Your search returned 408 results in 99 document sections:

auk,, U. S. S.: I., 24; II., 332; VI., 128, 173, 241, 272, 318; IX. 336. Montcalm, I. J., I., 57. Monterey, Cal., battle at, IX., 93. Monterey Gap, Pa., II., 340. Montevallo, Mo., I., 360. Montgomery, A. B., III., 332. Montgomery, J. E.: I., 238, 241, 242, 244; VI., 83, 220. Montgomery, Ala.: I., 87; III., 346; IV., 138; V., 158, 166; VI., 74, 258. Montgomery Hill, Nashville, Tenn. , III., 268. Montgomery,, U. S. S., III., 342. Monticello, Ky., II., 336. Monticello, U. S. S.: III., 342; VI., 100, 269, 308, 316. Monton, A., II., 352; X., 153. Montpelier, Vt., Vermont Sixth Infantry, departure from, VIII., 65. Moody, Y. M., X., 255. Moon, J. W., VII., 150. Moon Lake, Miss., VI., 208. Moonlight, T., X., 207. Moore, J., VII., 224. Moore, J. C., X., 315. Moore, J. J., V., 287. Moore, P. T., X., 319. Moore, S. P., VII., 222, 238, 239, 250,278, 282, 349, 351
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Anti-Slavery Poems (search)
ers as saints, Would half-way meet the frankness of your tone, And feel their pulses beating with your own. The North! the South! no geographic line Can fix the boundary or the point define, Since each with each so closely interblends, Where Slavery rises, and where Freedom ends. Beneath your rocks the roots, far-reaching, hide Of the fell Upas on the Southern side; The tree whose branches in your northwinds wave Dropped its young blossoms on Mount Vernon's grave; The nursling growth of Monticello's crest Is now the glory of the free Northwest; To the wise maxims of her olden school Virginia listened from thy lips, Rantoul; Seward's words of power, and Sumner's fresh renown, Flow from the pen that Jefferson laid down! And when, at length, her years of madness o'er, Like the crowned grazer on Euphrates' shore, From her long lapse to savagery, her mouth Bitter with baneful herbage, turns the South, Resumes her old attire, and seeks to smooth Her unkempt tresses at the glass of truth,
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
Mountains. It would be obliged, after crossing the river, to take either the Jacksborough road through Williamsburg, or that of Jamestown (Tennessee) by way of Monticello. The entrenched camp at Mill Spring, near this last town, covered them both. The first battle was to be fought more to the east, among the gorges of the chamn arrived on the 17th of January at Logan Cross-roads, an intersection only sixteen kilometres distant from Beach Grove. The road which leads from Somerset to Monticello becomes separated at this point from those running in a westerly direction towards Columbia and Jamestown (Kentucky). Thomas thus threatened to occupy the bordest contented with this success; the condition of the roads and the inclemency of the weather rendered all pursuit impossible. Crittenden had retired by way of Monticello in the direction of Nashville, and part of his troops had gone towards Cumberland Gap. But to undertake to rescue East Tennessee from Confederate rule, to wres
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
; the railroad tracks were cut, he had procured nearly three hundred recruits, reconnoitred all the weak points of the enemy and thrown his camps into confusion. He rapidly fell back upon Paris, Winchester, Richmond, Crab Orchard, Somerset and Monticello, picking up arms and ammunition on his route, and releasing the prisoners he had taken on parole. Finally, on the 28th of July, he again entered the Confederate lines, after an expedition in which he had not experienced a single check of any id strong, with several light batteries, which had left Kingston a few days before, had made a large detour to the west in order to secure his left flank. This cavalry, under Colonel Scott, passing through Montgomery, Jamestown in Tennessee and Monticello, had crossed the old battle-field of Mill Springs, then Somerset, and had finally reached Loudon on the very day that Smith had taken up the line of march with his column. A small body of Federal cavalry under Colonel Metcalfe was encamped on
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
gathered together the remainder of his cavalry at Monticello, in the upper valley of the Cumberland, has advanit for them, and hastily resumes his march toward Monticello. On the morning of the 25th, Carter is on his tr with his regiment and Cluke's, was watching from Monticello the crossings of the Cumberland. During the nighfferent points, and Carter pursued his way toward Monticello with three regiments of cavalry and five of infand of a small detachment, before him, he abandoned Monticello in such haste that he even neglected to apprise Mtown, Tennessee: at about six or seven miles from Monticello a cross-road connects these two roads. Chenault,. In the mean while, Morrison was advancing upon Monticello by the other road. Fortunately for him, he met wSomerset; and on the 31st more to the south, near Monticello—the Federals determined to send out a reconnoissaf the 9th, and drove them back in disorder beyond Monticello, taking possession of this village. But the Conf
be for one shilling and three pence. George Mason urged the continuance of the land tax and the poll tax, which would have annually sunk fifty thousand pounds; but his opposition was vain; and taxation was suspended for a year. Having made preparations for security, both against invasions and a servile insurrection, the members of the convention once more declared before God and the world, that they did bear faith and true allegiance to his majesty George the Third, their only lawful and rightful king; and would, so long as it might be in their power, defend him and his government, as founded on the laws and well known principles of the constitution; but that they were also determined to defend their lives and properties, and maintain their just rights and privileges, even at the extremest hazards. Rather than submit to the rights of legislating for us, assumed by the British parliament, wrote Jefferson from Monticello, I would lend my hand to sink the whole island in the ocean.
The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
owship with such a party, and to be called "brethren" by such honorable specimens of dignified humanity ? Verily, they are "all honorable men." Oh, Virginia ! Mother of Empires; how the bluch of shame tingles my cheek as I write these lines ! If you will submit to abolition rule, tear down your glorious "Sic Semper Tyrannis," and raze the battlements of Yorktown; let "time's effacing finger" wipe out the record of your earlier history; let decay and ruin be written on Mount Vernon and Monticello, and desolation on the graves of your Henry and your Nelson; let your children, already ostracized from all offices of trust, except at the price of disloyalty, be banished from the homes and graves of their fathers, and then granting them some "sweet oblivious antidote," let them die in humiliation and obscurity, while all Yankeedom shall squat and trade upon thy lovely plains, thy quiet valleys, and thy mountain summits. But, it cannot be-- "Must we but weep o'er days more bl
ight out Secessionists. It was also proposed to raise by private subscription $50,000 for the same purpose, and a committee of four in each Magisterial District, to consist of the Justices, was appointed to circulate subscription papers for this object. Several persons present subscribed $200, $100 and $50. A resolution was also adopted requesting Judge Field not to hold the spring session of the Circuit Court. One of our citizens, C. D. Everen, formerly of Pennsylvania, gives $500 to arm and equip the volunteers of this place, $500 to the State, and authorizes the Governor to draw on him one hundred times for the same amount, if necessary. The ladies in town are busily at work making uniforms and other necessary clothing, &c., for the volunteer companies. In one neighborhood in this county every man but four, for a distance of several miles, has joined a volunteer company. Can Abe Lincoln or any of his minions ever conquer and subdue such a people? Monticello.
To be Condemned. --We learn that Mr. P. H. Aylett, the District Attorney of the Confederate States, has instituted proceedings in admiralty in the District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, for the formal condemnation and sale of the steamer St. Nicholas, as well as for the vessels, the "Margaret," the " Mary Pierce," and the "Monticello, " recently captured by Col. Thomas and Capt. Hellins, of the army and navy of the Confederate States.
gh a ventilator and exploded inside, near the magazine, the enemy gave up the fight and raised over the ramparts a white flag. We immediately ceased fire. General Butler went into the inlet and landed at the Fort, and demanded an unconditional surrender. The following is from another correspondent of the N. Y. Herald, who was an eyewitness: Off Hatteras Inlet, N. C., August 28, 1861. While the troops were landing and forming under command of Col. Weber, the Harriet Lane, Monticello and Pawnee were throwing shell in the woods to the right and left of them, and in their rear, to drive out any of the enemy that might be there. Mean while the Minnesota and Wabash, the latter having in tow the Cumberland, steamed down towards the inlet, and took their positions at long range, off from a sand battery at its mouth. At ten o'clock the Wabash fired a shell from her eleven-inch gun forward, which seemed to strike in or near the battery, throwing up the sand in clouds, and af