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at Lovejoy Station, Ga., that the loss of that Army, from all causes, during the campaign from Dalton to Atlanta, Ga., between the 7th day of May and the 18th day of July, 1864, was twentyfive thousand (25,000) effective men. He (Majot Kinloch Falconer) also stated that the Army when at Adairsville, Ga., numbered fifty-three thousand (53,000) effective infantry, after the losses sustained at Rocky Face Mountain and Resaca, Ga. (Signed) E. B. Wade, Aide-de-Camp. State of Tennessee, Rutherford County. This day came before me, J. N. Clark, J. P. for said county, E. B. Wade, and made oath that the facts stated in the within certificate are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, this 1st day of June, 1866. E. B. Wade. Sworn and subscribed before me the date above. (Signed) J. N. Clark, J. P. For said County. The statement of Major Falconer relative to the strength of the infantry at Adairsville tallies very well with that of General Wigfall, as to this arm
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 51.-Gov. Harris's General orders: issued February 19, 1862. (search)
upon the part of the State. They will, by proper orders, consolidate squads into companies. 5. Thorough and efficient drill and discipline of the forces must be enforced by all commanders. 6. Regular and constant reports must be made by officers commanding divisions, posts and detachments to the Commander-in-Chief. 7. R. C. Foster, of the county of Davidson, is appointed Acting Major-General for the Second division of the Tennessee militia. 8. Edwin H. Ewing, of the county of Rutherford, is appointed Acting Major-General for the Third division of the Tennessee militia. 9. Lucius J. Polk, of the county of Maury, is appointed Acting Brigadier-General for the Twenty-fourth brigade of Tennessee militia. 10. As rapidly as it can be done after proper arrangements are made, as ordered herein, the forces hereby called out will be removed to their respective rendezvous. The Commander-in-Chief relies upon your activity and promptness in the execution of this order. It is
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McCulloch, Benjamin 1811- (search)
McCulloch, Benjamin 1811- Military officer; born in Rutherford county, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1811; emigrated to Texas before the war for its independence, and fought as a private at San Jacinto. He was a captain of rangers in the war against Mexico, serving well under both Taylor and Scott. He was a commissioner to adjust the difficulties with the Mormons in May, 1857. Joining the Confederate army, he was made a brigadier-general, and led a corps at the battle of Pea Ridge, where he was killed, March 7, 1862.
el is from Gallatin county, is a distinguished lawyer, and a man of undoubted ability; besides, he has acquired fame on the bloody fields of Mexico. The Lieutenant-Colonel (of Sumner county) was one of the first to scale the walls of Monterey at the siege of that place by the Americans. Major Doak is also an old Mexican volunteer, and a member of the Tennessee Legislature. M. W. Cluskey, the Quartermaster, (of the Memphis Avalanche,) is well known to the whole country as the author of the Political Text book, and former Postmaster of the United States House of Representatives; while the surgeons of the regiment are both members of the Legislature, and leading members of their profession. The regiment is made up of citizens of Davidson, Rutherford, Maury, and Shelby counties, and is composed of the very best material. They came here for the purpose of going to Washington. They are more than willing to have a hand in driving the Vandals from that place.--Richmond Examiner, May 22.
rebuild the shattered fortunes of their beloved States. General Lane still lives (1898) in Texas, where he enjoys the esteem of his neighbors and friends. Brigadier-General Ben McCulloch Brigadier-General Ben McCulloch was born in Rutherford county, Tenn., November 11, 1811, of a well-known family in Tennessee, with whom were connected the Fosters, Lytles and Nicholses, descendants of the Scotch-Irish borderers, who wrested Tennessee and Kentucky from the red men. His father was Alexandey into a party of sharpshooters, and was mortally wounded by a rifle ball in the breast. He died near Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7, 1862. Brigadier-General Henry Eustace McCulloch Brigadier-General Henry Eustace McCulloch was born in Rutherford county, Tenn., son of Alexander McCulloch, a native of Virginia, who served as aide-de-camp to General Coffee, under Andrew Jackson. Henry McCulloch was educated in Tennessee, and in early manhood emigrated to Texas, settling in Guadalupe county. In
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
, 1864. In his death the Confederacy lost a gallant and efficient soldier and Mississippi an illustrious citizen. Brigadier-General William Barksdale, famous in the annals of Mississippi both as a statesman and a soldier, was born in Rutherford county, Tenn., August 21, 1861, and before he attained his majority was admitted to the bar. He settled in Mississippi and was at one time editor of the Columbus Democrat. In the Mexican war he served as a non-commissioned officer in the Second Missi practice of law. While defending a prisoner he became involved in a quarrel with the prosecuting attorney and was shot in the court house at Columbus, Miss., December 15, 1873. Brigadier-General Winfield Scott Featherston was born in Rutherford county, Tenn., August 5, 1821. He was educated at various academies and while at school in Georgia, in 1836, served as a volunteer against the Creeks. He afterward studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1840. He removed to Mississippi and soon
es. Thirty in all were put to death by the orders of Brown. Cruger desired to waylay and capture the retreating party, and Ferguson eagerly accepted his invitation to join in the enterprise. Cruger moved with circumspection, taking care not to be led too far from the fortress of Ninety-Six; Ferguson was more adventurous, having always the army of Cornwallis on his right. On the waters of Broad river his party encountered Macdowell with one hundred and sixty militia from Burk and Rutherford counties in North Carolina, pursued them to the foot of the mountains, and left them no chance of safety but in fleeing beyond the Alleghanies. During these events, Cornwallis encountered no serious impediment till he approached Charlotte. There his van was driven back by the fire of a small body of mounted men, commanded by Colonel William Richardson Davie of North Carolina. The general rode up in person, and the American party was dislodged by Webster's brigade; but not till the little
The Daily Dispatch: may 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Outrageous Treatment of a Tennessean. (search)
Outrageous Treatment of a Tennessean. --Mr. J. E. Dromgoole, Jr., of Rutherford county, Tennessee, was in Martin county, Indiana, on the 27th ult., and for expressing himself in favor of the South, he was set upon by a pack of Black Republican bullies, who beat him in a most shameful manner, tearing out one of his eyes. It is barbarians like these who have taken complete control of Lincoln and his Government, and if he does not move fast enough they will send him "kiting" from place and power.
Dr. Erskine, of Shelby, the Assistant Surgeon of the regiment, both leading members of the medical profession in Tennessee. We do not recollect to have seen a finer body of men in any regiment. Most of them are from Sumner, Davidson and Rutherford counties, though Bedford is represented by a company, as is Manry and Shelby, the extreme Western counties in the State. We give a list of the companies and their Captains. Company A, Captain Stephen White, Sumner county; Company B, Captain Anderson, Maury county; Company C, Capt. Chaney, Davidson county; Company D, Capt. Henry, Rutherford county; Company E, Capt. Hunt, Shelby county; Company F, Capt. T. D. White, Sumner county; Company G, Capt. Erthmar, Nashville; Company H, Capt. Dennison, Bedford county; Company I, Capt. Tyre, Sumner county; Company J, Capt. Humphrey Bate, Sumner county. The Carolina Greys, Capt. Hunt, is the Color Company of the regiment. The title of this gallant band of soldiers from the Volunteer State
egion. --Several immaterial errors crept into our notice of the arrival of the Second Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers (Walker Legion, Colonel Bate.) The following is a correct list of the company officers: Company A, Capt. S. N. White, Rutherford county; Company B. Capt. Anderson, Maury county; Company C, Capt.Chancy, Davidson county; Company D, Capt. Henry, Sumner county; Company E, Capt. Hunt, Shelby county; Company F, Capt. T. D. White, Rutherford county; Company G, Capt. Earthman, Daviidson county; Company D, Capt. Henry, Sumner county; Company E, Capt. Hunt, Shelby county; Company F, Capt. T. D. White, Rutherford county; Company G, Capt. Earthman, Davidson county; Company H, Capt. Dennison, Bedford county; Company I, Capt. Tynex, Sumner county; Company K, Capt. H. Bate, Sumner county. Col. White, who was mentioned as with the Legion and as having two sons therein, one a captain and one a private, is from Rutherford county, instead of Sumner, as stated in our first notice.