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Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 16: (search)
on. We were greatly delighted at finding also at headquarters two of the younger members of the Staff, Lieutenants Hullyhan and Turner, who had just returned from a dangerous expedition into the enemy's lines on the other side of the Rappahannock. Several days before they had gone off with the hope of rescuing from the hands of the Yankees, Miss Mary Lee, the daughter of our commander-in-chief and a dear friend of General Stuart's, who, while on a visit to some friends in the county of Stafford, had been cut off from her home and family. This was an expedition after my own heart, but I was prevented from undertaking it by General Stuart's energetic opposition. The young lieutenants had reached in safety the house where Miss Lee was staying; but as her friends were afraid to allow her to accompany them on their return, they were compelled to come back without their expected precious charge-fortunately enough, indeed, for the lady, as they were very soon taken prisoners by a patro
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Black Horse cavalry. (search)
, and that he had indicated his intention of marching toward Fredericksburg. Lee again put his army in motion, and posted it on the Spottsylvania Heights, at Fredericksburg, and confronted Burnside on the opposite side of the river. The Union army again suffered defeat, and again changed its general. In the winter of 1863, while General Hooker was on the north bank of the Rappahannock, the Black Horse was detached from the Fourth Virginia Cavalry, and ordered to Lower Fauquier and Stafford county to report the enemy's movements to General Lee. During this time the command performed many brilliant exploits in its numerous encounters with the enemy, captured three hundred prisoners, and minutely reported Hooker's movements. Its services were handsomely acknowledged by General Lee and General Stuart in general orders. An incident that occurred at this time illustrates the nature of this service. General Fitz Lee, with a brigade of cavalry, had crossed the Rappahannock, at Ke
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
its true merits, he must acquire a distinct conception of the topography of the arena, upon which it was enacted. The general course of the Rappahannock, though sinuous, may be said to be, here, from west to east; and it divides the county of Stafford on the north, from that of Spottsylvania on the south. The town of Fredericksburg is in the latter; and the village of Falmouth, a mile above, is in the former. The tides flow to the foot of the town; so that below, the stream is deep, though g his disgrace. He was, after a little, removed from his command, and succeeded by his insubordinate and boastful Lieutenant, Hooker. His army was quietly withdrawn a few miles from the river, and cantoned in winter-quarters in the counties of Stafford and King George. It is believed that the reader, in reviewing the affair of Fredericksburg, will concur in the assertion with which the narrative began: that Burnside's plan was not ill-conceived. With the means which his Government placed
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
ies of infantry. Four days afterward Longstreet arrived, and his attempt to cross then would have been resisted. The surrender of the town had been demanded by Sumner just before the arrival of Longstreet. If not granted, the women, children, aged and infirm, could have sixteen hours to leave their homes, and then I shall proceed, said Sumner, to shell the town. Fredericksburg, a typical Virginia town, is built on a plain every foot of which is commanded by the heights opposite in Stafford County. A plunging fire would destroy it, and Sumner's threat was a serious one to the inhabitants. The man of the house was in the Southern army, and it was a heart-rending experience for the women and children to have their homes and their household goods battered to pieces with cannon. Before the expiration of the time arranged, Longstreet arrived and told the authorities he would not occupy the town for military purposes, and that there was no reason why it should be shelled, and this b
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
om members of Congress. November 2 Dark and dismal. The Governor continues his exemptions, now amounting to thousands. S. Basset French (State agent to buy and sell supplies to the people), with one or more clerks, and such laborers, etc. as may be necessary, I find among his last exemptions. A smart and corrupt agent could make a fortune out of these exemptionS. Of course, the Governor's A. D. C. will do no such thing. No news from below. Rev. John Clark writes from Stafford County that the conscripts there have hid themselves in White Oak Swamp, because the Secretary of War has exempted an able-bodied man to work for Mrs.----, his — widow. Gen. Winder, with the prisoners in the South, is in hot water again. He wants to make Cashmyer suttler (like ancient Pistol), and Major--, the Secretary's agent, opposes it, on the ground that he is a Plug Ugly rogue and cut-throat. Mr. George Davis, Attorney-General Confederate States, has given it as his opinion that
eat hardship, for we will all resort to homespun. We are knitting our own stockings, and regret that we did not learn to spin and weave. The North Carolina homespun is exceedingly pretty, and makes a genteel dress; the only difficulty is in the dye; the colours are pretty, but we have not learned the art of setting the wood colours ; but we are improving in that art too, and when the first dye fades, we can dip them again in the dye. November 30th, 1862. The Yankee army ravaging Stafford County dreadfully, but they do not cross the river. Burnside, with the greatest army on the planet, is quietly waiting and watching our little band on the opposite side. Is he afraid to venture over? His On to Richmond seems slow. December 10, 1862. Just returned from a visit of a week to my old friend Mrs. C. Her home in Richmond is the very picture of comfort and hospitality; having wealth, she uses it freely, in these troublous times, for the comfort of others. If all hearts were
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Causes of the defeat of Gen. Lee's Army at the battle of Gettysburg-opinions of leading Confederate soldiers. (search)
al Lee's impatience again urged him to go in quest of Longstreet. After proceeding about a mile, we discovered Hood's division at a halt; it was said, waiting for MecLaws, whose division had taken a wrong direction. It was four o'clock before Longstreet was in position to attack. I here conclude a brief and I hope impartial statement, from which you may make your own deductions. Very respectfully, &c., (Signed) A. L. L. Long. Letter from General Fitz. Lee. Richland, Stafford co., Va., March 5th, 1877. Rev. J. Wm. Jones, Secretary Southern Historical Society: My dear Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter enclosing a copy of a communication from --in which he requests information to be used in a forthcoming work, upcn certain points connected with the battle of Gettysburg. Upon them he expresses his convictions as follows: At present, as far as my studies of this period go, my opinion on the question is this: The mistakes which
ee columns, Gen. Hancock on the right, General French the centre, and Gen. Howard on the left. This constitutes General touch's corps. The Ninth army corps, commanded by General---, and Couch's corps, are under the command of General Sumner. The troops took the direct road to Warrenton Junetion, early on Saturday morning, and encamped on the evening of that day in the vicinity of the Junction, and again started early on Sunday morning, making the next camp near the Spotted Tavern, in Stafford County, Fauquier being the county we had been passing through. Nothing of any great moment occurred during the march , except that it was conducted with great order — few or no stragglers to be seen — and such was the rapidity of the march that the citizens of the very few houses to be found were taken by surprise, not dreaming of an advance of our forces. The countenances of all whom we came across, plainly told of their astonishment. The first place of any name, after leaving the Junc
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Daniel, John Moncure, 1825-1865 (search)
Daniel, John Moncure, 1825-1865 Editor; born in Stafford county, Va., Oct. 24, 1825; in 1853 was appointed minister to Italy, where he almost caused a rupture of diplomatic relations. Garibaldi requested Daniel to annex Nice to the United States, but Daniel declined on the ground that such action would be contrary to the Monroe doctrine. When the Civil War broke out Daniel hastened home and entered the Confederate army, but resigned in consequence of severe wounds, when he resumed the editorship of the Richmond Examiner, in which he attacked Jefferson Davis, and in which he predicted in 1864 the early collapse of the Confederacy. He died in Richmond, Va., March 30, 1865.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860 (search)
Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860 Statesman; born in Stafford county, Va., April 24, 1784; graduated at Princeton in 1805; appointed judge of the United States Circuit Court in 1836; and to the United States Supreme Court in 1841. He died in Richmond, Va., June 30, 1860.