Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for China (China) or search for China (China) in all documents.

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Later from Europe.arrival of the Asia! New York, Dec. 7.-- The steamship Asia, from Queenstown on the 25th ult., has arrived here. Hostilities had recommence in China. The Allies were before Pekin. affairs were unchanged. The Europa had arrived out. Commercial. Liverpool, Nov. 25.--Estimated sales of Cotton Saturday 10,000 bales. Quotations unchanged.--Float dull and declined 61. Wheat declined 1@2d. Corn quiet. Provisions dull. Bullion in the Bank of England largely increased. Consols 93 ½@93 ¾.
nd obtained Eastern advices at such saving of time and money as demonstrates the immense advantage of San Francisco over Honolulu as a whaling port. A telegraphic dispatch, received to-day from Yreka, announces the death of Delazon Smith, at Portland, Oregon, on the 18th. He was recently one of the United States Senators from that State. By the steamer Brother Jonathan, full advices from Oregon are received to the 17th, and from British Columbia to the 10th. Large numbers of Chinese had arrived at Portland from the mines in the British possessions, having been driven off by the Indians. Reports of rich gold mines in Oregon and Washington continue as usual. The woolen factory at Salem was running night and day, manufacturing fabrics which find a ready market. Since Nov. 4 $115,000 in gold has been received at Victoria from the Fraser River mines. There was a serious riot at the Victoria theatre, November 3, growing out of long existing prejudices of