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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 16 12 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 8 0 Browse Search
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 3 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 2 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 31, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
rdered General Albert Pike, a few days afterward, to Lawrence county, Missouri, with a mixed command of whites and Indians estimated at 7000 men; ordered McIntosh to report to Price at Springfield with McCulloch's infantry; ordered McCulloch to Pocahontas with his mounted men; and called upon Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas to send reinforcements. Hopeful and enthusiastic by nature, he believed that Price would have 15,000 effective men at Springfield by the last of March, and himself 18,000 at Pocahontas, and that they could then march against St. Louis. The two columns were to effect a junction north of Ironton, and, moving thence rapidly without tents or baggage, take the city by assault. Possession of the city would give him possession of the State, and the enemy would supply the arms for the thousands of volunteers that would flock to his standard. From this day-dream he was rudely awakened a few days later by news that Price had been driven from Springfield on the 12th of F
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Pea Ridge campaign. (search)
e combined forces about to confront Curtis. He was a. graduate of West Point and had served with honors in the Mexican war as lieutenant of infantry, and was in the United States service as major at the opening of the war. Having joined the Confederacy, he was appointed colonel, and already in Texas had been of great service to his cause. On the 14th of February, 1862,--the very day when the Army of the South-west took possession of Springfield, he wrote to Price from his headquarters at Pocahontas, stating in detail his plan for attempting St. Louis and carrying the war into Illinois. Our appearance in Arkansas suddenly changed the situation. Van Dorn at once hastened from Jacksonport to Van Buren on the 24th of February, issued a very flourishing proclamation on the 2d of March, and on the 3d the Confederate army was on its way from the Boston, Mountains to Fayetteville and Elm Springs, at which latter place its advance arrived on the evening of the 5th. On this march Price's tr
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.55 (search)
y been made there, many bodies having been buried in the fort, and some twenty or thirty were found some half-mile distant. The number of pieces of ordnance that have fallen into our hands is fifty-two, the bulk of which is of the largest caliber, all with fine carriages, etc., except eight or nine, that were ruined by our fire, which dismounted their pieces. On the afternoon of the 8th General Sherman made a reconnoissance, on Captain Percival Drayton, Commander of the U. S. Steamer Pocahontas at Port Royal-brother of the Commander of the Confederate forces. From a photograph. General Drayton thus describes the resistance made to the attack of the Union fleet, referring at the outset to the first shot from Fort Walker: The shell from the Dahlgren exploded near the muzzle, and was harmless. Other shots followed from both forts, and soon the fire became general on land and water. In spite of our fire, directed with deliberation and coolness, the fleet soon passed both batte
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi. (search)
where the forces of Price and McCulloch lay in great need of a common superior — for these two generals could not co-operate because of questions of rank. Therefore, Van Dorn promptly responded to Price's summons, and in a few hours was in the saddle and on his way to Van Buren. I went with him, and one aide-de-camp, an orderly, and my servant man Jem made up our party. Van Dorn rode a fine thoroughbred black mare he had brought from Virginia. I was mounted on a sorrel I had bought in Pocahontas a few hours before we set out. Except my sorrel mare, Van Dorn's black mare was the hardest trotter in the world, and as we trotted fifty-five miles every day for five or six days, we had a very unusual opportunity of learning all that a hard trotter can do to a man in a long day's march. Had it not been that we slept every night in a feather bed, that soothed our sore bones and served as a poultice to our galled saddle pieces, we would have been permanently disabled for cavalry service f
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
n's first visit to Grant's camp Lincoln at the front some anecdotes by Lincoln movement against the Weldon Railroad Swapping horses Sheridan Returns where Pocahontas saved John Smith General James H. Wilson's raid the staff enlarged On June 21 Butler had thrown a pontoon-bridge across the James, and seized a position ono afterward, Grant paid a visit to Butler's lines; and while he and the staff were riding out to the front they came to the place where, according to tradition, Pocahontas had saved the life of Captain John Smith. Whether it was the exact spot or not, it was regarded in that locality as historic ground; and Virginians, who take a particular pride in well-known family names, seemed to honor Pocahontas especially, no doubt because she was largely instrumental in preserving the Smith family to posterity. In the efforts to account for the attempted execution of the prisoner, there is a story told, about the truth of which there is a lingering uncertainty. I
land plantations, a letter asking for the names of the former owners, and the number of persons formerly held to involuntary service, in charge of the Government agents. On receiving this information, it is the intention of (Gen. hunter to afford said owners a reasonable time to prove their fealty to the Government, and then in case of their failure to do so, and upon sufficient proof of their treason, he will at once restore these slaves to freedom.--Cincinnati Gazette, April 23. Pocahontas, Ark., was taken possession of by a body of Inliana cavalry, under the command of Capt. G. P. Deweese.--(Doc. 137.) This morning two expeditions were started from Huntsvillo, Ala., in the cars captured by Gen. Mitchel yesterday. One under Col. Sill, of the Thirty-third Ohio, went east to Stevens, the junction of the Chattanooga with the Memphis and Charleston Railroads, at which point they seized two thousand of the enemy, who were retreating, without firing a shot, and captured five lo
August 18. Lieutenant Bross, with a detachment of the Engineer regiment, on an expedition about twelve miles south of Pocahontas, Ark., was attacked by Colonel Street's company, at a point where defence was difficult. After a brief skirmish, Lieutenant Bross drew his men in line of battle, and charged upon the rebels, who broke and ran. They were chased for five miles, when four were captured, with several of their horses and mules. Colonel Street was among those pursued. He was subsequently discovered and chased, and pressed so hard, that he jumped from his horse, and hid himself in a swamp and undergrowth. In Street's saddle-bags were found the pay-roll of a company of the First Mississippi militia, as follows: One hundred and fifty men all told, twenty-two prisoners of war, forty-two absent without leave, and nine turned over to another company, leaving his present strength seventy-one men.--the British steamer Hebe was run ashore near New Inlet, N. C., and afterward des
August 24. A party of Missouri cavalry, under the command of Colonel R. G. Woodrow, made a descent upon Pocahontas, Ark., and succeeded in routing and capturing a number of rebels, among whom was Brigadier-General Jeff Thompson.--(Doc. 154.) General Gillmore, in a despatch from his headquarters on Morris Island, S. C., reported the partial demolition of Fort Sumter, as the result of seven days bombardment of that work.--Charleston was again shelled by the troops under General Gillmore.--(See Supplement.) A meeting of a portion of the people of Cumberland County, Va., was held this day, at which the. following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we heartily approve of the action of our Governor in calling an extra session of the Legislature for the purposes designated. Resolved, That whereas we are engaged in a war for the maintenance of principles dear to every freeman, and that we are firmly resolved to prosecute this war under all circumstances a
twentieth instant, and had to remain there till the evening of the twenty-first, for the troops from the Cape. When they joined me on the morning of Thursday, the twenty-second, I moved with the whole force, about six hundred strong, for Pocahontas, Arkansas, by as rapid marches as the extreme heat of the weather and the condition of my stock would permit, and arrived at Pocahontas, Arkansas, on Saturday evening, the twenty-fourth instant. When I was in four miles of Pocahontas, I ascertainPocahontas, Arkansas, on Saturday evening, the twenty-fourth instant. When I was in four miles of Pocahontas, I ascertained that Brigadier-General Jeff Thompson was there with little or no force. My column was then scattered over several miles, from the extreme rapidity of my march. Being very desirous of capturing him, and knowing that I had to act with promptness or fail in that object, I ordered Captain Gentry, of the Second cavalry M. S. M., to move forward with all possible despatch, with the advance, and surprise and capture the General, and that I would support him as soon as I could get the column up.
1. North of Farmville, Va., 742. Okolona, Miss., 617. Old River, La., 328. Oldtown, Md., 607. Opelousas, La., 340. Orangeburg, S. C., 699. Orchard Ridge, Tenn., 438. Padueah, Ky., 618. Paine's X-Roads, Va., 740. Palmetto Ranche, Tex., 757. Parker's X-roads, Tenn., 283. Petersburg Lines, Va., 734. Philadelphia. Tenn., 431. Pilot Knob, Mo., 557. Pine Bluff, Ark., 453. Pineville, Mo., 450. Plaquemine, La., 338. Pleasant Grove. La., 541. Plymouth, N. C., 533. Pocahontas, Ark., 451. Pocotaligo, S. C., 463. Pomeroy. Ohio, 406. Poolesville, Md., 352. Port Conway, Va., 394. Port Gibson, Miss., 297. Port Republic. Va., 139. Ponnd Gap, Ky., 42. Prairie d'anne. Ark., 552. Prestonburg. Ky., 42. Pulaski, Tenn., 678. Quaker Road. Va., 730. Rappahannock Station, 394. Reams's do. (Wilson), 588. Red Hill, Ala., 688. Resaca, Ga., 626. Rivers's Bridge, S. C., 697. Rock House, W. Va., 599. Rocky Face Gap. Ga., 626. Rogersville, Tenn., 430. Romney,