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ore the zero expressed so many tens, e. g. Chinese.Arabic. ——±30 The great advance in the H intermediate points. The glass bottles with Chinese inscriptions, found with the Egyptian mummieses the needles are made of gold or silver. In China their manufacture is regulated by law. They ar a leathern face. Their use is very common in China and Japan, and was communicated to Europe by tnder cover, sometimes for several years. In China, a potter prepares the clay for the succeedings. Lining with tin is a good expedient. In China and Japan, bamboos of large size are used to cnd the Viceroy Joseph. Arches are found in Chinese bridges of great antiquity and magnitude; andies before, all these weapons had been used in China, India, Assyria, and Egypt. Pliny ascribes be found in the province of On-Tong-Kiao, in China, of the depth of from 1,500 to 1,800 feet. Theto shoot arrows and great stones withal. The Chinese claim to have used cannon 618 B. C., and engi[8 more...]
ed in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and also in China, as well as among the Hebrews. The image was the raw material into a pulpy condition. The Chinese processes are as follows: — The paper-stufthe Turks and other Mohammedan nations. The Chinese rosary is composed of 108 beads of stones andt differ especially from the calicoprinting of China, India, Arabia, and Egypt, the books and placards of China, and the printed playing-cards commonly used in Europe many years before Coster, Guttere from Thebes. d is Etruscan. e is from China. f from ancient Egypt. Bot′tle-boot. Ancient bridges of great magnitude exist in China. This ingenious people constructed them of woed to be written in Europe. The great wall of China (Wan-li-chang, the myriad-mile-wall) was finisemiking with a partner (Chun) on the throne of China, 2200 B. C., caused nine vases to be cast, on st practiced by the native smiths of India and China, who occasioned much surprise to their Occiden[7 more...]<
eat Arabian people also taught Europe to make Chinese paper of pulped liber. It seems a pity thaich it is incrusted is composed. A mixture of China clay and silicate of potash is found to answerings in Algiers by the Kabyles and Berbers; in China for carpets; in Turkey for soldiers' coverletsrding to Strabo, Pliny, and Aristotle; so that China is fairly anticipated for once, as the Great Canal of China was not made till the ninth century A. D., about the time of Charlemagne. The Egypt by the Romans. Canals were constructed in China before the Christian era. No mention is made conqueror, as when Genghis the Khan conquered China, Persia, and Central Asia, A. D. 1206; or Timohe use extends east of this district as far as China. They are used by the bayadeers in India, a, glass, earthen, granite, diamond, Armenian, Chinese, etc., supra. stove. (For cracks in stovesn of a rock formed of quartz and feldspar. Chinese kaolin consists of — silex, 71.15; alumina, 1[16 more...]
o-printing.) A mode of printing, also known as China blue. See calico-printing. Delft-ware. referred to so far. The study of astronomy in China is as ancient as the time of Abraham, and the earliest known observations are Chinese (see astronomical instruments), though we have statements o by the Chaldeans. The dials commonly used in China are mentioned by Mohammedan travelers in that ely exact even at its calculated latitude. Chinese clock-dial. 2. The graduated and numberedf a watch or clock. A dial-plate. The old Chinese dials, like the divisions of the clepsydra, wFig. 1627) is a suggestion for one for the Chinese market; the outer circle has numerals correspnk in the engraved lines. Dotch′in. The Chinese steelyard. In Hong Kong, and other ports wheith circles of brass pins to mark British and Chinese weights. Dots. (Plastering.) Nails drlogwood will be violet. Mordants were used in China and India from very distant periods, and are d
ng article. The Egyptians and Etruscans had pottery at a date before the historic period. We know more of the former than of the latter at early periods. The resemblance of the Greek and Etrurian ceramic works is remarkable. Glazing came from China. Wedgwood's patents about 1762. See specific list under pottery and clay. Earth-plate. (Telegraphy.) A plate buried in the earth, or a system of gas or water pipes utilized for the purpose, connected with the terminal or return wire at which retain or acquire the required colors in baking. The tile is then scraped, smoothed, baked, and glazed. This tile is common in ancient and modern structures. The glazing came from the Arabs, who derived it from India, and primarily from China. En-ceinte. (Fortification.) The line of circumvallation; the space inclosed within the ramparts of a fortification. En-chased — work. Chased work in silver and gold smithing. See chasing. En-chasing. A form of engraving whi<
h, being ornamented with gold and silver. According to Evelyn, our modern paper fans were introduced by the Jesuits from China. The common palm-leaf fan of this country is imported from the East and West Indies, and is made of a portion of the l them fully. Klaproth describes them as of goat's hair (see haircloth), and having a shaggy villus on the outside. The Chinese traveler, Chi-fa-hian, who visited India in the fourth century, describes the people of Chen-chen, who lived about the Lof these, according to circumstances. (For early notices, see gunpowder.) The cracker was used as a grenade anciently in China, and in the 8th century by the Greeks. The first fire-arms used in Europe were cannon. (See artillery; cannon.) Fire- his Cosmograph, 1662, says: The use of silver forks, which is by some of our spruce gallants taken up of late, came from China into Italy, and thence into England. Table-forks have long been in use in Feejee. At a time when all Northern Europe
and modern times, and in many countries. In China, these exudations, either natural or resultingand the gas thus obtained has been utilized in China, and in the valley of the Kanawha, West Virgin2 Brande83.58 Parisian205.5704.5 Packfong (Chinese)31.625.4402.6 Parke's (Eng. patent, 1844)45.d the supposition that they were imported from China, and yet this single fact of glazed pottery inBehaim house in Nuremberg, places the coast of China (by estimate), only 100° west of the Azores. rmined. Such were in use in ancient Egypt, in China, and such were found at Quito by the invading rill is in that repository of the wonderful, — China. The Chinese machine is a wheelbarrow with a Chinese machine is a wheelbarrow with a hopper for the seed, and three spouts, twenty-eight inches long, by which the grain reaches the gro The corundum stone used by the Hindoos and Chinese is composed of corundum powdered, 2 parts; laraelites from Egypt, fire-works were common in China, and from thence, at a very remote period, the[3 more..
b.Catadrome. Brake.Cat-head. Brick and mortar elevator.Cat-tackle. Check-hook. Bricklayer's hoist.Chevrette. Bucket.Chinese windlass. Cage.Claw for suspending tackle. Can-hook. Cog and round.Lift-hammer. Cotton-elevator.Lifting-apparatues for measuring time; these were doubtless of the general character of our hour-glasses. Hour-glasses were unknown in China formerly, and of late are mentioned by them as of importation from the West. A tradition of the Middle Ages relates thillating block which is moved by a rod and retracted by a spring. House-boat. A boat used as a dwelling. Common in China, and once common on our Western rivers. House-line. (Nautical.) Or housing. A fine line having three strands, smace was necessary, as the Romans did not employ chimneys for increasing the draft. Hypocausts are in general use in Northern China, where the winters are severe. B illustrates their mode of construction. They are located beneath the floor of the
urope (see canal), and was probably used also in the grand canal of China, built in the ninth century A. D. The canal lock was invented in Itd by actual service at Sveaborg, in the Black Sea, and afterward in China, with very satisfactory results. In′dia-rub′ber thread. This rabia, sapphires from Moldavia, amethysts from Persia, crystal from China, turquoises from Thibet, diamonds from Bundlecund, and lapis lazulied in Spain was shown, composed of three millions of pieces. Many Chinese and Japanese works of bijouterie are also of this class. Parquediscovery of it, of course. How many centuries it had been used in China, India, and Egypt can hardly be determined. Moses, who died 20 yea screw-stopper. I′ron—bridge. Iron-bridges were first used in China. — Du Halde. Cast-iron bridges. Iron-bridges are of many fobulkhead. Iron vessels for America, Ireland, France, India, and China were built in Scotland and on the Mersey, 1833-39. The iron s
Jim-crow. Jim′my. A short crow-bar. Jin′gal. A large musket used as a wall-piece in China and India. Jin′glet. A ball within a spherical bell, which acts as a clapper. Jin′ny-roa boy assists by pulling the plane across or along the work. When the plane is very large, the Chinese place it at an angle, resting one end on the ground, in the manner of our cooper's jointer. ring.) Switch rails which connect tracks. Junk. 1. (Vessel.) (Dutch, jonk, perhaps from Chinese yong, the sea.) A vessel employed by the Chinese, Japanese, and Malays in navigating their seas. It is the largest kind of Chinese vessel. It has no prominent stem or keel. The bow on deck is square, and the anchors are on each side of the bow. The stern is full, the rudder suspended, ande in cotton the reverse is the case. Jute-twine is sized with glue-water, starch, tallow, and China clay. Crossley's patent floor-covering has a foundation of coarse jute coated with a layer o