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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Seacoast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. (search)
been declared, but also for making inroads along our unprotected coast. That the system of defence adopted may be understood, I will describe a little in detail the topography of the coast. On the coast of North Carolina are Albemarle and Pamlico sounds, penetrating trating far into the interior; then the Cape Fear river, connecting with the ocean by two channels, the southwest channel being defended by a small inclosed fort and a water battery. On the coast of South Carolina are Georgetownthem. Immediately after the bombardment and capture of Fort Sumter, the work of seacoast defence was begun and carried forward as rapidly as the limited means of the Confederacy would permit. Roanoke Island and other points on Albemarle and Pamlico sounds were fortified. Batteries were established on the southeast entrance of Cape Fear river, and the works on the southwest entrance of that river were strengthened. Defences were constructed at Georgetown, and at all assailable points on the n
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
inia, in which occurred the following suggestions: First. Roanoke Island, which commands the Croatan Channel between Pamlico and Albemarle sounds, should be occupied at once. It is now held by the rebels. They have a battery completed at the uut out all commerce with New Berne and Washington. Fourth. There should be at least eight light-draught gun-boats in Pamlico Sound. Fifth. Beaufort should be occupied as soon as possible. All of these recommendations should be attended to immediatligence came that one of the Federal steamers was at Chicamacomico, about forty miles distant on the eastern shore of Pamlico Sound, and I determined to get after her. As Colonel Wright was anxious, however, to make the contemplated attempt, I would origin and composition of this expedition, see the article by General Burnside, p. 660.-Editors. had concentrated in Pamlico Sound by the 4th of February, and on the 5th the welcome signal was hoisted for the whole command to move up toward the Con
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.54 (search)
peared in the angry gray sky, just above the horizon, and very soon spread so as to cover the entire canopy, and in a few moments a most copious fall of rain came to our relief. Signals were given to spread sails to catch the water, and in a short time an abundance was secured for the entire fleet. I was at once cheered up, but was very much ashamed of the distrust which I had allowed to get the mastery of me. From time to time we made efforts to cross the fleet from the inlet into Pamlico Sound, over what was called the swash, which separated it from the inlet. We had been led to believe that there were eight feet of water upon the swash, but when we arrived we discovered to our sorrow that there were but six feet; and as most of our vessels, as well as the vessels of the naval fleet which we found at Hatteras Inlet on our arrival, drew more water than that, it was necessary to deepen the channel by some process. The current upon the swash was very swift, a circumstance whic
e on January II, with the object of occupying the interior waters of the North Carolina coast. Before the larger vessels could effect their entrance through Hatteras Inlet, captured in the previous August, a furious storm set in, which delayed the expedition nearly a month. By February 7, however, that and other serious difficulties were overcome, and on the following day the expedition captured Roanoke Island, and thus completely opened the whole interior water-system of Albemarle and Pamlico sounds to the easy approach of the Union fleet and forces. From Roanoke Island as a base, minor expeditions within a short period effected the destruction of the not very formidable fleet which the enemy had been able to organize, and the reduction of Fort Macon and the rebel defenses of Elizabeth City, New Berne, and other smaller places. An eventual advance upon Goldsboroa formed part of the original plan; but, before it could be executed, circumstances intervened effectually to thwart t
Louis Bay. It is situated one hundred and sixty-five miles to the south-southeast of Jackson. It is fifty miles from New Orleans, thirteen miles from Mississippi City, and twenty-five military miles from Biloxi. It is thirty miles from the eastern portion of Ship Island, and eighty miles from the mouth of Pass-a-l'outre of the of the Mississippi River. Miss., by the National gunboats New London, Jackson, and Lewis. When off Pass Christian they were attacked by the rebel steamers Oregon, Pamlico, and Carondelet, but succeeded in driving them off, seriously damaging them.--(Doc. 117.) The schooner Resolution, having on board a party of rebels, attempting to escape into the confederate lines, was captured in Back River, Md., this day.--Baltimore American. This morning a spirited cannonade took place between some of the Union batteries near Point Pleasant, Mo., and a rebel one on the opposite shore. After an hour's firing, a shell fell inside a large warehouse near the conf
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
rned. The frigate Cumberland was ordered to join the squadron. The expedition rendezvoused off the Hatteras inlet to Pamlico Sound (at the western end of Hatteras Island, and about eighteen miles from the Cape) at five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon,s in command of a little Confederate navy in charge of the defenses of Virginia and North Carolina, and then lying in Pamlico Sound, not far from the Inlet, arrived at Fort Hatteras. They found Colonel Martin, who had conducted the defense during tr following up the victory at Hatteras, by seizing and holding the whole coast of North Carolina washed by the waters of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, and threatening Norfolk, still held by the Confederates, in the rear. See page 897, volume I. northward of Hatteras, with the intention of recovering their losses at the Inlet, and keeping open two small inlets to Pamlico, above Cape Hatteras. Hawkins sent Colonel Brown, Sept. 29. with his Twentieth Indiana, up the island to a hamlet call
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
ough's fleet now met with a similar fate off tempestuous Cape Hatteras. Its destination was Pamlico Sound, which was to be reached through Hatteras Inlet. The voyage had been lengthened by a heavy erilous passage, and in making full preparations for moving forward over the still waters of Pamlico Sound. General Burnside (whose Headquarters were on the S. R. Spaulding) with his officers and ing. With the logic furnished by the nature of the coasts and Ambrose E. Burnside. waters of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, and the points in their vicinity which it was evident the Nationals inten Thirty miles from Hatteras Inlet, would be the first object of attack. It is situated between Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, with a narrow channel on each side, called respectively Roanoke Sound andNorfolk. He was answered by a peremptory order, when Burnside's expedition was passing into Pamlico Sound, to proceed immediately to Roanoke Island and defend it. The neglect of Benjamin was so noto
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
ter shot. It, too, was soon so closely enveloped and enfiladed, that it was compelled to surrender. Thus ended the battle of Plymouth, when the post, about sixteen hundred effective men, twenty-five cannon, two thousand small-arms, and valuable stores passed into the possession of the Confederates. The Union loss in the siege was about one hundred men. The Confederate loss was about six hundred. The fall of Plymouth was a signal for the evacuation of Little Washington, at the head of Pamlico Sound, then held by General Palmer, for it was untenable. This was done on the 28th, Feb., 1864. when some of the lawless soldiery dishonored themselves and their flag by plundering and burning some buildings. From Plymouth, Hoke went to New Berne and demanded its surrender; and, on being refused, he began its siege. The Captain of the Albemarle, elated by his exploits at Plymouth, felt confident that his vessel could navigate the broader waters, and he was preparing to go to the assista
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 5: capture of the works at Hatteras Inlet by Flag officer Stringham.--destruction of the privateer Judah. (search)
the blockade runners elsewhere to find entrance to Southern markets, but as channel after channel was closed the smugglers' chances diminished and the labors of the blockading vessels were much reduced. The great value of the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds may be judged by reference to subsequent events, when they formed a base of operations for the enemy which we found it extremely difficult to break up, and it was not until the Navy had been largely increased by the addition of the proper kind of vessels,that the United States Government was able to get possession of all the important points in the Sounds. The subsequent operations upon Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds and their rivers show how important a base these formed for the Confederates, and how difficult it would have been to crush the rebellion had they remained in their possesion. Colonel Hawkins, who had been left in command of Fort Hatteras after its capture, found his position to be an uncomfortable and dangerous on
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 11: Goldsborough's expedition to the sounds of North Carolina. (search)
to fit out an expedition for the purpose of capturing Roanoke Island, and getting possession of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds. This had become a necessity, as the Confederates had facilities for fithe steamer Southfield. Hatteras Inlet, through which our vessels had to pass to get into Pamlico Sound, was not the most desirable channel in the world; on the contrary it was beset with difficulder the command of Com. S. C. Rowan. This in effect gave the Federal forces full control of Pamlico Sound, but the military command could only be retained by the capture of Roanoke Island. It was n. By the capture of Hatteras Inlet forts the Federal Government gained possession only of Pamlico Sound, and therefore the first object of this expedition was to gain possession of Albemarle Sound made it a formidable barrier by the erection of heavy fortifications The channel connecting Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds in which Roanoke Island lies is very shallow, and could therefore be easil