear. McPherson moved on the thirteenth to Clinton, destroyed the railroad and telegraph, and captured some important despatches from General Pemberton to General Gregg, who had commanded the day before in the battle of Raymond. Sherman moved to a parallel position on the Mississippi Springs anoads at first slippery and then miry. Notwithstanding, the troops marched, in excellent order without straggling and in the best of spirits, about fourteen miles, and engaged the enemy about twelve o'clock M., near Jackson. McClernand occupied Clinton with one division, Mississippi Springs with another, Raymond with a third, and had Blair's division of Sherman's corps, with a wagon train, still in the rear near New-Auburn, while McArthur, with one brigade of his division, of McPherson's corps
ing their artillery. They have dismounted all our guns. They are the best artillerists I ever saw. The lower fleet has pitched us a few shots from Long Tom. June 2.--The lower fleet shelled us last night. I am a little unwell this morning. There has not been much fighting to-day. The artillery is booming occasionally, and the sharp-shooters are still popping away. The Yanks threw a few balls at one of our batteries near us to-day. It is reported that we have reinforcements between Clinton and Osica. June 3.--The Yanks has been shooting all around us to-day. The Hessions seem to be rather afraid to attempt to storm our works again; but seem rather inclined to starve us out. I hope we will receive reinforcements in time to prevent it. Heaven help us! June 4.--I am very unwell this morning. The lower fleet shelled us last night. The shells made the boys hunt a place of safety; such as ditches, rat-holes, trees, etc. We are going to our old position. I am sick at camp.
the garrison was refused. General Banks said he would grant such terms with the greatest pleas. ure, but the orders of the Secretary of War forbid it. The surrender was fixed to take place at seven o'clock on the morning of the ninth. At six o'clock the garrison were drawn up in line, and two officers of General Gardner's staff were sent to conduct the Federal officer deputed to receive the surrender. This was General Andrews, who entered the lines shortly after seven o'clock, on the Clinton road. General Gardner met him at the right of our line and delivered up his sword, observing that he surrendered his sword and his garrison since his provisions were exhausted. General Andrews replied that he received General Gardner's sword, but returned it to him for having maintained his defence so gallantly. Meantime the enemy's infantry moved down in front of our line, both wings resting on the river, and completely encircling the little garrison, as if to cut off any attempt to e