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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
after awhile, when the big shell began to fall around the vessel, he became rather nervous. He would stand on the companion-ladder and watch the smoke rise from the mortar-vessels, and would wait until he heard the whizzing of the shell through the air, when he would make a dive for his state-room. As soon as the shell fell he would go up and watch out for another. Occasionally, when a shell would explode close to us, or fall with a heavy splash alongside, he would be heard to groan, Oh! Louisa and the babes! At daylight on the 22d of July, 1862, the iron-clad fleet above Vicksburg dropped down and commenced firing rapidly at our upper batteries. Farragut's fleet engaged the lower batteries, and the mortar fleets opened upon the city and forts. The Arkansas was cleared for battle, but when the crew were mustered only 41 men answered to their names on the gun-deck. The cannonading was tremendous, and fairly shook the earth. In about half an hour after the firing had begun, a
a shrewd politician, and a man of wit, humor, acumen, and judgment. In fact, his mind was essentially judicial. The writer has rarely known any man who impressed him so strongly in this regard. But he was not a man of action. Besides, his unwieldy size, weighing as he did some 300 or 350 pounds, unfitted him for the field. Marshall moved forward to Paintsville, on the Big Sandy River, about battle of Fishing Creek. the middle of December. This place was thirty-three miles above Louisa, and sixty from the Ohio River. At and near the mouth of the Big Sandy, and in the intervening region, were clustered some half-dozen towns of from 1,000 to 5,000 inhabitants each. The industries supporting this population were chiefly the working of coal and iron, with capital furnished by Ohio men. Hence, the people were generally hostile to the South. Marshall's force, when he reached Paintsville, was 2,240 in number; but his effectives were only 1,967 on January 3, 1862. The followin
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Marshall and Garfield in eastern Kentucky. (search)
ks they subsisted upon mountain beef and parched corn. These privations General Marshall shared, giving up his tent to the sick and wounded, and sleeping beneath a wagon. On the 17th of December, 1861, General Don Carlos Buell, then in command of the Department of the Ohio, including Kentucky, assigned Colonel (afterward General and President) James A. Garfield, of Ohio, to command his Eighteenth Brigade, and sent him against General Marshall. Colonel Garfield concentrated his forces at Louisa, Brigadier-General James A. Garfield. From a war-time photograph. at the forks of the Sandy, from which place he began his advance movement on the 23d of December. His army consisted of his own regiment, the 42d Ohio, under Lieutenant-Colonel L. A. Sheldon, the 1st Squadron Ohio Cavalry, Major William McLaughlin, the 14th Kentucky, Colonel L. T. Moore, the 22d Kentucky, Colonel D. W. Lindsey, 2d Virginia Cavalry (6 companies), Lieutenant-Colonel W. M. Bolles, the 40th Ohio, Colonel Jonat
the battle-field would be here. The cars arrived, and were immediately surrounded and the soldiers paroled. The ladies all the while were in the cars administering comfort to the wounded. They remained about three hours, took off every horse they could find, and every servant that they could induce to go, which was very few, and then rode off without burning the houses or offering other injury to the villagers. They belonged to Stoneman's command. They went over this county, Goochland, Louisa, and a part of Fluvanna, without molestation. They became alarmed, however, and cut their career short. They went to Columbia for the purpose of destroying the canal, but in their haste did it very little injury. The injury to the railroads was slight, and easily repaired. To individuals they did some mischief; at W. they fed four hundred horses at my brother's barn, took his buggy horse, and rode off. His neighbours, and others in their route, fared very much in the same way. In Richmon
were released by order of the Spanish Government, and sailed with others as far as Cape Antonio, under convoy of the U. S. steamer Crusader.--Official advices from the Gulf squadron state that, on the 4th of July off Galveston, the United States steamer South Carolina captured six schooners; on the 5th, two, and ran one ashore; on the 6th, one, and on the 7th, one-making in all eleven sail destroyed or captured. The names of the captured vessels are the Shark, Venus, Ann Ryan, McCaulfield, Louisa, Dart, Covalia, Falcon, George Baker, and Sam. Houston. A portion of them had cargoes, chiefly of lumber. Among other things captured were 13 mail bags, and 31 bags containing express matter.--N. Y. Times, August 7. Queen Victoria, in her speech to the British Parliament this day, said:--The dissensions which arose some months ago in the United States of North America, have unfortunately assumed the character of open war. Her Majesty, deeply lamenting this calamitous result, has deter
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., John Morgan in 1864. (search)
is section. . . . I have just received information that General Hobson left Mount Sterling on the 23d inst. with six regiments of cavalry (about 3000 strong), for Louisa, on the Sandy. This force he has collected from all the garrisons in middle and south-eastern Kentucky. At Louisa there is another force of about 2500 cavalry, Louisa there is another force of about 2500 cavalry, under a colonel of a Michigan regiment recently sent to that vicinity. It is the reported design of General Hobson to unite with this latter force and cooperate with Generals Averell and Crook in another movement upon the salt-works and lead-mines of southwestern Virginia. This information has determined me to move at once into eral movement from Kentucky was made as Morgan had anticipated. Burbridge, with the Fifth Division of the Twenty-third Corps, had proceeded some distance east of Louisa when Morgan passed through Pound Gap. The respective columns were distant from each other, but it was impossible to conceal all evidence of the Confederate advan
topped; therefore I shall exert my full power to get as large a force as possible together as quickly as possible, and if he does not follow up his advantage (1) I will try his base to see if he relies on the Sandy. I have a cavalry force on the Louisa road in 2 miles of the State line, and only about 25 miles from Pikeville, which I shall order to burn his supplies at Pike[ville] if the thing can be effected. But I believe he will not attempt to maintain himself at Pound Gap, and I fear his fs nothing there but two or three disabled wagons and a few bushels of salt and something of that sort. The enemy paid more than everything he obtained in the exposition he made of his own plans. I have no doubt now he means to advance by the Louisa road upon Tazewell, and is acting in conjunction with columns moving up New River and Guyandotte River. I have information from the interior, likely to be well posted, that the Sandy column is to be 7,500 strong, and that on the Kanawha 15,000,
rch17.Sch. Laura, Ferklenberg, Charleston, cotton and lumber. March17.Sch. Carrie Sandford, Haggett, St. John's, Fla., naval stores. March17.Sloop Coquette, Moore, Charleston, cotton. March22.Sch. Argyle, Davis, Charleston, cotton and naval stores. March27.Sch. Victoria, Fowler, St. John's, Fla., naval stores. March27.Sch. Annie Deans, Morse, Fernandina, Fla., naval stores. March27.Steamship Nashville, Gooding, Georgetown, S. C., ballast. April2.Sch. Pride, Davis, Georgetown, S. C., cotton. April5.Steamship Economist, Burdge, Charleston, cotton. April5.Sch. Rutherford, Green, Charleston, cotton. April7.Sch. Sarah, Russell, Charleston, cotton. April7.Sch. Acorn, Habenicht, Charleston, cotton. April8.Sch. Louisa, Tolle, Charleston, cotton. April8.Sch. Chase, Habenicht, Charleston cotton. April9.Sch. Elizabeth, Rumley, Charleston, cotton. April10.Steamship Cecile, Carling, Charleston, cotton. Total fifty-eight, of which thirty-five since first of January.
so essential to success,) and was known to my command only as the actual march developed it. The force was quietly concentrated beyond the Chickahominy, near Kilby's Station, on the Richmond, Fredericksburgh, and Potomac Railroad, and moved thence parallel to and to the left of that road. Scouts were kept far to the right to ascertain the enemy's whereabouts, and advancedguard flankers and rear-guard to secure our column against surprise. I purposely directed my first day's march toward Louisa, so as to favor the idea of reenforcing Jackson, and camped just opposite Hanover Court-House, near Southanna Bridge, (Richmond, Fredericksburgh, and Potomac Railroad,) twenty-two miles from Richmond. Our noiseless bivouac was broken early next morning, and without flag or bugle sound, we resumed our march, none but one knew whither. I, however, immediately took occasion to make known my instructions and plans confidently to the regimental commanders, so as to secure an intelligent action
uthern woman. Meridian, February 22, 1864. my dear mother: As one of our neighbors go down to Mobile to-morrow, I will send you a few lines to let you know how we came out in this terrible raid. My husband left here at ten o'clock A. M., as guide to General Polk. The Yankees came in at four P. M., in full force. They skirmished a little in our yard, which frightened us very much. The small portion of our servants went away with my husband, so no one remained with me but Violetta, Louisa, Lucinda, my mother-in-law, and three children. After the skirmishing stopped, the mob ran around, going into the houses, breaking open doors, trunks, locks, etc., tearing up and destroying every thing they could. Caught all the chickens in the place in half an hour. I begged for my things and saved nearly every thing; for while I was talking to the part of the mob who had entered my house, I sent mother off to look up some of the Generals, and to try to get a guard, telling them that I