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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
her prisons in Richmond and on Belle Isle. This we have done, because the publications to which we have alluded refer chiefly to them, and because the Report no. 67 of the Northern Congress plainly intimates the belief that the treatment in and around Richmond was worse than it was farther South. That report says: It will be observed from the testimony, that all the witnesses who testify upon that point state that the treatment they received while confined at Columbia, South Carolina, Dalton, Georgia, and other places, was far more humane than that they received at Richmond, where the authorities of the so-called Confederacy were congregated. Report, p. 3. The evidence proves that the rations furnished to prisoners of war, in Richmond and on Belle Isle, have been never less than those furnished to the Confederate soldiers who guarded them, and have at some seasons been larger in quantity and better in quality than those furnished to Confederate troops in the field. This has bee
y or defeat. His idea was to hurt the enemy and save his own men. Not anxious to push doubtful points, he was shrewd to see his own advantage, and hammered heavily on a discomfited foe. Some in the old army thought Hardee ambitious. If so, his ambition was well regulated. He doubted his own fertility of original suggestion, and certainly did not value himself more highly than he was valued by others. He did not wish independent command, and, when appointed as General Bragg's successor at Dalton, refused the honor. There was no better lieutenant-general in the Confederate army, Stonewall Jackson excepted. Among the subordinates were many meritorious officers, and some who afterward rose to deserved distinction. Hindman, who commanded the advance, was a man of energy, audacity, and restless ambition. He had been a lawyer at Helena, Arkansas, and a member of Congress. Cleburne, who likewise practised law at Helena, was an Irishman by birth, had served in the British army, and
t few years he removed to Galveston, where death closed his. career in his sixty-first year. General Bragg met his death at Galveston, Texas, September 27, 1876, by heart-disease. He was struck, while crossing a street, and died as suddenly as if he had met his fate on the battle-field. Colonel Johnston continues: The brief sketch which I have given shows that his service in the late war was large, varied, and active, and the time during which he was in command, from Shiloh to Dalton, comprises the most eventful period of the war in the West. Soldiers with whom he left Pensacola marched northward till they came in sight of Cincinnati, and fought under him at Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge; and the historian who attempts impartially to give the details of his marches and his battles will find, though the net results of his efforts were not summed up in victory, what triumphs over obstacles he achieved through the valor of his men, his
fur a year or two, and it is so poor she has quit chawen ontirely. When returning from Knoxville, we passed a farm house which stood near the roadside. Three young women were standing at the gate, and appeared to be in excellent spirits. Captain Wager inquired if they had heard from Knoxville. O yes, they answered, General Longstreet has captured Knoxville and all of General Burnside's men. Indeed, said the Captain; what about Chattanooga? Well, we heard that Bragg had moved back to Dalton. You have not heard, then, that Bragg was whipped; lost sixty pieces of artillery and many thousand men? O no! You have not heard that Longstreet was defeated at Knoxville, and compelled to fall back with heavy loss? No, no; we don't believe a word of it. A man, who came from Knoxville and knows all about it, says that you uns are retreating now as fast as you can. You can't whip our fellers. Well, ladies, said the Captain, I am glad to see you feeling so well under adverse circumstanc
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Dalton-Atlanta operations. (search)
The Dalton-Atlanta operations. General Joseph E. Johnston. It is stated on page 24 of General port and memoirs, that the Confederate army at Dalton was brought to the verge of ruin by his movemeaking of roads by which the Southern troops at Dalton could reach Resaca before their antagonists. r result than that gained — the abandonment of Dalton by the Southern army. Rocky Face, instead of covering Dalton, completely covered the Federal flank march to Snake Creek gap, and, therefore, was s the impression that the position in front of Dalton was very strong, and he says in his report (pand, therefore, few deaths by sickness south of Dalton. These proofs show that the estimate on page offset to his numerical superiority. Between Dalton and Atlanta, one sees but two semblances of moe, which covered the march by which he flanked Dalton and Kenesaw, less than two miles long. The cothose attainable, indicate that it was not. At Dalton, only the southern left flank was covered by R[4 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
commands so as to have all roads and crossings vigilantly watched. It was thought, at first, that — Davis would call about him a select force. and endeavor to escape by marching to the westward through the hilly country of Northern Georgia. To prevent this, Colonel Eggleston was directed to watch the country in all directions from Atlanta. General A. J. Alexander, with the Second Brigade of Upton's Division, was directed by General Winslow to scout the country to the northward as far as Dalton, or until he should meet the troops under General Steedman operating in that region. Beginning his march from Macon, General Alexander, at his own request, was authorized to detach an officer and twenty picked men, disguised as rebel soldiers, for the purpose of obtaining definite information of Davis' movements. This party was placed under the command of Lieutenant Joseph 0. Yoeman, First Ohio Cavalry, and at the time acting inspector of the brigade. Verbal instructions were also given
e the country untenable. Therefore, every eye was turned toward Dalton, where Johnston's little army now was-every ear was strained to catNorth-east, and McPherson the right on the South-west-he moved upon Dalton, almost simultaneously with Grant's passage of the Rapidan. And li0,000 men; while Johnston's greatest exertions could not collect at Dalton an effective force of 35,000. Many of these, too, were local troopr vigorous. This was proved at the very outset; for his advance on Dalton was a piece of military tact that-unlike Grant's at the Wilderness ications; and by the 8th of June, the latter was forced to evacuate Dalton and retire down Resaca Valley toward the line of the Etowah river. ose of pawns upon the board; while the serious check to Johnston at Dalton — the flank movement upon his right — was repeated here. On the 4tons. He was fearful, lest the system that had forced Johnston from Dalton and Kenesaw Mountain might be made available against him here; and
f the enemy. And so the fall wore into winter; and the news from General Hood's lines only added to the gloom. After the truce of ten days, following the fall of Atlanta, Hood had moved around and gotten almost in Sherman's rear. For a moment there was great exultation, for it was believed he would destroy the enemy's communications and then attack him, or force an attack on ground of his own choosing. Great was the astonishment and great the disappointment, when Hood moved rapidly to Dalton and thence into Alabama, leaving the whole country south of Virginia entirely open, defenseless, and at Sherman's mercy. And, as usual, in moments of general distress, Mr. Davis was blamed for the move. He had, it was said, removed Joe Johnston at the very moment his patient sagacity was to bear its fruits; he had been in Hood's camp and had of course planned this campaign-a wilder and more disastrous one than the detachment of Longstreet, for Knoxville. Whosesoever may have been the
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
be distributed soon. Now that Miss Bettie Brander has come to the aid of my daughters, the supply will soon be increased. The preparations of the Government of the United States for prosecuting the war in 1864 were on a vast scale. Stupendous efforts were made to crush armed resistance everywhere. An irresistible invasion was designed to destroy rebellion from center to circumference. The principal objective points were the two principal armies of the Confederacy — the one then at Dalton, Ga., under J. E. Johnston, and the other in Virginia under Robert E. Lee. The Washington authorities decided that there should be only one head to direct these immense plans of campaign, and it determined the head should be on the shoulders of General U. S. Grant. This officer was commissioned lieutenant general on March 9, 1864, and placed in the command of all the armies of the United States. His success in the West had brought him prominently to the notice of Mr. Lincoln. In the exerci
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Condition of the Army-rebuilding the Railroad- General Burnside's situation-orders for battle-plans for the attack-hooker's position- Sherman's movements (search)
just at and below the mouth of Chickamauga Creek, as soon as it arrives. Thomas will attack on his left at the same time, and together it is expected to carry Missionary Ridge, and from there push a force on to the railroad between Cleveland and Dalton. Hooker will at the same time attack, and, if he can, carry Lookout Mountain. The enemy now seems to be looking for an attack on his left flank. This favors us. To further confirm this, Sherman's advance division will march direct from Whitesi You having been over the ground in person, and having heard the whole matter discussed, further instructions will not be necessary for you. It is particularly desirable that a force should be got through to the railroad between Cleveland and Dalton, and Longstreet thus cut off from communication with the South; but being confronted by a large force here, strongly located, it is not easy to tell how this is to be effected until the result of our first effort is known. I will add, however