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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 6 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 6 0 Browse Search
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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To Miss Lucy Osgood. (search)
To Miss Lucy Osgood. Wayland, 1869. I have read a good many of Taine's papers on Art, and always with great zest. His descriptions of Venice in Les Deux Mondes is wonderfully glowing and poetic. It was almost like seeing that city of enchantment. Max Muller's Clips I have never seen. The greatest extravagance I have committed for years was buying his Science of language, price seven dollars, as a birthday present for my philological mate. His habit of digging for the origin of words has proved contagious, and he often expresses surprise at the help my quick guesses afford him in his patient researches. I resolutely read Max Muller's Science of language, and picked up a good many new ideas and valuable suggestions; but to read it with full understanding required a great deal more learning than I possess. A friend is accustomed to say that my bark is worse than my bite ; and it is something so with regard to my theological intolerance. For instance, I have given yearly t
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
Boston Athenaeum given to, and withdrawn from, her, 195, 264 ; cultivates cheerfulness, 196 ; reads the Spanish Gypsy, 197; her sixty-seventh birthday, 198; on Fourier and. the labor question, 199; her jubilation over Grant's election, 200; reads Taine's papers on art, 200 ; her Freedmen's book and the American Missionary Association, 201; her aversion to newspaper publicity, 201; her judgment of George Sand, 205; lines to George Thompson, 206; her appeal to Mr. Sumner in behalf of the rights ohild's Appeal, 77; the assault on, 78; calls on Mrs. Child, 88S; his position on the Mason and Slidell case, 163; Milmore's bust of, 187; letters to, 207. Swedenborg and the New Church, 20(2. Swedenborg's key of correspondences 75. T. Taine's (H. A.) papers on art 200. Tappan, Arthur, threatened with assassination, 15. Taylor, Father, anecdote of, 213. Texas question, J. Q. Adams's speeches on, VIII. The rebels; a Tale of the Revolution, VII. The right way the Safe w
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
, took him out of these narrow channels of opinion. It is highly significant that whereas Mrs. Stowe or her followers would have thought of themselves as writing fiction considerably for the sake of its moral consequences, Eggleston, having read Taine's Art in the Netherlands, Published in English at New York in 1871. undertook to portray the life of southern Indiana in the faithful, undoctrinaire spirit of a Dutch painter. His first novel, The Hoosier schoolmaster (1871), remains his mostother excuse for departing from the prudent policy of avoiding in history any treatment of those still alive and active, is that at this date (1919) it does not seem that Santayana's future career will belong to America. If a European critic like Taine were to ask for an American book on philosophy containing a distinct and comprehensive view of human life, its aims and diverse manifestations, we could not mention anything more appropriate than Santayana's Life of reason (5 vols., 1905-06). Mos
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index (search)
Sutter, John A., 140, 145 Swallow Barn, 67 Swan, James, 429 Swedenborg, 100 Swift, 475 Swimming Coffin, the, 601 Swinburne, 54, 97, 107 Swinton, William, 181 Swords, James, 537 Swords, Thomas, 537 Sylvis, W. H., 344 Synopsis (Webster), 476 Syntax of classical Greek, 466 Syntax of the moods and tenses of the Greek verb, 465 Syria from the saddle, 165 Systematic theology, 201 Tablets, 528, 529 Tacitus, 463 Taft, W. H., 166 Taggart, F. J., 146 Taine, 75, 258 Taittiriya Praticakhya, 468 Tale of a lonely parish, a, 88 Tales (Field, Eugene), 28 Tales of a traveller, I 12 Taliesin: a masque, 51 Talks to teachers, 421 Talvj. See Jakob, Therese von Tannenbaum, 497 Tappan, 229 Tarbell, Ida, 293, 317 Tarkington, Booth, 91, 288, 420 Tasso, 450 Tatler, the, 110 Taussig, F. W., 442 Taxation in American States and cities, 442 Taylor, Bayard 31, 36, 38-43, 44, 45, 48, 113, 128, 155, 163, 164, 314. 586 T