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n, but the train which could run over the highest stumps and pull through the deepest mud-holes was likely to come out ahead. The verdancy which remained after the first fall of the Union army at Bull Run was to be utterly overshadowed by the baptism of woe which was to follow in the Peninsular Campaign; and on arriving at Harrison's Landing, on the James, McClellan issued the following order, which paved the way for better things:-- Allowance of transportation, tents, and baggage. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Camp near Harrison's Landing, Va., August 10, 1862. General Orders, No. 153. I. The following allowance of wagons is authorized: For the Headquarters of an Army CorpsFour For the Headquarters of a Division or BrigadeThree For a Battery of Light Artillery, or Squadron of CavalryThree For a full regiment of InfantrySix This allowance will in no case be exceeded, but will be reduced to correspond as nearly as practicable with the number of officers and
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Shiloh reviewed. (search)
rew altogether, and, like the rest of Grant's troops, retired to its camp. Following the same example, and most probably with General Grant's authority, McCook's division had started to the river. Before these misconceptions could be corrected, and my divisions got into position, night came on, and the time for a further forward movement passed for the day. Indeed, while my troops were being called up, I received from General Grant, who had retired to the landing, the following letter: Headquarters, Dist. of West Tennessee, Pittsburg, April 7, 1862. Major-General D. C. Buell. Gen.: When I left the field this evening, my intention was to occupy the most advanced position possible for the night, with the infantry engaged through the day, and follow up our success with cavalry and fresh troops expected to arrive during my last absence on the field. The great fatigue of our men ā€” they having been engaged in two days fight, and subject to a march yesterday and a fight to-day ā€” would
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Investment of Fort Donelson-the naval operations-attack of the enemy-assaulting the works-surrender of the Fort (search)
ll, made their way out, passing between our right and the river. They had to ford or swim over the back-water in the little creek just south of Dover. Before daylight General Smith brought to me the following letter from General Buckner: Headquarters, Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862 To Brigadier-General U. S. Grant, Com'ding U. S. Forces. Near Fort Donelson. Sir: In consideration of all the circumstances governing the present situation of affairs at this station, I propose to the Commceived. No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your ob't se'vā€˜t, U. S. Grant, Brig. Gen. To this I received the following reply: Headquarters, Dover, Tennessee, February 16, 1862. To Brig. Gen'l U. S. Grant, U. S. Army. Sir: The distribution of the forces under my command, incident to an unexpected change of commanders, and the overwhelming force under your command, compel me, no
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 30: Longstreet moves to Georgia. (search)
several days past to return to the army, but have been detained by the President. He will not listen to my proposition to leave to-morrow. I hope you will use every exertion to prepare the army for offensive operations, and improve the condition of our men and animals. I can see nothing better to be done than to endeavor to bring General Meade out and use our efforts to crush his army while in its present condition. Very respectfully and truly yours, R. E. Lee, General. Reply. Headquarters, September 2, 1863. General R. E. Lee, Commanding: General,-- Your letter of the 31st is received. I have expressed to Generals Ewell and Hill your wishes, and am doing all that can be done to be well prepared with my own command. Our greatest difficulty will be in preparing our animals. I do not see that we can reasonably hope to accomplish much by offensive operations, unless you are strong enough to cross the Potomac. If we advance to meet the enemy on this side he will in all p
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 35: cut off from East and West. (search)
eling will extend more or less to the troops under your command. Under these circumstances the commanding general has felt that the interest of the public service would be advanced by your separation from him, and as he could not himself leave, he decided upon the issue of the order which you have received. I have the honor to be, general, with great respect, G. Moxley Sorrel, Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutaut-General. On the 19th, General Law handed in his resignation at Headquarters, and asked leave of absence on it. This was cheerfully granted. Then he asked the privilege of taking the resignation with him to the adjutant-general at Richmond. This was a very unusual request, but the favor he was doing the service gave him some claim to unusual consideration, and his request was granted. The Law disaffection was having effect, or seemed to be, among some of the officers, but most of them and all of the soldiers were true and brave, even through all of the hards
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 1 (search)
with General Thomas and other members of his staff, I was brought into almost daily contact with General Grant, and became intensely interested in the progress of the plans he was maturing for dealing with the enemy at all points of the theater of war lying within his command. Early in November instructions came from the Secretary of War calling me to Washington, and in accordance therewith General Thomas issued an order relieving me from duty with his army. General orders, no. 261.Headquarters, Department of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Tenn., November 5, 1863. 1. Captain Thomas G. Baylor, ordnance corps, having, pursuant to orders from the Secretary of War, relieved Captain Horace Porter from duty at these headquarters, is announced as chief of ordnance for this army, and will at once enter upon the discharge of his duties. The general commanding takes this occasion to express his appreciation of the valuable service rendered by Captain Porter during his connection with
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel E. P. Alexander's report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
ng me-as the position turned out to be unsheltered from the enemy's shells, though out of his sight. At 12 M., while awaiting on the flank of my line of guns for the signal to open fire, I received the following note from General Longstreet: Headquarters, July 3d, 1863. Colonel: If the artillery fire does not have the effect to drive off the enemy, or greatly demoralize him, so as to make our effort pretty certain, I would prefer that you should not advise General Pickett to make the chargy be successful (if at all) after serious loss, and recommending, if there was any alternative other than the direct attack contemplated, as his note would seem to indicate, that it should be adopted. To this I received the following reply: Headquarters, July 3d, 1863. Colonel: The intention is to advance the infantry, if the artillery has the desired effect of driving off the enemy, or such other effect as to warrant us in making the attack when that moment arrives. Advise General Picket
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
by General Mower, which had broken through the cavalry line which formed the left of the army, and had penetrated to within a few hundred yards of and were threatening the bridge over ā€” Creek, near the village of Bentonville. W. J. Hardee. Headquarters, Hood's Corps, In The Field, 1864. General: Agreeable to the direction of the general commanding, I have the honor to herewith submit the operations of the troops of my command since the 7th of May. On that day Major-General Stewart, with Johnston, Macon, Georgia. Richmond, February 22, 1865. General J. E. Johnston: The Secretary of War directs that you report by telegram to General R. E. Lee, Petersburg, Virginia, for orders. S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General. Headquarters, February 22, 1865. General J. E. Johnston: Assume command of the Army of Tennessee and all troops in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Assign General Beauregard to duty under you as you may select. Concentrate all a
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 131. General Nelson's proclamation, on occupying Prestonburg, Kentucky. (search)
Doc. 131. General Nelson's proclamation, on occupying Prestonburg, Kentucky. Headquarters, camp at Prestonburg, November 5, 1861. Having this day occupied the town of Prestonburg with the forces under my command, I declare to all whom it may concern: That the jurisdiction of the State of Kentucky is restored in this section of the State, and that the regular fall terms of the courts will be held in those counties in which the time for holding the same has not passed. All the civil officers are ordered to attend at the times and places of holding said courts, and attend to the duties of their respective offices. Given under my hand, this 5th day of November, 1861 W. Nelson. By command of Brig.-Gen. Nelson, Jno. M. Duke, Aide-de-Camp. The Maysville (Ky.) Eagle, of November 9th, contains the following account of the occupation: Paintville, November 6th, 1861. Bro. Coons: Since writing you on Saturday, the object of our mission to this region has been attained.
eported buried by them on the field yesterday was sixty-eight. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. D. Webster, Major and Chief Engineer. To Brig.-Gen. U. S. Grant, Com. Div. Secession reports. General Polk's despatch. Headquarters, First Div. West, Department, Columbus, Ky., Nov. 7, 1861. To General Headquarters, through General A. S. Johnson: The enemy came down on the opposite side of the river, Belmont, to-day, about seven thousand five hundred strong, landed undeago Journal of the 8th, gives an account of the preliminaries of the expedition to Belmont, Mo., also some account of the engagement. When it was proposed to start an expedition down the river, the best information that had been received at Headquarters, left the impression that there was but a small garrison of rebels at the little town of Belmont, Missouri, nearly opposite Columbus, and its proximity to Columbus, the rebel Headquarters, made its occupancy desirable as a strategical point.