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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xl. (search)
ple a very extraordinary qualification for the Presidency. An acquaintance of mine, who happened to be in Boston on the evening of the day the Convention adjourned, formed one of a large group at his hotel, eagerly discussing the result. Only one or two of the party knew anything whatever of the first name on the ticket, and what they knew was soon told. Considerable disappointment could be seen in the faces of those composing the circle. One rough-looking sovereign, from Cape Cod, or Nantucket, had listened attentively, but taken no part in the conversation. Turning away at length, with an expression of deep disgust, he muttered: A set of consummate fools! Nominate a man for the Presidency who has never smelt salt water! Some of Mr. Lincoln's immediate neighbors were taken as completely by surprise as those in distant States. An old resident of Springfield told me that there lived within a block or two of his house, in that city, an Englishman, who of course still cherishe
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
commanders were as follows: Weehawken, Captain John Rodgers; Passaic, Captain Percival Drayton; Montauk, Commander John L. Worden; Patapsco, Commander Daniel Ammen; New Ironsides, Commander Thomas Turner; Cattskill, Commander George W. Rodgers; Nantucket, Commander Donald M. Fairfax; Nahant, Commander John Downes, and Keokuk, Lieutenant-Commander Alexander C. Rhind. The gun-boats were the Canandaigua, Captain Joseph H. Green; Housatonic, Captain Wm. R. Taylor; Unadilla, Lieutenant-Commander S.t, and the captain and pilot were injured. The Passaic received as many wounds. One of the shot which struck the top of her turret broke all of the eleven one-inch plates of iron that composed it, and injured the pilot-house. The port of the Nantucket was firmly closed by a shot that damaged it. The New Ironsides had one of her port shutters carried away by a shot, and her wooden bows were penetrated by shells; and the deck-plating of the Catskill was torn up by a shell. his flag-ship placed
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
45 452 55 Springfield   Benton, St. Louis, Louisville, Carondelet, Cairo Steamer James Battle 240,895 62 17,651 16 223,244 46 Key West April 12, 1864 De Soto. Schooner John Scott 37,728 84 3,110 22 34,618 62 New Orleans April 23, 1864 Kennebec. Schooner J. T. Davis 9,925 00 1,465 04 8,459 96 do May 21, 1864 Cayuga. Schooner John Douglas 41,011 62 3,402 52 37,609 10 do June 18, 1864 Penobscot. Schooner Jupiter 35,982 40 3,299 80 32,682 60 Philadelphia Oct. 11, 1864 Cimarron, Nantucket. Schooner Judson 23,495 74 1,895 33 21,600 41 New Orleans Oct. 7, 1864 Conemaugh. Steamer Jupiter 8,331 73 1,482 99 6,848 74 Boston Oct. 11. 1864 Proteus Schooner James Williams 5,510 15 749 77 4,760 38 New Orleans Oct. 12, 1864 Penobscot. Schooner J. C. McCabe 452 11 168 03 284 08 Washington Oct. 19, 1863 Zouave. Schooner John 32,514 71 3,044 49 29,470 22 New Orleans Mar. 22, 1865 Augusta Dinsmore. Sloop Josephine 1,826 77 333 97 1,492 80 Key West April 22, 1865 Sunflowe
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant, III. (search)
III. various ardent pens have attempted to embellish Grant's boyhood. He has even been given illustrious descent. It is enough to know for certain that, Scotch in blood and American since 1630, he was of the eighth generation, and counted a grandfather in the Revolution, besides other soldier ancestors. The first Grant, Matthew, probably landed at Nantucket, Massachusetts, May 30, 1630. In 1636 he helped establish the town of Windsor, Connecticut. He was its first surveyor and a trusted citizen, Samuel, Solomon, Noah, Adoniram, that is what the Grants in colonial Connecticut were called. And with such names as these they did what all the other colonial Noahs and Adonirams were doing. None of them rose to uncommon dimensions; but they, and such as they, were then, as they are now, the salt and leaven of our country. After the Revolution, as our frontier widened and the salt and leaven began to be sprinkled westward, Captain Noah Grant went gradually to the Ohio River, leav
orris island, heading toward the most formidable array of rifled great guns that had ever yet tested the defensive resources of naval warfare. The iron-clads thus pitted against the tremendous ordnance of Fort Sumter and her satellites were the following: 1. Weehawken, Capt. John Rodgers; 2. Passaic, Capt. Percival Drayton; 3. Montauk, Com'r John L. Worden; 4. Patapsco, Com'r Daniel Ammen; 5. New Ironsides, Com'r Thos. Turner; 6. Catskill, Com'r Geo. W. Rodgers; 7. Nantucket, Com'r Donald M. Fairfax; 8. Nahant, Com'r John Downes; 9. Keokuk, Lt.-Com'r Alex. C. Rhind; with the gunboats Canandaigua, Unadilla, Housatonic, Wissahickon, and Huron in reserve, below the bar, ready to support the iron-clads should they attack the batteries on Morris island. The day was bright, bland, and warm — like one of the finest of the later days of a Northern May — the air of midday flashing with the wings of countless butterflies — though a slight haze or smoke in the m<
clad vessels, will be used in action. After the reduction of Fort Sumter, it is probable the next point of attack will be the batteries on Morris Island. The order of battle will be the line ahead, in the following succession: 1. Weehawken, with raft, Capt. John Rodgers. 2. Passaic, Capt. Percival Drayton. 3. Montauk, Commander John L. Worden. 4. Patapsco, Commander Daniel Ammen. 5. New Ironsides, Commodore Thos. Turner. 6. Catskill, Commander Geo. W. Rodgers. 7. Nantucket, Commander Donald McN. Fairfax. 8. Nahant, Commander John Downes. 9. Keokuk, Lieut. Commander Alex. C. Rhind. A squadron of reserve, of which Captain J. F. Green will be senior officer, will be formed out-side the bar, and near the entrance buoy, consisting of the following vessels: Canandaigua, Capt. Joseph H. Green. Unadilla, Lieut. Commander S. P. Quackenbush. Housatonic, Capt. Wm. R. Taylor. Wissahickon, Lieut. Commander J. G. Davis. Huron, Lieut. Commander G.
bject.vessels engaged. 1863.   July 18Assault on WagnerMontauk, (flag,) Ironsides, Catskill, Nantucket, Weehawken, Patapsco; gunboats Paul Jones, Ottawa, Seneca, Chippewa, Wissahickon. July 22WagnerNantucket, Ottawa, (gunboat.) July 23Wagner, to cover advanceWeehawken, (flag,) Ironsides, Catskill, Montauk, Patapsco, Nantucket; gunboats Paul Jones, Seneca, Ottawa, Dai-Ching. July 25WagnerGunNantucket; gunboats Paul Jones, Seneca, Ottawa, Dai-Ching. July 25WagnerGunboats Ottawa, Dai-Ching, Paul Jones. July 28WagnerWeehawken, Catskill, Ottawa, (gunboat.) July 29WagnerIronsides, Patapsco. July 30WagnerIronsides, Catskill, Patapsco, Ottawa, (gunboat.) July 31RPassaic11910790359134 Nahant1702766936 105 Patapsco17823096471144 Weehawken26463313453 187 Nantucket441555351 104 Ironsides 4,439164  164 Total,1,2556,771882256561,194  No. of shots fired./2   Total8,026653 1/2 Of the eight monitors, one was always absent at Warsaw (Nahant or Nantucket) to blockade the rebel ram. The Lehigh did not arrive until August thirtieth, therefore was
nemy moved forward to the attack, in single file--seven single-turreted monitors, to wit: Weehawken, Catskill, Montauk, Nantucket, Passaic, Nahant, and Patapsco, the Keokuk with two fixed turrets, and the New Ironsides — the Weehawken leading, the Nopied from United States Journals:  Rounds. New Ironsides fired8 Catskill fired25 Keokuk fired3 Montauk fired26 Nantucket fired15 Passaic fired9 Nahant fired24 Weehawken fired26 Patapsco fired18   Total154 New Ironsides received of sh5 Keokuk received of shots90 Weehawken received of shots60 Montauk received of shots20 Passaic received of shots58 Nantucket received of shots51 Catskill received of shots51 Patapsco received of shots45 Nahant received of shots80   Total52, carrying (supposed) two guns in each, presumed to be the Montauk, Passaic, Weehawkeh, Patapsco, Nahant, Catskill, and Nantucket, which took position from nine hundred to fifteen hundred yards from Fort Sumter. They steamed up main ship channel
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.7 (search)
shaving, hair-cutting, and clothes-mending. In the afternoon, after gorging themselves on duff, they were more given to smoke, and to spinning such sanguinary yarns of sea-life that I wondered they could find pleasure in following such a gory profession. When sea and sky were equally sympathetic, and Waters and Nelson gave a rest to their vocal machines, there might have been worse places than the deck of the Winder-mere on a Sunday; and, to us boys, the Sunday feed of plumduff, with its Nantucket raisins, soft-tack, and molasses, or gingerbread, contributed to render it delightful. We were on the verge of the Gulf of Mexico, when one night, just after eight bells were struck, and the watch was turning out, Waters, who was ever on the alert for a drop on someone, hurled an iron belaying-pin at a group of sailors on the main deck, and felled a Norwegian senseless. Then, as though excited at the effect, he bounded over the poop-railing to the main deck, amongst the half-sleepy men
corn, yet with singular misgivings. The crop of the next year was small, owing to the shortness and humidity of the summer. Their fields were not generally fenced, and boundary lines were often unsettled. After a few years, fences became more necessary; and Sagamore John was made to fence his field, and promised to indemnify the whites for any damages his men or cattle should do to their cornfields. There were many lands held in common by companies of farmers, as lands are now held in Nantucket. These large tracts were enclosed by fences, planted by the whole company; and, at the harvest, each received according to his proportion in the investment. This complicated plan brought its perplexities; and the General Court, to settle them, passed the following law, May 26, 1647: Ordered, That they who own the largest part of any lands common shall have power to order and appoint the improvement of the whole field. The farmers here experienced great inconvenience and alarm from the