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lan assumed the command of the army of the Potomac, and announced the officers attached to his staff.--(Doc. 201.) The Convention of Western Virginia passed the ordinance creating a State, reported by the select committee on a division of the State, this morning, by a vote of fifty to twenty-eight. The boundary as fixed includes the counties of Logan, Wyoming, Raleigh, Fayette, Nicholas, Webster, Randolph, Tucker, Preston, Monongahela, Marion, Taylor, Barbour, Upshur, Harrison, Lewis, Braxton, Clay, Kanawha, Boone, Wayne, Cabell, Putnam, Mason, Jackson, Roane, Calhoun, Wirt, Gilmer, Ritchie, Wood, Pleasants, Tyler, Doddridge, Wetzel, Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, and Hancock. A provision was incorporated permitting certain adjoining counties to come in if they should desire, by expression of a majority of their people to do so. The ordinance also provides for the election of delegates to a Convention to form a constitution; at the same time the question for a new State or against a n
rushed forward. Over-coats and blankets lined the sides of the road. Stores were speedily closed, women screamed, horses dashed forward. Everything was excitement, but in good order. Col. Geary pushed on at the head, and at one time was within two hundred yards of the rebel cavalry.--Philadelphia Inquirer. Gen. Fremont, at Wheeling, Va., issued an order, assigning Brig.-Gen. Kelley to the command of all of Western Virginia north and east of the counties of Jackson, Roane, Calhoun, Braxton, Lewis, Barbour and Tucker inclusive, and west of the Alleghanies, Maryland and Pennsylvania, constituting the Railroad District Henry W. Bellows, D. D., delivered at Irving Hall, New York, this evening, a conversational lecture, detailing the experience of a three days visit to the battle-field of Bull Run and Manassas. He exhibited a number of trophies secured on the spot, including rebel letters, arms and equipments, and the skull and bone of a Union soldier, picked up from the spo
June 8. This day a scouting party under Lieut. Bonse, company A, Tenth Virginia regiment, captured, in Braxton County, Va., Ben. Haymond, Ed. Riffle and Stan. Conrad, three of the most notorious bushwhackers in Western Virginia. Haymond and Riffle had been cutting telegraph wires, robbing Union men, stealing horses, etc.--Cincinnati Gazette, June 11. An extension of the following military departments of the United States was made: 1. The Department of,the Mississippi is extended so as to include the whole of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky. All officers on duty in those States will report to Major-Gen. Halleck. 2. The Mountain Department is extended eastward to the road running from Williamsport to Martinsburgh, Winchester, Strasburgh, Harrisonburgh, and Staunton, including that place — thence in the same direction southward until it reaches the Blue Ridge chain of mountains; thence with the line of the Blue Ridge to the southern boundary of the State of Virgi
Union loss in the engagement was less than forty in killed and wounded. It was impossible correctly to estimate the loss of the confederates, as they succeeded in carrying off all of their wounded and many of their dead. Fifteen dead rebels were found and buried. Colonel Hatch captured seventy-five prisoners, among whom was a rebel chief of artillery. A rebel force, under the command of Colonel William L. Jackson, attacked the outpost of General B. F. Kelley's army, at Bulltown, Braxton County, Va., this morning, and after a severe fight were compelled to retreat with heavy loss. They were pursued by the Union cavalry. The Union force in the engagement consisted of detachments of the Sixth and Eleventh Virginia regiments, numbering about four hundred, commanded by Captain William H. Mattingly, of the former regiment. He was dangerously wounded. The other casualties were slight. The rebel loss was sixty wounded and nine killed.--General Kelley's Despatch. A fight took
A severe Sufferer. An old German gentleman, by the name of George Gerwig, who resides in Braxton County, arrived in this city yesterday, having in charge an insane daughter, en route for the insane asylum at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Gerwig is seventy-two years of age, and is a thoroughly loyal man. He owns in Braxton County six thousand three hundred acres of land. During the last raid, the rebels robbed him of sixty head of cattle, nine horses, four hundred bushels of dried peaches, a large loBraxton County six thousand three hundred acres of land. During the last raid, the rebels robbed him of sixty head of cattle, nine horses, four hundred bushels of dried peaches, a large lot of hay, and, in fact, every thing he had. There is scarcely a good fence upon the farm, and the accumulated wealth of twenty-five years has been destroyed and cast to the winds. He has two sons in the Union army. The boy who was killed by Kuhl and others about a year ago was an adopted son of Mr. Gerwig's. It will be recollected that Kuhl and his companions caught the boy in a field, and cut his head off with a scythe, for which they were court-martialed and hung at Sutton. The daughter who
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
s had organized a strong column of nearly ten thousand men at Clarksburg, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway; and early in September he marched southward, with several of his best Western regiments, to attack Floyd, wherever he might be found, leaving the remainder of his force under General Reynolds, who was in command of the Cheat Mountain division, to watch and oppose Lee. He soon ascertained that Floyd was at or near Carnifex Ferry, and he pushed forward in that direction, through Lewis, Braxton, and Nicholas Counties, by way of Weston, Jacksonville, and Braxton Court House, to Summersville. His route lay arong some of the wildest of the mountain roads, over the western spurs of the Alleghenies, and among the most charming and picturesque scenery of Western Virginia. Sometimes his troops thridded deep and gloomy ravines, and narrow defiles, and then climbed the steepest hillsides; at times along slippery winding paths, among beetling crags, catching here and there, at some sharp
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, West Virginia, 1863 (search)
ails.) Sept. 25: Skirmish, Seneca Trace CrossingWEST VIRGINIA--2d Mounted Infantry (Detachment). Union loss, 30 missing. Oct. 1: Skirmish near Harper's Ferry(No Reports.) Oct. 5: Skirmish near Harper's Ferry(No Reports.) Oct. 7: Skirmish, Summit PointMARYLAND--2d P. H. B. Cavalry. Oct. 7: Skirmish, CharlestownMARYLAND--2d P. H. B. Cavalry (Co. "B"). Union loss 2 killed, 4 wounded. Total, 6. Oct. 11: Skirmish, Salt Lick BridgeWEST VIRGINIA--4th Cavalry. Oct. 13: Skirmish, Bulltown, Braxton CountyWEST VIRGINIA--6th and 11th Infantry (Detachments). Union loss, 1 wounded. Oct. 13: Skirmish, BurlingtonPENNSYLVANIA--La Fayette County Cavalry Company. Oct. 14: Skirmish, Salt Lick BridgeILLINOIS--16th Cavalry (Co. "C"). WEST VIRGINIA--4th Cavalry; 4th and 11th Infantry. Oct. 15: Skirmish, HedgesvilleNEW YORK--1st Cavalry. OHIO--116th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--14th Cavalry (Detachments). Oct. 16: Skirmish, CharlestownMAINE--5th Battery Light Arty. Oct. 18: Engagement, CharlestownMARYL
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, West Virginia Volunteers. (search)
ourt House November 19. Capture of Suttonville, Braxton Court House, November 29. In support of Garfield's operations in Eastern Kentucky against Humphrey Marshall December 23, 1861, to January 30, 1862 (Detachment). Skirmishes in Clay, Braxton and Webster Counties December 29-31. Jennies Creek, Ky., January 7, 1862 (Detachment). Regiment engaged in scouting, picket and outpost duty and guarding Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in West Virginia till March, 1862. Expedition to Blue's 1. Rowell's Run September 6. Moved to Beverly September 10, thence to Elkwater, and duty there till April, 1862. Romney, Hanging Rock, September 23, 1861. Romney September 23-25. Mill Creek Mills October 26. Skirmishes in Clay, Braxton and Webster Counties December 29-31. Elk Mountain March 19, 1862. Advance on Staunton April 5-May 8. Cow Pasture May 7. Battle of McDowell May 8. Bull Pasture Mountain May 8. Reconnoissance to Franklin May 9-11. Franklin May
ed old pattern flintlock muskets were the only arms with which General Lee was able to supply these important forces. Lieut.-Col. John McCausland was given similar duties in the valley of the Kanawha, and Col. C. Q. Tompkins, of Charleston, was assigned to command. Col. George Porterfield was directed to repair to Grafton and select positions for the troops in that section so as to cover the points liable to attack. The call for troops to assemble at Grafton was made on the counties of Braxton, Lewis, Harrison, Monongahela, Taylor, Barbour, Upshaw, Tucker, Mason, Randolph and Preston. The volunteers from Wood, Wirt, Roane, Calhoun, Gilmer, Ritchie, Pleasant and Doddridge were to rendezvous at Parkersburg. Lieuts. J. G. Gittings and W. E. Kemble were ordered to report to Porterfield for duty. Col. Jubal A. Early was ordered to Lynchburg to organize and command the forces at that point, and Col. Thomas J. Jackson, who was at Harper's Ferry, was notified to watch the threatening
ield had been previously withdrawn, and as soon as Lee was informed of Cox's orders by the capture of Pope's headquarters and letter-book at Catlett's Station, he requested that Loring be ordered to clear the valley of the Kanawha and then operate northwardly, so as to join me in the valley of Virginia. During the summer J. D. Imboden, subsequently colonel and brigadier-general in the Confederate service, had been organizing a cavalry battalion in Highland county, enlisting refugees from Braxton, Lewis and Webster counties and other regions, a large majority of his men having but recently escaped from Pierpont's dominion, brimful of fight. In a private letter written about this time, he gave a graphic picture of the situation in the mountain region. He said: No Oriental despot ever exercised such mortal terror by his iron rule of his subjects as is now felt by three-fourths of the true men and women of the northwest. Grown — up men came to me stealthily through the woods to