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62. lady Washington's Lamentation. December, 1799. Copied from an original, January 9th, 1808, and presented by a lady of Richmond, Va., to Miss Susan McCain, (Mrs. S. M. Bell,) of Lunenburg County, Virginia. When Columbia's brave sons called my hero to lead 'em, To vanquish their foes and establish their freedom, I rejoiced at his honor — my fears I dissembled; At the thought of his danger, my heart, how it trembled: O my Washington! O my Washington! O my Washington! All was hazardous. The contest decided with peace to the nation; My hero retired 'mid the loud acclamation Of men without number, and praise without measure; My own heart exulted in transports of pleasure. O my happiness! O my happiness! O my happiness! How precarious! Our Freedom, with order, by Faction rejected, A new Constitution our country erected; My hero was raised to preside over the Union, And his cares intercepted our blissful communion: O my happiness! O my happiness! O my happiness! How precari
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
spent the winter of 1861-‘62. In the latter part of the winter of 1862, it was ordered to Fredericksburg, where we were regularly drilled until the campaign opened in the spring, when the Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry was organized with the following ten companies: Company A, Stafford county, Va.; Company B, Caroline county, Va.; Company C, Westmoreland county, Va.; Company D, Lancaster county, Va.; Company E, Spotsylvania county, Va.; Company F, Essex county, Va.; Company G, Lunenburg county, Va.; Company H, Lee Rangers, Virginia and other States and counties; Company I, King George county, Va.; Company K, Richmond county, Va. The following is the roll of Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry (Lee Rangers), from June, 1861, to April, 1865: Captains—William H. F. Lee, dead, B. B. Douglas, dead, Thomas W. Haynes, dead. First Lieutenants—William V. Croxton, James Pollard, dead. Second Lieutenant—Thomas J. Christian. Junior Second Lieutenants—George W. Bassett, dead
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.4 (search)
May 10th, 11th, and 12th—Taliaferro Succeeds to command after the fall of Garnett—Incidents of the report by Dr. Henry M. Price, Company K, 44th Virginia Volunteers, with corrections and additional particulars by C. T. Allen, formerly of Lunenburg county, Va. by Dr. Henry M. Price. At the request of many old comrades, and through your courtesy, I will try to give your readers a true history of the occurrences of the 10th, 11th, and 12th of May, 1861, culminating in the tragic death of Gener that Colonel Scott failed that day to realize what his duty was. He literally obeyed orders, when he should have realized and known by the intuition of a soldier, that his duty was to throw his orders to the winds and strike the enemy in his front and their rear and die, if need be, in saving the day. In another communication at some convenient season, with the permission of the Dispatch, I will say more of Rich mountain and its consequences. C. T. Allen, Formerly of Lunenburg county, Va.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), New Market day at V. M. I. [from the Richmond, Va., times-dispatch, June 24, 1903. (search)
the grounds, where lie the men who fell at New Market. There each one laid a flower on the grave of each of the boys who sleep in the soil of Lexington. It was a fitting end of the day's ceremonies. State cadets. The Board of Visitors announced to-day the following appointments to State cadetships: J. M. Smith, Pocahontas; C. G. Paul, Harrisonburg; L. W. Sydnor, Staunton; J. R. Taylor, Fredericksburg; M. Campbell, Amherst; H. E. McCreedy, Roanoke; J. P. Wilkinson, Nebletts Van, Lunenburg county; W. P. Tate, Pulaski; R. C. Barrett, Smithfield; G. M. Harrison, Fredericksburg; H. F. Carr, Newport News; H. A. Tabb, Gloucester county. Cadets at large—Irving Boaz, Albemarle; T. H. Roseter, Norfolk; W. A. Dunlap, Roanoke; Julian Major, Mitchells. Dr. Upshur's address. Dr. J. N. Upshur, of Richmond, who was himself a member of the Boys' Battalion, and took part in the New Market fight, made a most eloquent address on the battle. He depicted the heroism of the cadets who fough
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Confederate States' flags. (search)
irginia Regiment, captured May 6, 1864, by Sergeant W. P. Townsend, Company G, 20th Indiana. Forty-seventh Virginia Volunteers, captured by 50th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, place and time not given. Fiftieth Virginia Regiment, captured at the Wilderness by Private John Opel, Company G, 7th Indiana Volunteers. Virginia State flag, captured June 3, 1864, in the Wilderness, by Corporal Terence Bigley, Company D, 7th New York Artillery. Stars and Bars of Flatrock Rifles, Lunenburg county, Va., time and place of capture not given. Virginia State flag, captured at the battle of Philippi, Va., June 3, 1861, by the 14th Ohio Volunteers, inscribed: Presented by the ladies of Bath, Va.; God protect the right. Virginia State colors, place and time of capture not given, nor is the name of the organization from which the flag was taken. Virginia cavalry standard, taken in charge at the Wilderness, by Private Samuel Coskey, Company I, 1st Cavalry. Virginia State colors,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Keysville Guards. (search)
oral. Killed at Brandy Station. John A. Tucker, company commissary. Living at Rocksboro, N. C. Privates. Anderson, C. B. Wounded and died. Ashworth, W. A. Dead. Ashworth, A. W. Wounded at Second Battle of Manassas: living in Lunenburg county. Atwell, Wm. Missing at battle of Laurel Hill. Burke, J. A. At Soldiers' Home, Richmond, Va. Brooks, I. P. Dead. Berry, Jerry. Missing. Barry, John. Wounded; died in hospital. Bentley, David. Died in hospital. Cox, RiCrenshaw, J. N. Dead. Creed, Daniel. Missing. Davenport, W. J. Killed at Drakes' Branch, Va. Dixon, Wm. Missing on Laurel Hill retreat. Evans, W. S. Killed, 1864. Eubank, W. L. Transferred; dead. Eubank, James F. Living in Lunenburg county. Eubank, Philip. Killed at Kernstown. Estes, James. Died in hospital. Fleming, Ned. Discharged as British subject; dead. Fleming, Wm. Wounded at Greenbrier River; dead. Fore, James. Transferred to artillery; dead. Foster
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Black Eagle Company. (search)
having been buried where he fell. Jesse Barker had seen more than a score of his comrades killed and wounded carrying the flag of his regiment. He saw Boston killed at Williamsburg, Va. He saw the entire color guard, consisting of a sergeant and eight corporals killed and wounded at Gaines' Mill, Va. He witnessed the same fatality among his comrades four days afterwards at Frayser's Farm, Va., when the entire color guard was again shot down. He saw the head of Garland Sydnor, of Lunenburg county, Va., one of the noblest soldiers in the army, crushed to a pulp with a cannon shot, bearing aloft this same emblem of liberty and love. With these facts before him, knowing, as he did, that to be the standard bearer of the regiment made his killing or wounding inevitable, yet when a volunteer ensign was called for, Jesse Barker offered his services. The test came at Sharpsburg, Md. It became necessary to change the position of the regiment, then in action. Major George C. Cabell, o
Recaptured. --The three negroes sentenced to death for: poisoning, who escaped from Lunenburg county (Va.) jail a few days since, were recaptured on the 1st inst., in Nottoway. The pursuers used a pack of hounds, and soon ran down the murderers. They were returned to jail.
e Allegheny mountains, was made the order of the day for Monday next. Bills Passed.--House bill refunding to Matthew Walmsley, Jr., of the county of Randolph, a certain amount of money erroneously paid by him; House bill for the relief of Rev. J. Packard: House bill granting the Commonwealth's right to real estate of John Kelly, deceased, to Owen Shea; House bill for the relief of James Scott, of Greenbrier county; House bill refunding a license tax to Paul A. Farley, of the county of Lunenburg; House bill refunding to the securities of Wm. H. Blanche, late Sheriff of the county of Mecklenburg, certain damages paid by them; Senate bill for the relief of Daniel S. Dickinson; House bill to amend the charter of the Banks of Scottsville; Senate bill establishing a branch Bank at the town of Jeffersonville, in the county of Tazewell; House bill to incorporate the Capper Springs Company; House bill to amend the 1st section of the act passed March 4, 1856, for marking the boundary line
on, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Pennybacker, Quesenberry, Tallaferro, Thompson, and Urquhast--32. Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Caldwell, Carter, Critcher, Neal, Neeson, Rives, Stuart, Henry W. Thomas, Townes, and Wickham--11. Bills Passed.--Senate bill organizing a volunteer company of cavalry in Albemarle county; Senate bill amending the charter of the Black Lick and Plaster Bank Turnpike Company; Senate bill to incorporate the Cove Creek Lead, Copper and Iron Manufacturing Company in the county of Tazewell; Senate bill authorizing the Loch Leven Rangers, in the county of Lunenburg, to be organized with a less number than now required by law; Senate bill providing pay for the Adjutant General on account of his services in the reorganization of the militia in the years 1858 and 1859. Stay Law.--Mr. Coghill, from the Committee for Courts of Justice, to whom was referred a resolution asking for a stay law, reported it inexpedient. On motion of Mr. Early, the Senate adjourned.