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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 21 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 11 1 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 8 0 Browse Search
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States 8 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 7 1 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 6 0 Browse Search
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Taken altogether, the morale of our troops, though always good, at this period was excellent. As they took up the lines assigned them, naught but good humor and hilarity was visible, for they well knew that Johnston could not fall back farther, and that the conflict must soon come. This they desired, and were aching to pay back with interest the taunts and insults of the over-fed and bombastic Yankees of the Yorktown lines. A part of Huger's division from Norfolk had arrived through Petersburgh and the south side of the James; rapid progress was made with defensive works and obstructions to prevent gunboats ascending the river; earthworks of magnitude arose on every side around Richmond; and the speedy appearance of Yankee encampments north of the Chickahominy gave eloquent indications that things were coming to a crisis. The earthworks had been designed by Lee more than ten months ere our army reached their position. They were constructed in different shapes, to suit the conf
nting cannon on high grounds and throwing up strong intrenchments, had taught our men much respect for that branch of the service, although for the infantry they entertained an habitual and profound contempt, and were as ready to attack them by night as by day. A few days subsequent to this success, McClellan made demonstrations as if intending to cross part of his force from Berkeley and operate on the south side of the James River. Our infantry were withdrawn a few miles inland to Petersburgh, to watch this new combination. It was known that heavy reenforcements had reached McClellan, and he seemed inclined to advance up both banks and attempt to destroy our water-batteries at Fort Darling, so as to allow the gunboats to proceed up the river to Richmond. He was closely watched by Lee, who had also been intently studying the programme of General Pope, now industriously engaged in gathering a large army north of the Rappahannock at Culpeper, with a strong advance-guard south o
our right and Pope on the left preparations and dispositions of General Lee Jackson is sent in the van what he does, and the manner of doing it he breaks the advance corps of his old friend Banks battle of Cedar Mountain. Despite the manoeuvring of McClellan's forces south of the James River, and the threatened advance of Burnside from Suffolk and Norfolk, as if to form a junction and cooperate with him, the true state of the case was soon perceived by our corps of observation at Petersburgh. Either indecision prevailed in the councils of the two generals, or all their movements near the seaboard were intended to hold us in check upon the James, while the large forces of Pope, on the Rappahannock and Rapidan, should obtain eligible positions, and perhaps advance so far as to be beyond our power to arrest them. It is possible that conflicting opinions existed between McClellan and Burnside, as was also known to be the case between the first-named and Pope. Burnside was ambi
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
siness. I always carry my saddlebags and knapsack with me into the car. 17th June, 1863 (Wednesday). We reached Petersburgh at 3 A. M., and had to get out and traverse this town in carts, after which we had to lie down in the road until some other cars were opened. We left Petersburgh at 5 A. M. and arrived at Richmond at 7 A. M., having taken forty-one hours coming from Charleston. The railroad between Petersburgh and Richmond is protected by extensive field-works, and the woods hPetersburgh and Richmond is protected by extensive field-works, and the woods have been cut down to give range. An irruption of the enemy in this direction has evidently been contemplated; and we met a brigade of infantry halfway between Petersburgh and Richmond on its way to garrison the latter place, as the Yankees are repPetersburgh and Richmond on its way to garrison the latter place, as the Yankees are reported to be menacing in that neighborhood. The scenery near Richmond is very pretty, and rather English-looking. The view of the James River from the railway bridge is quite beautiful, though the water is rather low at present. The weather was
it debates organization of the Campbellite Church teachers from Massachusetts progress in education since pioneer days wide-spread ignorance I was born in Petersburgh, Boone County, Missouri, on the 15th day of August, 1838, of Irish-French ancestry. My father was a native of Lincoln County, Tennessee, but when quite a young man migrated to Petersburgh, as an employee of George P. Dorris, a merchant king of that day. Mr. Dorris had a dry-goods establishment in the town of Petersburgh, where my father met my mother, Elizabeth Hicks La Fontaine. Grandfather La Fontaine was one of the French Huguenots who settled in western Illinois and Missouri at a vePetersburgh, where my father met my mother, Elizabeth Hicks La Fontaine. Grandfather La Fontaine was one of the French Huguenots who settled in western Illinois and Missouri at a very early date. My grandfather owned large tracts of land in Missouri and many slaves. My Grandmother La Fontaine was a cousin of General Sterling Price, of Mexican War and Confederate fame. When my father and mother were married, grandfather gave my mother, as a wedding-present, a colored man, his wife, and two children. So
ficent an organization should have been in his last days one of the very unfortunates for whom he was so solicitous in his days of prosperity. Overtaken by misfortune and an ill-starred fate, Major Stephenson, after years of discouragement, died and was buried at Rock Creek, Menard County, Illinois, August 30, 1871, though scarcely at the zenith of his manhood. August 29, 1882, Estill Post 71, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois, removed Major Stephenson's remains to Petersburgh, Illinois, and reinterred them among the soldiers of Rose Hill Cemetery with impressive ceremonies, thus rescuing him from the oblivion of an unmarked grave. A few years ago the national organization of the Grand Army of the Republic erected a monument to his memory in Washington. In their stupendous work of succoring the suffering, comforting the living, caring for the dying and the dead, the Grand Army of the Republic has far exceeded the work of any other organization of the same age t
f small arms, three pieces of artillery, and capturing two thousand prisoners, whom he released on parole, as he had not time to march them with his cavalry.--(Docs. 49 and 76.) The fortifications at Pig Point, Va., were destroyed to-day, together with the rebel barracks in the vicinity.--An order was issued from the War Department extending the Department of Virginia to include that part of Virginia south of the Rappahannock and east of the railroad from Fredericksburgh to Richmond, Petersburgh, and Weldon, under command of Major-Gen. McClellan. Major-Gen. Wool was assigned to the command of the Middle Department, and Major-Gen. Dix to Fortress Monroe to assume command at that point, reporting to Gen. McClellan for orders. Yesterday the Union forces under command of Brig.-Gen. Wright succeeded in crossing from Edisto Island to Seabrook's Point, S. C., and to-day they had a skirmish with the rebel pickets in the vicinity, which resulted in the retreat of the rebels.--Officia
October 29. A skirmish took place on the Ridgeville road, at a point five miles distant from Petersburgh, Va., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Quirk, and a detachment of the rebel General Stuart's cavalry, resulting in a rout of the latter and the capture of sixteen of their number, with about two hundred head of cattle which the rebels were driving to their camp.--(Doc. 18.) Early this morning a force of Union troops under the command of Major Keenan, Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry, left Purcellsville, Va., on a reconnoitring expedition. They passed through Berrysville, Snickersville, and Philomont. On arriving at Union they found that town occupied by a battalion of Georgia cavalry, whom they drove out. Here it was ascertained that General Walker, in command of a force of South-Carolina troops, was in position five miles from Middleburgh. Major Keenan also found about a hundred wounded rebel soldiers, all of whom he pa
November 21. General Patrick, Provost-Marshal-General of the army of the Potomac, this morning crossed the Rappahannock to Fredericksburgh, Va., under a flag of truce, conveying to the rebel authorities of that city a letter from Major-General Sumner, commanding right grand division of the army, demanding its surrender.--(Doc. 54.) A sharp skirmish took place at Bayou Bontouca, near Fort Pike, La., between a small detachment of Union troops commanded by Captain Darling, Thirty-first Massachusetts, and a band of guerrillas, numbering one hundred and fifty, under Captain Evans. The fight lasted about half an hour, and resulted in a rout of the rebels, with a loss to them of four killed and several wounded. The Union force had none killed and but one wounded. Charles A. Davis, a chaplain in the army of the United States, was this day expelled from the Methodist Conference of Virginia, by that body in session at Petersburgh.--Salem, Va., was occupied by the rebels.
January 29. Last night a train of about eighty wagons was sent out from New Creek, heavily laden with commissary stores for the garrison at Petersburgh, West-Virginia, and accompanying the train was an escort of about eight hundred men, being detachments from the Twenty-third Illinois, (Irish brigade,) Fourth Virginia cavalrin the space of about ten minutes, resulting in killing one man and wounding six others. Last night Colonel Thoburn, in command of the National garrison at Petersburgh, West-Virginia, evacuated that post in consequence of receiving information that the enemy in large force would attack him in the morning. The enemy did attack Petersburgh this morning with artillery. They made regular approaches, and finally charged, but found no opposing force. Colonel Thoburn was within hearing with his retreating column. A party of seven men belonging to the steamer Southwester were sent ashore at Bolivar Landing, Tenn., on a foraging expedition, taking with t