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a cavalry boot, without stopping to see who was in it, in his impatience, Lieutenant Hart sang out: Git out of the way there! Ain't you got no sense? Whereupon Grant very quietly apologized for his carelessness, and rode over to the side of General Buell. When the lieutenant found he had been addressing or dressing a major-general, his confusion can be imagined. (See frontispiece). After arriving before Fort McAllister, General Sherman sent General Hazen down the right bank of the Ogeechee to take the fort by assault, and himself rode down the left bank to a rice plantation, where General Howard had established a signal station to overlook the river and watch for vessels. The station was built on the top of a rice-mill. From this point the fort was visible, three miles away. In due time a commotion in the fort indicated the approach of Hazen's troops, and the signal officer discovered a signal flag about three miles above the fort, which he found was Hazen's, the latter in
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
ehind the little creek on which we were encamped. The firing was between these troops in, rear of us and the Wisconsin troops, who were pursuing us on the road we had traveled. When this firing occurred, as Mr. and Mrs. Davis both told me afterward, Mr. Davis started out of his tent, saying to his wife, those people have attacked us at last. (Meaning the men whom we had heard intended to rob Mr. Davis' train the night we quit our course, and went across the country to the north of the Ogeechee river.) I will go and see if I can stop the firing; surely I will have some authority with Confederates yet. His staff officers and myself were camped about one hundred yards in the direction of the firing from him, and he supposed we were being fired on, as he told us afterward. As he stepped out of his tent, as he told me that day, he saw the troops which had been posted in front of us, and which were under the immediate command of Colonel Pritchard, in full gallop toward him, and within s
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
ived from Gen. Wheeler, twenty-seven miles from Savannah, 10 P. M., 8th December. Enemy are still moving toward Savannah, obstructing the road in the rear, and resisting warmly this morning. I cannot learn that any have crossed the Savannah River. I hear artillery firing, far in my front; do not know what it means: 14th corps and Kilpatrick's cavalry on the river road; 15th on middle ground road; and 17th, and probably 20th, on Central Railroad. I think the force on the right bank of Ogeechee must be small. Sunday, December 11 Cloudy and melting-snow vanishing rapidly. The thousand and one rumors of great achievements of Gen. Longstreet on the north side of the river seem to have been premature. Nothing official of any advantage gained over the enemy near the city has been received so far as I can learn. Gen. Lee, no doubt, directed Longstreet to make demonstrations on the enemy's lines near the city, to ascertain their strength, and to prevent more reinforcements bein
ktaw and Chickasaw regiment.--Fort Smith (Ark.) News, Dec. 12. Five vessels of the stone fleet, and the ships George Green and Bullion, of Gen. Butler's expedition, sailed to-day from Boston, Mass. An expedition, under Commander Rodgers, U. S. N., left Port Royal harbor, S. C., and explored Ossabaw Sound, Ga. It passed up the Vernon River, Ga., and was fired on by a fort on the eastern end of Green Island, without damage. Returning to the Sound, the expedition sailed up the Great Ogeechee River, and landed at Ossabaw Island, but found it abandoned. No batteries, except the one on Green Island, were discovered.--(Doc. 224.) This morning a party of rebels commenced firing on some National pickets in the vicinity of Dam No. 4, on the Potomac, near Sharpsburg, Md., but were forced to retreat to the woods, more than a mile from the river, after losing seven killed and many wounded. When the rebels disappeared, a party of National troops crossed the river to reconnoitre, bu
bel schooners were captured up the Chipoaks Creek, James River, near Claremont, Va., by a boat expedition under the command of Lieutenant Gibson of the United States gunboat Yankee, and brought out of the creek without molestation, although a force of rebel cavalry was stationed only three quarters of a mile distant.--Official Report. A reconnoitring expedition, consisting of the United States gunboats Paul Jones, Unadilla, Huron and Madgie, left Savannah bay and proceeded up the Ogeechee River, Ga., until they arrived near Fort James, the strength of which they discovered by bombarding it for about two hours, when they returned to their former anchorage.--A number of young ladies of New Albany, Indiana, proposed to act as clerks and salesmen for the young men of that place who would enlist, and give them half their salaries while they are absent, and surrender their positions to them on their return. Richmond, Ky., was visited by a band of guerrillas, under John Morgan, who
Va., at noon, creating great consternation among, the secessionists, nearly all of whom had taken the rebel oath of allegiance, and insisted that Gen. Pope dared not carry out the intentions declared in his proclamations.--Col. Lloyd, of the Sixth Ohio cavalry, in pursuance of General Pope's order, arrested all the male inhabitants of Luray, Va., and lodged them in the court-house preparatory to administering the oath of allegiance. The rebel batteries at Genesis Point, on the Ogeechee River, Georgia, were shelled by the National gunboats.--Savannah Republican, July 30. Russellville, Ky., was this day captured by a band of rebel guerrillas, under Col. Gano. The town was defended by the home guard, but they were overpowered by superior force. Seval of their number ware killed and one wounded.--Large meetings were held at Bath, N. Y., and Rutland, Vt, for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army, under the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand addit
August 12. General Burnside, commanding the Ninth army corps of the Army of the Potomac, issued an order from his headquarters near Fredericksburgh, Va., informing his army that the seizure of private property belonging to rebels, except when made by officers authorized and detailed for the purpose, was not allowed, and would be followed by severe and speedy punishment. The prize steamer Ladona, captured while endeavoring to run up the Ogeechee River, Ga., arrived at Philadelphia, Pa.--A large war meeting was held at Alexandria, Va., this evening. Jefferson Tracy presided, and speeches were made by Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas; Senator Harlan, of Iowa; Senator Chandler, of Michigan, and others. The meeting was the most enthusiastic and largest ever held in that city. Gallatin, Tenn., including a force of Union troops under Colonel Boone, a large quantity of Government stores, a railway train laden with grain, a number of Government horses, etc., was captured by a forc
January 27. Bloomfield, Mo., was visited by a party of the Sixty-eighth Missouri militia, under the command of Colonel James Lindsay, and a large number of rebel guerrillas were driven out of the town, with a loss of fifty-two prisoners, seventy horses with their trappings, and nearly one hundred stand of arms. The Unionists met with no loss.--Col. Lindsay's Despatch. Fort McAllister, on Genesis Point, Great Ogeechee River, Ga., was attacked by the ironclad monitor Montauk, under the command of Captain John L. Worden, three gunboats, and a mortar-schooner, but after a bombardment of many hours' duration, they failed to reduce it.--Savannah News. A. D. Boileau, the proprietor of the Philadelphia Evening Journal, was this day arrested by order of the National Government and taken to Washington.--An enthusiastic Union demonstration took place at Fayetteville, Ark.--Captain Williamson of General Weitzel's brigade, had a fight with a small body of rebel troops at Indian V
March 3. Fort McAllister, on the Great Ogeechee River, Ga., was this day bombarded by a fleet of iron-clad monitors and mortar-schooners, under the command of Captain Drayton; but, after an almost incessant fire of eight hours duration, they failed to reduce it.--(Doc. 129.) John Maginnis, late editor of the New Orleans True Delta, died this day.--A grand review of the rebel forces at Mobile, Ala., took place this day, by Major-Generals Withers and Buckner, and Brigadier-Generals Slaughter and Cummins. After the review, four pieces of artillery captured at Murfreesboro, were presented by General Withers, on behalf of the Alabamians and Tennesseeans in the army of the Tennessee, to the army of Mobile. Each piece was inscribed with the names of Alabamians who fell in that battle.--Mobile Advertiser. First Lieutenant Gilbert S. Lawrence was dismissed the service of the United States for saying in the presence of officers and civilians, I have no confidence in General H
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Minor operations of the South Atlantic squadron under Du Pont. (search)
by the experimental iron-clad Keokuk. In view of the contemplated movement, Du Pont desired to give the monitors a preliminary trial, and for this purpose the Montauk, Commander John L. Worden, was sent to attack Fort McAllister, on the Great Ogeechee River. A line of obstructions had been placed in the river opposite the fort. The first attack was made January 27th, 1863. The enemy's range-marks having been removed by a party in boats, under Lieutenant-Commander Davis, the Montauk steamedr. The bombardment continued for four hours, until all the Montauk's shells had been expended. Lying thus close under the fire of the fort, the The monitor Montauk destroying the Confederate privateer Nashville, near Fort McAllister, Ogeechee River, Georgia, February 28, 1863. monitor was repeatedly hit, and nearly all the enemy's shot that did not hit came within a few feet of her. She was entirely uninjured. On the other hand, it was not apparent that any serious damage had been done to