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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Union and Confederate navies. (search)
four inches of armor, was disabled and defeated by four shots from the monitor Weehawken. At Charleston, four casemate ironclads were built, the Palmetto State and Chicora in 1862, the Charleston in 1863, and the Columbia; the last, however, was still unfinished at the close of the war, and was captured by Admiral Dahlgren at the evacuation of the city. The other three were blown up at the same time. In the sounds of North Carolina two iron-clads were projected, one to be built on the Neuse River, the other on the Roanoke. The first was destroyed before completion, but the second, the Albemarle, which the Union forces, through most culpable negligence, suffered to remain undisturbed until she was fully armed and equipped, captured the town of Plymouth, and fought a drawn battle with the squadron of double-enders in the sound. After a career of six months, she was destroyed by the expedition under Lieutenant Cushing. The last, and in some ways the most useful naval force of t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
fort; on the interior waters New Berne, Roanoke Island, and the mouth of the Neuse River were defended under the State by small batteries, which were not completed wwo or three light-draught vessels should be stationed between the mouths of the Neuse and Pamlico rivers. This would shut out all commerce with New Berne and Washine the capture of Fort Hatteras they had strengthened Fort Macon, obstructed the Neuse and Pamlico rivers, mounted seventeen heavy guns at Roanoke Island and landed aen secret that the next move would be against New Berne, a small city on the Neuse River. The morning of the 10th of March The 9th of March had been clear an mouth of Slocum's Creek, they had a line of intrenchments reaching from the Neuse River to the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad; two miles beyond they had erect Goldsboro' had to be destroyed, and a line of fortifications built between the Neuse and Trent rivers, which would completely insulate New Berne from the surroundin
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
ay, stragglers from the battle-field say that our loss in killed and wounded is 3000. It is all conjecture. There was heavy skirmishing all day yesterday, and until to-day at noon, when the telegraph operator reports that the firing had ceased. We know not (yet) what this means. We are still sending artillery ammunition to Gen. Lee. Gen. Evans dispatches from Kinston, N. C., that on the 14th, yesterday, he repulsed the enemy, 15,000 strong, and drove them back to their boats in Neuse River. A portion of Gen. R. A. Pryor's command, in Isle of Wight County, was engaged with the enemy's advance the same day. They have also landed at Gloucester Point. This is pronounced a simultaneous attack on our harbors and cities in Virginia and North Carolina. Perhaps we shall have more before night. Our people seem prepared for any event. Another long train of negroes have just passed through the city, singing, to work on the fortifications. December 16 To-day the city is ex
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
ners. On the 11th the enemy renewed his attack upon our intrenched position, but was repulsed with severe loss, and fell back during the night. On the 14th the Neuse River was crossed and Kinston occupied, and on the 21st Goldsborough was entered. The column from Wilmington reached Cox's Bridge, on the Neuse River, tel miles abovNeuse River, tel miles above Goldsborough, on the 22d. By the 1st of February General Sherman's whole army was in motion from Savannah. He captured Columbia, S. C., on the 17th; thence moved on Goldsborough, N. C., via Fayetteville, reaching the latter place on the 12th of March, opening up communication with General Schofield by way of Cape Fear River.g his dead and wounded in our hands. From there Sherman continued to Goldsborough, which place had been occupied by General Schofield on the 21st, crossing the Neuse River ten miles above there, at Cox's Bridge, where General Terry had got possession and thrown a pontoon bridge, on the 22d, thus forming a junction with the columns
naval force of the United States under Gen. Burn side and Commodore Goldsborough, and a rebel force under the command of Gen. Lawrence O'B. Branch. Day before yesterday, the National fleet left Roanoke Island, and entering the mouth of the Neuse River, landed the troops under cover of the gunboats yesterday morning at Slocum's Creek. The men then marched some twelve miles up the river, and bivouacked for the night on the railroad, while the gunboats proceeded further up, and shelled a rebeerything behind them, and about three hundred of their number as prisoners. They attempted to burn the town of Newbern before leaving it, but succeeded in doing very little damage, the citizens extinguishing the fires as fast as kindled. The Neuse River was obstructed by sunken vessels and chevaux-de-frise, which interfered with the operations of the gunboats. The rebels also had scows filled with tar and turpentine, at Newbern, to send down the river to burn the fleet, but the tide did not
April 5. The ship Louisa Hatch was captured and burned by the rebel privateer Alabama, in latitude 3° 30′, longitude 26° 25′.--Eight thousand National troops left Newbern, N. C., by the way of the Neuse River, to reinforce General Foster, who was at Washington, surrounded by the rebels, but meeting a superior force of the enemy, they returned to Newbern.--An expedition, consisting of infantry and cavalry, under the command of General Steele, met a small body of rebels at a bridge over the Black Bayou, Miss., with whom they had a skirmish. The rebels were driven across the bayou, when they burned the bridge and retreated. The Union troops rebuilt the bridge, and proceeded on the march toward Yazoo City. To-day the Union gunboats before Washington, N. C., shelled the rebel batteries at Hill's Point for two hours, but without being able to reduce them.--Boston Trav
d all but one, the skirmishing continuing until noon, when the National pickets were driven in. Yesterday the attack was renewed and kept up until to-day, when the rebels were repulsed with slight loss.--(Doc. 195.) Colonel William A. Phillips, commanding the Indian brigade, had a severe fight with the rebels, belonging to the army of General Price, near Fort Gibson, Ark. The rebels crossed the Arkansas River, near the fort, when they were attacked by Colonel Phillips and driven back, with a loss of one major and several men killed.--(Doc. 196.) The steamships Margaret and Jessie, the Annie and the Kate, arrived at Charleston, S. C., from Nassau, with valuable cargoes, having run the blockade.--The schooner Sea Bird was captured and burned by the rebels, while aground at the mouth of the Neuse River, N. C.--The steamer Eagle, having just left the harbor of Nassau, N. P., with a cargo intended for the rebels, was captured by the National gunboat Octorora.--Charleston Courier.
February 2. The United States steamer Underwriter, lying at anchor in the Neuse River, N. C., was surprised and destroyed by a party of rebels, who belonged to the forces on the expedition against Newbern.--Admiral Lee's Report. One hundred and twenty-nine deserters from the rebel army under the command of General Johnston, who had effected their escape during his late movement, entered the provost-marshal's office at Chattanooga, and took the oath of allegiance to the United States.--this morning eleven prisoners and ten horses, belonging principally to the Sixth Virginia cavalry, were captured near Blue Ridge, in the vicinity of Thornton's Gap, Va.--the British steamer Presto, in attempting to run into Charleston Harbor, ran ashore off Sullivan's Island, where she was destroyed by the National fleet.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sherman's march from Savannah to Bentonville. (search)
as known as the battle of Averysboro‘. The Fourteenth Corps entering Fayetteville. From a sketch made at the time. Our march to this point had been toward Raleigh. We now took the road leading to Goldsboro. General Sherman rode with me on the 18th and left me at 6 A. M. on the 19th to join General Howard, who was marching on roads several miles to our right. On leaving me General Sherman expressed the opinion that Hardee had fallen back to Raleigh, and that I could easily reach the Neuse River on the following day. I felt confident I could accomplish the task. We moved forward at 6 A. M., and soon met the skirmishers of the enemy. The resistance to our advance became very stubborn. Carlin's division was deployed and ordered to advance. I believed that the force in my front consisted only of cavalry with a few pieces of artillery. Fearing that the firing would be heard by General Sherman and cause the other wing of the army to delay its march, I sent Major E. W. Guindon of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
that purpose he concentrated his forces, with the fleet now in command of Commodore Rowan (Goldsborough having been ordered to Hampton Roads), at Hatteras Inlet. New Berne, the capital of Craven County, at the confluence of the rivers Trent and Neuse, was his first object of attack. New Berne was a point of much military importance. It was near the head of an extensive and navigable arm of the sea, and was connected by railway with Beaufort harbor at Morehead City, and Raleigh, the capitauld be discharged and the shell exploded. These were very formidable missiles, but the gun-boats did not go near them. and submerged iron-pointed spars, planted so as to pierce the bottoms of vessels ascending the river. On the left bank of the Neuse was a succession of redoubts, over half a mile in extent, in the midst of woods and swamps, for riflemen and field-pieces. At daylight on the morning of the 14th, March, 1862. the army moved forward in three columns, under Generals Foster, R