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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Drake, Sir Francis, -1595 (search)
nment refused to indemnify him for his losses, and he sought revenge and found it. Queen Elizabeth gave him a commission in the royal navy, and in 1572 he sailed from Plymouth with two ships for the avowed purpose of plundering the Spaniards. He did so successfully on the coasts of South America, and returned in 1573 with greater wealth than he ever possessed before. Drake was welcomed as a hero; he soon won the title honorably by circumnavigating the globe. He had seen from a mountain on Darien the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and resolved to explore them. Under the patronage of the Queen, he sailed from Plymouth in December, 1577; passed through the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific Ocean; pillaged the Spanish settlements on the coasts of Peru and Chile, and a Spanish galleon laden with gold and silver bullion; and, pushing northward, discovered the bay of San Francisco, took possession of California in the name of his Queen, and named the country New Albion, or New England.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Golden circle, the. (search)
The scheme for establishing an empire whose corner-stone should be negro slavery contemplated for the area of that empire the domain included within a circle the centre of which was Havana, Cuba, with a radius of 16 degrees latitude and longitude. It will be perceived, by drawing that circle upon a map, that it included the thirteen slavelabor States of the American republic. It reached northward to the Pennsylvania line, the old Mason and Dixon's line, and southward to the Isthmus of Darien. It embraced the West India Islands and those of the Caribbean Sea, with a greater part of Mexico and Central America. The plan of the plotters seems to have been to first secure Cuba and then the other islands of that tropical region, with Mexico and Central America; and then to sever the slave-labor States from the Union, making the former a part of the great empire, within what they called The Golden circle. In furtherance of this plan, a secret association known as the Order of the Lo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Tyler 1824- (search)
best route. The Panama Canal Company, after years of exhaustive effort, and the expenditure of immense sums of money of the French people, demonstrated the fact that no other than a lock canal can be built and maintained across the Isthmus of Darien at any cost that the commerce of the world would be able to bear, as the basis of toll charges. The abandonment of the effort to change the plan of the Panama Canal from a sealevel waterway to a canal with locks (for the amount of water at thes are our pride, as a people. They are essential parts of our civilization and indispensable factors in our government; but they are becoming too much a burden upon our internal and external commerce. Water transportation through the Isthmus of Darien is to be the efficient and just competitor for transcontinental traffic, and will add immensely to their income, at lower rates of transportation, by the rapid increase of population on the Pacific slope. As we have aided great corporations by
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ogden, Herbert Gouverneur 1846- (search)
Ogden, Herbert Gouverneur 1846- Topographer; born in New York, April 4, 1846; served in the Civil War; connected with the United States coast survey; took part in the Nicaragua expedition, 1865; exploration of the Isthmus of Darien, 1870; Alaskan boundary expedition, 1893, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Oglethorpe, James Edward 1698-1785 (search)
man burning with zeal for the good of men, and who worked lovingly with the Moravians in Georgia. With his great guns and his Highlanders, Oglethorpe was prepared to defend his colony from intruders; and they soon proved to be useful, for the Spaniards at St. Augustine, jealous of the growth of the new colony, menaced them. With his martial Scotchmen, Oglethorpe went on an expedition among the islands off the coast of Georgia, and on St. Simon's he founded Frederica and built a fort. At Darien, where a few Scotch people had planted a settlement, he traced out a fortification. Then he went to Cumberland Island, and there marked out a fort that would command the mouth of the St. Mary's River. On a small island at the entrance of the St. John's River he planned a small military work, which he named Fort George. He also founded Augusta, far up the Savannah River, and built a stockade as a defence against hostile Indians. These hostile preparations caused the Spaniards at St. A
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pizarro, Francisco 1476- (search)
Pizarro, Francisco 1476- Military officer; born in Estremadura, Spain, in 1476. Low-born, he received little care from his parents, and was a swineherd in his earlier years. He went with Ojeda from Santo Domingo to Central America in 1510, and assisted Vasco de Balboa Nuñez in establishing the settlement at Darien. Trafficking with the natives on the Isthmus of Panama, in 1515, he settled near the city of Panama founded there, and engaged in the cultivation of land by Indian slaves. With a priest and another illiterate adventurer named Almagro, he explored the southern coast, in 1524, with 100 followers in one vessel and seventy in another, under the last-named person. Their explorations were fruitless, except in information of Peru, the land of gold. He went as far as the borders of that land, plundered the people, carried some of them away, and took them to Spain in the summer of 1528. His creditors imprisoned him at Seville, but the King ordered his release and received
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Strain, Isaac G. 1821-1857 (search)
Strain, Isaac G. 1821-1857 Naval officer; born in Roxbury, Pa., March 4, 1821. While yet a midshipman (1845), he led a small party to explore the interior of Brazil, and in 1848 explored the peninsula of California. In 1849 he crossed South America from Valparaiso to Buenos Ayres, and wrote an account of the journey, entitled The Cordillera and Pampa, Mountain and plain: sketches of a journey in Chile and the Argentine provinces. In 1850 he was assigned to the Mexican boundary commission, and afterwards (1854) led a famous expedition across the Isthmus of Darien, for an account of which see Harper's magazine, 1856-57. In 1856, in the steamer Arctic, Lieutenant Strain ascertained by soundings the practicability of laying an ocean telegraphic cable between America and Europe. He died in Aspinwall, Colombia, May 14, 1857.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
t English publication to mention America......1509 Francisco Pizarro reaches Darien......1509 Alonso de Ojeda founds San Sebastian, the first colony in South Am, aged sixty-one years......1512 Vasco Nuñez Balboa, crossing the isthmus of Darien, discovers the Pacific and takes possession of it for the King of Spain, callinis river named in 1527 from silver plate possessed by natives.] Spaniards at Darien hear of the empire of the Incas......1512-17 Las Casas made Universal Protecrnandez de Cordova discovers Mexico......1517 Vasco Nuñez Balboa executed at Darien......1517 Grijalva at Cozumel and Vera Cruz, penetrates Yucatan and names it12 Balboa, Vasco Nuñez, Spanish adventurer, born in Spain, 1475; executed at Darien on a charge of treason, 1517; the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean......Sept. 25 to examine plans and proposals for an interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Darien......March, 1872 Prof. S. F. B. Morse, born 1791, dies in New York......Apri
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
retires from before St. Augustine and reaches Frederica about......July 20, 1740 Georgia divided into two counties: Savannah, comprising all territory north of Darien; and Frederica, covering the settlements on St. Simon's Island and the Altamaha; and Col. William Stephens chosen president of Savannah......April 15, 1741 Ninfterwards pronounced illegal and punishable by Governor Wright......Aug. 10, 1774 Resolutions of fealty to Continental Congress drawn up by representatives of Darien in district congress......Jan. 12, 1775 Provincial Congress in Savannah elects Dr. Jones, Archibald Bullock, and John Houstoun, delegates to the Continental Cocouncil of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Confederate States assembles at Augusta......Nov. 19, 1862 Federals under Colonel Montgomery capture and burn Darien......June 11, 1863 Confederate war-vessel Atlanta leaves Savannah to attack the blockading fleet; meets Federal monitor Weehawken, and in fifteen minutes is di
truction, and for the act no possible provocation may be truthfully alleged. Later yet—the 11th of June—the village of Darien, in the State of Georgia, was laid waste by your soldiers, and every building in it burned to the ground, except one churt furnish the most striking condemnation of the acts of your soldiery on the Combahee, and at Jacksonville, Bluffton, and Darien, in connection with the burning by the British of Havre de Grace, in 1813, the devastations of Lord Cochrane on the coast. In conclusion it is my duty to inquire whether the acts which resulted in the burning of the defenceless villages of Darien and Bluffton, and the ravages on the Combahee, are regarded by you as legitimate measures of war, which you will feel autmay delay his march. From where he is now, about Sandersville, he may move equally well on Port Royal, Ossabaw Sound, or Darien. One or two days more will decide the point he shall have selected. Augusta can now be considered out of danger, and th