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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To the same. (search)
concealed in an old worn scabbard. The elegant sheath which belonged to it was probably fastened to Colonel Shaw's body, and thrown into the pit with him. When his mother showed me the weapon she said: This is the sword that Robert waved over his followers, as he urged them to the attack. I am so glad it was never used in battle! Not a drop of blood was ever on it. He had received it but a few days before he died. These noble-hearted people manifested the same spirit about the burning of Darien. Colonel Shaw was strongly opposed to that measure, and publicly expressed his disapprobation of it as a wanton abuse of power, and an unnecessary addition to the horrors and sufferings of war. But the Georgians, by mistake or otherwise, accused him of having instigated it. His father took great pains to prove to them that Colonel Shaw and his family entirely disapproved of the conflagration, and years after peace was declared he sent them a generous donation towards rebuilding a small Epis
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
Seminole war, origin of the, 218. Sewall, Samuel E., letters to, 143, 232; Mrs. Child visits, 156. Sewall, Mrs. S. E., letters to, 197,234, 254, 257. Sex in education, by Dr. E. H Clarke, 229. Shaw, Miss, Sarah, letter to, 12. Shaw, Francis G., letters to, 30, 35, 37, 62, 70, 165, 177, 198, 205, 216, 218, 261. Shaw, Hon., Lemuel, letter to, 145. Shaw, Colonel Robert G., 172, 173, 235; death of, 176; proposed statue of, 190; sword of rescued, 236; opposed to burning of Darien, 237 ; his grave at Fort Wagner, 238: Whittier's tribute to, 240. Shan, Mrs. S. B., letters to, 68, 75, 78, 85, 87, 93, 98, 140, 141, 144, 147, 150, 164, 171, 172, 176, 180, 189, 190, 195, 199, 213, 218, 222, 224, 226, 229, 233, 239. 240, 241,245, 246, 252,258. Sheridan's (Phil.) barbarities toward the Indians, 220. Siam, abolition of slavery in, 216. Silsbee, Mrs., Nathaniel, letters to, 59, 67. Sims, Thomas, the fugitive slave, 144; his ransom secured by Mrs. Child, 145, 189
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XII: the Black regiment (search)
the blessed veteran gets down his primer, dog-eared now as far as four syllables and away they go to the moss house where Mrs. D. holds sway over drummers and divines.. Pete says Uncle York told them that he once walked from a certain point to Darien, twenty miles discoursing all the way to himself and that he had finally to stop outside of Darien to end de discourse —In this and many other points he constantly reminds me of Socrates, only that Socrates, as it would appear, never did end. . .Darien to end de discourse —In this and many other points he constantly reminds me of Socrates, only that Socrates, as it would appear, never did end. . . . Pete, the Major's boy-servant, who had picked up Gallop dances from native Africans, leads the boys in shouts and decorates the school tent very prettily on his own plan. He is rather hard to wake in the morning and when the Major's boot is thrown at him with or without the owner's foot, he pleads apologetically that it is bad luck to wake de fus time you are called. Sometimes ghosts do call um, he adds in explanation, which implies the necessity of a wholesome caution. Colonel Higgi
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 51: reconstruction under Johnson's policy.—the fourteenth amendment to the constitution.—defeat of equal suffrage for the District of Columbia, and for Colorado, Nebraska, and Tennessee.—fundamental conditions.— proposed trial of Jefferson Davis.—the neutrality acts. —Stockton's claim as a senator.—tributes to public men. —consolidation of the statutes.—excessive labor.— address on Johnson's Policy.—his mother's death.—his marriage.—1865-1866. (search)
the country, May 9, 11, and 15 (Works, vol. x. pp. 435-449); the representation of the United States at the Paris Exhibition in 1867. Jan. 10 and 11 (Congressional Globe, pp. 160, 161)—Feb. 22, 1837 (Globe. pp. 1720-1722); March 7, 1867 (Globe, p. 15)—at the international maritime exhibition at Havre, Jan 24, 27, 30, and Feb. 6, 1868 (Globe, pp. 731, 767, 848. 1006-1011), and at the international health congress at Constantinople, April 11, 1866 (Globe, p. 1883); a survey of the Isthmus of Darien with a view to a ship canal, July 25, 1866 (Works, vol. x. pp. 500, 501); a ship canal at Niagara, independent of State assent, June 28 (Works, vol. x. pp. 475-478): a submarine cable at Behring Strait, February 21 (Globe, p. 953); more intimate relations with the Sandwich Islands by a direct mail service. July 17 (Works, vol. x. pp 486-489); exclusion of criminals pardoned by foreign governments on condition of emigrating to the United States, March 19 (Globe. pp. 1492, 1493); claims
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
the conflagration policy is settled, I don't mind your speaking of what I wrote about it. Though I would never justify such acts for a moment, there is a spark of truth in the reasoning that, if we are to be treated as brigands if captured, we are not bound to observe the laws of war. But I think now, as I did at the time, that it is cruel, barbarous, impolitic, and degrading to ourselves and to our men; and I shall always rejoice that I expressed myself so at the time of the destruction of Darien. St. Helena Island, July 6. We don't know with any certainty what is going on in the North, but can't believe Lee will get far into Pennsylvania. No matter if the Rebels get to New York, I shall never lose my faith in our ultimate success. We are not yet ready for peace, and want a good deal of purging still. I wrote to General Strong this afternoon, and expressed my wish to be in his brigade. I want to get my men alongside of white troops, and into a good fight, if there is to b
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1865. (search)
camp and on parade. Still, much was wanting to their complete efficiency as soldiers; and in the performance of his duty their young Captain obeyed his own conscience and the kind and wise counsels of his Colonel, the bright exemplar of fidelity to whom he looked in his moments of doubt. On the 3d of June the Fifty-fourth reached Hilton Head, and on the 10th took part in an expedition to Florida, under command of Colonel Montgomery, in the course of which they burned the deserted town of Darien, by order of the commanding officer. He writes: This is not the sort of work I came for, nor do I believe it good work, but it is not for me to criticise. Colonel Montgomery, I think, has caught some Kansas ideas about retribution which hardly belong to civilized warfare. On the 15th of July the regiment was at James Island, and early on the next morning the three companies on picket duty, of which Company H was one, were attacked by a considerable force of the enemy. They behaved very w
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
administering a stimulant from a pocket flask, Colonel Hagood returned to consciousness and hearing a negro complaining of his injuries, he said to his benefactor: Give it to him; he needs it more than I do. Surrounded by father, brothers and friends, on November 15, 1870, at Columbia, S. C., he followed Jackson across the river, to rest with him and his own braves, who had gone before, under the shade of the trees of eternal life. Henry Harrison Hall Henry Harrison Hall was born at Darien, Mackintosh county, Ga., November 18, 1848. He was educated in the common schools of Georgia and was attending a military school in Aiken, S. C., when the war began, the school closing on account of the war in 1862. He made efforts to enlist in the Confederate service, but owing to his extreme youth was unable to do so. In March, 1863, obtaining his father's consent, he went to Charleston and participated in the fight at Battery Wagner in April following. This was before he was mustered i
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 9: (search)
cidental bursting of a shell. The activity and foresight of Captain Hazzard and the gallantry of Lieutenant Grant and command were mentioned in official orders. On June 11th two steamers and two gunboats, with 300 or 400 men, appeared before Darien, and landing a strong party of negroes burned the town, whose white inhabitants had all left it and were living at a place some distance in the rear, known as the ridge. Capt. W. A. Lane of Company D, Twentieth Georgia battalion of cavalry (Maj. John M. Millen), not having force enough in hand to resist the landing, turned all his attention to the protection of the large number of families and valuable property at the ridge until reinforcements could arrive. The woods surrounding Darien were shelled during the burning of the town. The enemy consisted of negroes under white officers. They captured a pilot boat with sixty bales of cotton on board, and carried off some negroes, most of them free. In addition to the land defenses and
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 11: (search)
n artillery was opened upon them, and running across the bridge, were able to fire it so effectively that Gordon was checked. The bridge was entirely destroyed, and from it the town of Wrightsville caught fire and several buildings were consumed. But the further progress of the flames was arrested by the exertions of Gordon's men. General Evans relates that while he was fighting the flames to save the town, he read in a paper the brief special dispatch which announced the recent burning of Darien in Georgia by the Federals. Referring to the threatened destruction of the Pennsylvania city, General Early wrote: All the cars at Wrightsville were destroyed, but the railroad buildings and two car manufactories, as well as the hospital buildings, were not burned, because after examination I was satisfied that the burning of them would cause the destruction of the greater part of the town, and notwithstanding the barbarous policy pursued by the enemy in similar cases, I determined to f
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: strategic Reconnoissances. (search)
and route to the Altamahaz in doing this he had to remove two double rows of piles several miles apart. They had been sawed off at low water mark to make them more difficult to remove. Their removal took so much time that he did not arrive near Darien until late; he there found two steamers leaving under a heavy head of steam. The brass sleeves of the propeller shaft of the Potomska had given out, which induced him to return to Doboy Island. Darien, as well as Brunswick, had been deserted. Darien, as well as Brunswick, had been deserted. The operations against Fernandina led to the abandonment of the entire coast line defence by batteries, and to points sufficiently high up on the rivers to embarrass an attack by gunboats, except the defences of Charleston, and of Pulaski, the outer defence of Savannah, which was soon to fall. Skiddaway and Green Island batteries were reported abandoned, and the guns taken for the defence of the immediate vicinity of Savannah. After establishing the lawful authority of the National flag at