Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henrico (Virginia, United States) or search for Henrico (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 16 results in 7 document sections:

The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Citizens' State-rights ticket.-- Peachy R. Grattan, P. H. Aylett, Geo. W. Randolph. (search)
$20 reward. --I will give $20 reward for the return of my Negro man, "Washington," who left my house, in the lower part of Henrico county, on the morning of the 17th inst., without leave or provocation. Washington is about five feet 8 or 9 inches high, very black, about twenty years old, and has very white teeth, and smiles very pleasantly when spoken to. He will probably have a forged pass in his possession, as he can read and write. I will give the above reward for his return to me at my house, or if he is secured in jail so that I can get him. L. S. Courtney. [ja 26--1w]
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To J. M. Estes. W. M. Caldwell, J. B. Ferguson, and others. (search)
The annexation question. --While the country is convulsed from one extreme to the other with the question of secession, our neighbors of the county of Henrico are considerably excited upon another subject, having an entirely opposite meaning, namely, that of annexation. A portion of the citizens, living near the city, petition the Legislature for an extension of the boundaries of Richmond, so as to include their domicils, perfectly willing to pay an additional tax for the sake of enjoying the conveniences of our various institutions, established for the promotion of the public good. Another portion of the inhabitants, some living near town and some remote, are firmly opposed to annexation, and have sent in a counter petition, and the matter has not yet been finally acted on. The City Council, at its last meeting, debated the subject very fully; while considering a petition from the congregation of Trinity Church for permission to have the gas from the city works extended to th
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To J. M. Estes. W. M. Caldwell, J. B. Ferguson, and others. (search)
d a knowledge of your business qualifications, and your personal intercourse with the people of Henrico, think you qualified to represent their wishes. Please inform the public whether you will conse time is short, we hope you will lose no time in replying to our wishes. Many Voters of Henrico County. Henrico, Jan. 20, 1861. Richmond, Jan. 25th, 1861. To Many Voters of HenricoHenrico, Jan. 20, 1861. Richmond, Jan. 25th, 1861. To Many Voters of Henrico County. --At the kind and earnest solicitation of many friends, who, in the last few days, have been urging me to consent to allow my name to be used as a candidate, from the county of Henrico,Henrico County. --At the kind and earnest solicitation of many friends, who, in the last few days, have been urging me to consent to allow my name to be used as a candidate, from the county of Henrico, for the approaching Virginia Convention, I hereby announce to my friends that, if they shall think proper to elect me, I will serve them in all fidelity, and with all the ability I possess. As the eHenrico, for the approaching Virginia Convention, I hereby announce to my friends that, if they shall think proper to elect me, I will serve them in all fidelity, and with all the ability I possess. As the election is near at hand, and there may be no opportunity to express my opinions before a-public meeting of the citizens of the county, it may not be inappropriate to declare, in very brief words, the
Henrico County.--Messrs. Jos. C. Burton, Garland Hanes, James T. Redd.-- Gentlemen: I have received a communication, signed by yourselves and one hundred and seventy-eight other citizens of Henrico county, calling upon me "as one who will truly represent the sentiments of a majority of the people of Henrico," to allow you to use my name as a candidate for Henrico for the Convention. Henrico," to allow you to use my name as a candidate for Henrico for the Convention. Whilst I have no ambition to be a member of the Convention, I do not feel that I have the right to refuse to comply with a request, made under such circumstances. I therefore consent to your maHenrico for the Convention. Whilst I have no ambition to be a member of the Convention, I do not feel that I have the right to refuse to comply with a request, made under such circumstances. I therefore consent to your making such use of my name as you may deem proper. I am one of those who are most hopeful of the honorable and final settlement of the questions that now distract the country. Should you elechat a proposition is on foot for holding a meeting of the conservative portion of the people of Henrico, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the Convention. Preferring, myself, that you sho
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. (search)
James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. --Be pleased to announce that James Lyons, Esq., will be voted for to represent Henrico in the Convention soon to assemble in Virginia. Mr. Lyons' exalted character and commanding abilities so eminently fit him for the position, that nothing further need be said to ensure him a large vote. ja 22 --10t James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. --Be pleased to announce that James Lyons, Esq., will be voted for to represent Henrico in the Convention soon to assemble in Virginia. Mr. Lyons' exalted character and commanding abilities so eminently fit him for the position, that nothing further need be said to ensure him a large vote. ja 22 --10t
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To James M. Estes, Wm. M. Caldwell, and others. (search)
John B. Young, Esq., will be voted for, in Henrico county, by citizens generally, as a member of the State Convention, to assemble on the 13th of February. Election 4th of February. ja 26--tde Many Voters.
Edward. Orvis will be a candidate to represent the County of Henrico in the Convention, to meet on the 13th day of February next. ja 26 --6t