Browsing named entities in John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion. You can also browse the collection for Hazel River (Virginia, United States) or search for Hazel River (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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, which was owned, or had been, so said report, by Gen. A. P. Hill, of the Rebel army. It was a very warm day, and quite a large number of the infantry fell out of the ranks, a few dying from being overheated. We crossed the Rappahannock and Hazel rivers this day, the former at Freeman's Ford. At the latter crossing, the battery wagon, not following the course indicated for it, struck a rock and capsized in the river. At 5 o'clock on the morning of the 17th we harnessed and hitched in, butput in motion rearward. The trains had all been sent on with the utmost dispatch, and now began the memorable race between the two armies. Our caissons were put in the lead, and our guns to the rear, where the danger was supposed to lie. The Hazel River was again crossed, this time by a pontoon, to facilitate the retreat and prevent the recurrence of such accidents as befell our battery wagon on the advance. The Rappahannock was reached after dark, and crossed by fording at Fox's Mill Ford,