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rned he unconsciously ended the sentence; or, as he in a plainer figure put it: Just before I struck the old mare my will through the mind had set the muscles of my tongue to utter the expression, and when her heels came in contact with my head the whole thing stopped half-cocked, as it were, and was only fired off when mental energy or force returned. By the time he had reached his seventeenth year he had attained the physical proportions of a full-grown man. He was employed to assist James Taylor in the management of a ferry-boat across the Ohio river near the mouth of Anderson's creek, but was not allowed a man's wages for the work. He received thirty-seven cents a day for what he afterwards told me was the roughest work a young man could be made to do. In the midst of whatever work he was engaged on he still found time to utilize his pen, He prepared a composition on the American Government, calling attention to the necessity of preserving the Constitution and perpetuating the
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 33: (search)
ing--Master, J. R. Beers; Acting-Master's Mates, B. D. Reed, A. H. Comstock and G. W. Cleaves. Steamer rescue. Acting-Ensign, C. A. Blanchard; Acting-Master's Mate, E. D. Smith; Engineers: Acting-Third-Assistants, M. C. Heath and G. W. Howe. Tug O. M. Pettit. Acting-Ensign, T. E. Baldwin; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistant, Reuben McClenahan; Acting-Third-Assistant, Augustus Wandell. Iron-clad Keokuk. Lieutenant-Commander, A. C. Rhind; Lieutenant, Moreau Forrest; Acting-Master, James Taylor; Acting-Ensigns, W. H. Bullis, Ira T. Halstead and Alex McIntosh; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Geo. D. Slocum; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, John Read; First-Assistant Engineer, Wm. H. King; Second-Assistant Engineer, J. H. Hunt; Third-Assistant Engineers, J. M. Emanuel and H. A. Smith. Letters relating to the battle of Port Royal and occupation of the Confederate forts. From Flag-officer Dupont, Commander Steedman, and Lieutenants-commanding C. R. P. Rodgers, Ammen, Stevens a
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 51 (search)
cock and L. N. Rollins; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistant, W. P. Magaw; Acting-Third-Assistants, G. W. Yoe and W. E. Webster. Steamer Anacostia. Acting-Master, Nelson Provost; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, David Guernsey; Acting-Ensigns, E. D. Edmunds; Acting-Master's Mates, James Softly and Richard Still; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, George Faron; Acting-Second-Assistant, J. T. Buckley; Acting-Third-Assistants, T. E. Lynch and Thomas Hineline. Schooner Sophronia. Acting-Master, James Taylor; Acting-Ensigns, H. F. Dorton and E. S. Shurtliff; Acting-Master's Mates, W. H. Hunt and J. O. Conway. Schooner Matthew Vassar. Acting-Master, Henry O. Stone; Acting-Ensign, R. C. Wright; Acting-Master's Mates, Wm. Duffy, G. H. Marks and S. W. Ward. Schooner Adolph Hugel. Acting-Master, S. Nickerson; Acting-Master's Mates, H. C. Fuller, J. H. Taylor and J. H. King. Schooner William Bacon. Acting-Master, Samuel Haines; Acting-Ensign, J. A. Merrill; Acting-Master's
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
/2 paid as salvage to Samuel Butler. Prize list of Genesee waiting. 273 90 $80.13 1/2 paid as salvage to Samuel Butler. Prize list of Genesee waiting.80 13 1/2 80 131/<*> do   Genesee. 113 63 Schooner Segur $1,321.07 1/2 paid to James Taylor for raising and repairing vessel — Decreed to West Gulf squadron informal. 3,150 00 $1,321.07 1/2 paid to James Taylor for raising and repairing vessel — Decreed to West Gulf squadron informal.1,321 07 1/2 1,321 07 1/2 do   Gulf squadron. James Taylor for raising and repairing vessel — Decreed to West Gulf squadron informal.1,321 07 1/2 1,321 07 1/2 do   Gulf squadron. 507 85   Sundries, 12 boxes 816 03 196 98 619 05 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 Brooklyn. Schooner Stingray 33,988 04 2,968 16 31,019 88 New Orleans June 7, 1864 Penobscot. Schooner Sylphide 3,050 69 769 95 2,280 74 do June 17, 1864 Virginia. Steamer Scotia 76,448 52 3,009 02 73,439 50 Boston July 19, 1864 Connecticut. Schooner Sophia 1,212 60 359 26 853 34 New York Nov. 12, 1864 Dan Smith, Huron, Midnight. Schooner Savannah 1,325 00 244 96 1,080 04 do Oct. 7, 1864 Perry.   S
Burnside. They were returning to the ship, and when in the breakers outside the inlet, a heavy sea broke over the bow of the boat, filling her with water, and washing the crew back toward the stern of the boat. The Surgeon was trampled into the bottom by the men, who were forced back by the water, and was drowned in the boat. Their oars were washed away, and the boat was thus at the mercy of the breakers, which soon upset her. The Colonel and the second mate of the ship, whose name is James Taylor, were both drowned when the boat capsized; and all hands would certainly have perished, but for the proximity of the tug Patuxent, Captain Jeremiah Bennett, whose pilot, James McIntyre, of Philadelphia, launched the boats of the steamer, which picked up the captain of the ship and the boat's crew. The remains of Colonel Allen and Surgeon Weller will be sent North in the Spaulding, which is daily expected to arrive from Port Royal. Hatteras Inlet, January 21. We feel somewhat encou
ammunition. Should it arrive in time, we will return to aid in the defence; if not, will there make a final stand, and blow up the vessels rather than they shall fall into the hands of the enemy. These are reasons for retiring upon Norfolk, but it would be unseemly thus to desert this section of country. If I have erred in judgment, by a speedy notification, the error will be corrected. Commander Hunter, Lieut. Commanders Cooke, Parker, and Alexander, and Masters Commanding McCorrick, Taylor, and Hoole, bravely sustained the credit of the service, and every officer and man performed his duty with alacrity. Lieut. Commanding Simms, although absent on detailed service, exhibited such an eagerness to participate in the conflict as to give full assurance that, if gratified, he would have upheld his high reputation. I am, very respectfully, your obedient, W. F. Lynch, Flag-Officer. New-York Commercial narrative on board U. S. Steamer Cossack Hatteras Inlet, February 4.
ence, Third cavalry division, in this charge; Captain Crowell, of the Eighth Indiana, for gallantry on two different occasions in charging the enemy; Captain E. A. Handcock, Ninth Pennsylvania, for gallant and meritorious conduct throughout the campaign; Lieutenant McJ. Davis, of Third Kentucky cavalry, and Lieutenant Bryen, Fifth Kentucky, for their gallantry in charging the enemy at Buckhead Creek; Sergeant Emory, company H, Sergeant Pepper, company L, Second Kentucky cavalry, and Sergeant James Taylor, Commissary Sergeant, Second Kentucky cavalry, for their gallant behavior on different occasions. To the efficient, energetic, and brave officers composing my staff, whose duties throughout the whole campaign have been most arduous; who have been exposed to fire in every engagement, I would tender my heartfelt thanks. Therefore, to you I commend Captain James Beggs, Third Kentucky cavalry, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General; Captain Samuel Lyons, Second Kentucky, Acting Assistan
S. Jacobs, Alex. Gregg, Surveyor of Highways. John T. White,Constables. Elisha Tolman, Amos Hemphill, John T. White, Collector of Taxes. Eleazer Davis,Field Drivers. Willard Butters, Thos. Gillard, Pyam Cushing,Fence Viewers. Peter C. Hall, Nathan W. Wait, John T. White,Fish Committee. Amos Hemphill, Elbridge Teel, Henry H. Jacquith, Pound Keeper. John Sparrell,Surveyors of Lumber. Jas. O. Curtis, J. T. Foster, E. Stetson, J. Loring, S. Lapham, O. Joyce, J. Stetson, J. Taylor, P. Curtis, P. Cushing, E. Hayden, G. T. Goodwin, A. Hutchens, R. E. Ells, H. Taylor, C. S. Jacobs, B. R. Teel, E. Waterman, J. Sanborn, T. T. Fowler, J. Clapp, B. H. Samson, Expenses. The first book kept by the Treasurer is lost. From the second, which begins in 1729, and others of later date, the following items of expenses are taken. The modern modes of book-keeping were not known to our fathers. There were sometimes two or three rates made in a year, varying fr
ers, Stetson, Waterman, Ewell, Curtis, Foster, Taylor, and others, will be held in grateful remembraterMedford112 409 BarkVestaSprague & James'sJ. TaylorJohn FlynnBoston233 410 BarkRobertSprague & James'sJ. TaylorBramhall & HoweBoston800 411 BarkHomeSprague & James'sJ. TaylorNathaniel FrancisBoJ. TaylorNathaniel FrancisBoston350 4121849ShipJosiah BradleeSprague & James'sJ. TaylorMinot & HooperBoston680 413 ShipClara J. TaylorMinot & HooperBoston680 413 ShipClara WheelerSprague & James'sJ. TaylorBramhall & HoweBoston999 414 BarkEllaSprague & James'sJ. TaylorWiJ. TaylorBramhall & HoweBoston999 414 BarkEllaSprague & James'sJ. TaylorWilliam FlynnBoston233 415 ShipSquantumSprague & James'sJ. T. FosterThomas B. Wales & Co.Boston651 J. TaylorWilliam FlynnBoston233 415 ShipSquantumSprague & James'sJ. T. FosterThomas B. Wales & Co.Boston651 416 ShipTirrellSprague & James'sJ. T. FosterJ. & A. TirrellBoston967 417 BarkFenelonJ. O. Curtis'soston1020 448 ShipPresidentSprague & James'sJ. TaylorBramhall & HoweBoston1020 4491851ShipSyrenSprague & James'sJ. TaylorSilsbee & PickmanSalem1050 450 Stmr.John TaylorSprague & James'sJ. TaylorNJ. TaylorNathaniel FrancisBoston230 451 ShipNapoleonSprague & James'sJ. T. FosterThomas LambBoston670
200 Due to John Francis, for money paid to the clerk about a presentment of Mistick Bridge026 For pocket expenses at court, three days, about John Man030 Money paid for searching the records about John Man009    £8133 To show the relative amount and distribution of property among the inhabitants, the following record of taxes paid by each is here inserted:-- Sept. 20, 1711: This list is a county rate that was made and perfected by the assessors, in obedience to a warrant from James Taylor, gent., treasurer, for the levying a tax on polls and estate, both real and personal.  Heads.Real estate.Personal estate.  £s.d.£s.d.£s.d. Lieutenant Thomas Willis0100116001011 Ensign Stephen Francis10001660102 John Francis, sen.010014001611 John Whitmore01000117077 Francis Whitmore01000129086 John Whitmore, jun.01000106083 Mrs. Elizabeth Wade00011310107 Miss Elizabeth Wade000090000 John Hall01001150124 Mrs. Mercy Wade0000124027 Seth Richardson0100069049 Samuel Kendall01