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se public and private relations with the subject of this memoir, his anomalous position as bishop and general, and the wide misapprehension of his life and character by those who knew only one side or the other, warrant a more extended notice. Leonidas Polk was descended from a family noted in our Revolutionary annals. It came from the north of Ireland about 1722, to Maryland; and about 1753, Thomas, the son of William Polk, found a congenial home in the Scotch-Irish settlement of Mecklenburg County, in the province of North Carolina. Here he married and prospered, attaining wealth and eminence among his people. It may be recollected that for Mecklenburg County is claimed the honor of making the first Declaration of Independence from the mother-country. According to the historian of these events, Colonel Thomas Polk convoked the meeting that took this first step in treason. He was a prime mover for resistance, an active patriot and soldier in the War of the Revolution, and ros
stinctly, but the sound is more distant. June June 30, 1862. McClellan certainly retreating. We begin to breathe more freely; but he fights as he goes. Oh, that he may be surrounded before he gets to his gun-boats! Rumours are flying about that he is surrounded; but we do not believe it-only hope that he may be before he reaches the river. The city is sad, because of the dead and dying, but our hearts are filled with gratitude and love. The end is not yet-oh that it were! Mecklenburg County, July 15, 1862. Mr.----and myself summoned here a short time ago to see our daughter, who was very ill. Found her better-she is still improving. Richmond is disenthralled — the only Yankees there are in the Libby and other prisons. McClellan and his Grand army, on James River, near Westover, enjoying mosquitoes and bilious fevers. The weather is excessively hot. I dare say the Yankees find the Sunny South all that their most fervid imaginations ever depicted it, particularly
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lynch, James Daniel 1836- (search)
Lynch, James Daniel 1836- Author; born in Mecklenburg county, Va., Jan. 6, 1836; graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1859; served in the Confederate army during the Civil War, and after its close practised law in West Point, Miss. Among his publications are The bench and bar of Mississippi; The bench and bar of Texas; Kemper county vindicated, or reconstruction in Mississippi; and the poems, The clock of destiny; The Star of Texas; The siege of the Alamo; and Columbia saluting the Nations, written for the World's Columbian Exposition.
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix: letters from our army workers. (search)
Chesterfield, March 22, 1867. Dear Brother Jones: Before going into details, allow me to state that I was appointed chaplain of the Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry June 9, 1863, and remained with it to the surrender. (1.) I know very little about the early history of my regiment. We had a history of our regiment (and also one of our brigade) written, but have heard nothing of it since the close of the war. This regiment was composed of men from Pittsylvania, Halifax and Mecklenburg counties, Virginia. It started from Danville in the spring of 1861, under the command of Colonel E. C. Edmunds. It was connected with several brigades. When I joined it, it was attached to Armistead's Brigade, Pickett's Division, First Corps, and it continued in this position to the surrender, under different commanders. General Armistead was killed at Gettysburg. Our next general was Barton; then George H. Steuart, of Maryland, who remained with it till the surrender. I knew very little
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A Memorial. (search)
nvitations to the presidency of Hampden-Sidney College, and other literary institutions; to become a pastor in Lexington, Virginia; St. Louis, Brooklyn, New York, Nashville, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Charleston, and elsewhere, none of these ever tempted him from the field of his first labors. Why he came here. The circumstances under which Dr. Hoge came to Richmond seem of moment and interest. As he drew near the end of his course in the Theological Seminary, a little church in Mecklenburg county signified its wish to engage him as its pastor as soon as he obtained his license. About that time, however, Dr. Plumer visited Prince Edward county, and told Dr. Hoge that he would probably be invited to Richmond to become assistant at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Hoge said that he would prefer a small country charge, at least until he gained some experience, and had composed some sermons. Dr. Plumer requested a meeting of the faculty of the Theological Seminary, explained hi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Personal reminiscences of the last days of Lee and his Paladins. (search)
ren, whom one week before I had left at the head of his ragged veterans in fierce and hopeless fight, was more than I could take in. Sunday, I was too sick to get up, but, with the kindly ministrations of Mrs. Mahone, I was on my feet Monday morning, and after breakfast, Blakemore and I, the last of the Paladins of our little group who had left Appomattox together, renewed our journey. We travelled together about half a day, when he turned off to go to his aunt's, Mrs. J——, in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, and I took the road for Louisburg, N. C., where my wife and children had been refugeeing. I had no companion for the balance of that day, reached Ridgeway about night, and found hospitable quarters at an old friend and college mate's, Dr. J——. The next morning, I met our Adjutant Turner sitting by the side of the railroad, recalling to my mind some lines of patience on a monument. I then made for Louisburg, about twenty-five miles, saw and overtook many of Lee's soldiers t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
arvey, G., Capt., Mo., Heathsville, Va., 1865. Harvie, C. I., Capt., Va., Cedar Run, Va., 1864. Harvin, W. E., Capt., Ga., Johnson's Island, 1863. Haskell, W. T., Capt., S. C., Gettysburg, Pa., 1863. Hays, J. S., N. C., Williamsburg, Va., 1862. Healy, E. M., Capt., Va., Manassas, Va., 1862. Heath, R. B., Adjt., Va., Richmond, Va., 1863. Hemphill, R., S. C., Seven Pines, Va., 1862. Henderson, E. A., Capt., N. C., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Hendrick, R. L., Va., Mecklenburg Co., Va.. 1862. Henry, J. F., Maj., Tenn., Shiloh, Tenn. Hicks, J. H., N. C., Chancellorsville, Va., 1863. Hobbs, T. H., Col., Ala. Hobson, A. M., Capt., Va., 1863. Hodges, T. P., Capt. Miss., Atlanta, Ga., 1863. Hoffman, T. W., Lt., Va., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Holcombe, H. L., Adjt., Ala., Frazier's Farm, Va. Holcombe, J. C., Capt., Ga., 1861. Holladay, J. M., Va., Albemarle Co., Va., 1862. Holland, N. W., Capt., Fla., Olustee, Fla. Holleman, G. C., Fla., Sev
n Bank of Virginia and any of its branches to establish an agency in the city of Richmond for the redemption of its circulating notes; a bill amending and re-enacting the act entitled "an act to incorporate the Jackson Orphan Asylum of Norfolk, passed Feb. 26, 1856; a bill to amend an act passed Jan. 3d, 1860, entitled "an act to incorporate the Virginia Life Insurance Company;" a bill to incorporate the Merchants' Savings Bank of Richmond; a bill for the relief of Robert Y. Overby, of Mecklenburg county on account of erroneous taxes paid; a bill to incorporate the Virginia Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company; a bill authorizing the Board of Public Works to confirm the sale of the Marysville Plank-Road to the county of Charlotte: a bill for the relief of Patrick H. Scott, of Halifax county. A message was received from Gov. Letcher, transmitting a copy of the joint resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, relative to the condition of the country, and pledgi
ned — yeas 20, nays 10. House of delegates. Thursday,Jan. 24th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Chapman, of Monroe county. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from committees, as follows: A bill imposing taxes for the support of Government; a bill to authorize the South- Side Railroad Company to build a branch road from Blacks and Whites, in the county of Nottoway into the county of Mecklenburg. Extension of the Corporate Limits.--The bill for amending the charter of the city of Richmond, and extending the corporate limits of said city, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Saunders, and being read the second time by its title, was variously amended. On motion, laid on the table. Remains of General Lee.--The bill making an appropriation for the removal of the remains of General Harry Lee, of Light Horse memory, from the cemetery of P. M. Nightingale, Esq., in the Island of C
House of Delegates. Monday, Jan. 28th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Second Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of a number of bills. The House referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances Senate bill for the relief of Ro. Y. Overby, of Mecklenburg county, from an erroneous assessment of land. Senate Bills Passed.--To amend an act entitled an act incorporating the Princess Anne Savings Bank, passed Feb. 27th, 1860: to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refinery Company. Bills Referred.--The Senate bill "to incorporate the Richmond City Insurance Company of Richmond" was referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, on motion of Mr. Keen. He said that some days since the gentleman from Petersburg had submitted a bill of a similar character to the Committee on Banks, and the comm