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it then was fitly opens the new period of Charles Sumner's career. For a description of Boston i A Collection of Letters, 1847-1855, p. 165. Sumner, who was familiar with the talk at dinners androm Europe, wrote in his diary, Oct. 17, 1847: Sumner to dine. All Americans who return from Europe Life of Ticknor, vol. II. pp. 230, 234, 236. Sumner wrote to his brother in 1852: You must not conrtly after returned a subscription paper which Sumner had sent to him, with the reply that no papersiting Boston in 1851 found that the mention of Sumner's name in social life made certain people shiv for the chill which came on at the mention of Sumner's name. Later pages will show how this intolernformity. The passage, doubtless referring to Sumner, is as follows:— I am sorry as you are for. The social exclusion practised by Ticknor on Sumner and antislavery men is mentioned in Adams's Bisomething of the environment of a young man of Sumner's position and tastes when he took his place a[6 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
ing colored persons from its privileges. Both Sumner and Emerson, when apprised of the exclusion, wnners at Prescott's where Sumner was present. Sumner was at this time calling at Ticknor's, where Lr according to the analogies of the language. Sumner often revised Dr. Howe's writings, and only re the School, and President Sparks suggested to Sumner that a report of the kind be made. His lettertion of Sumner's character and attainments. Sumner had friendly relations with Henry C. Carey, on. On p. 449 Mr. Carey evidently refers to Sumner's Fourth of July oration. William Kent, whys in the country he took a crayon likeness of Sumner, intended for the Earl of Carlisle, who had red, to bring about a good understanding between Sumner and a well-known Boston lawyer,—a conservativel causes, who was all the more antipathetic to Sumner personally because of the good offices he and terest. In a letter written in April, 1848, Sumner explained his early interest in certain reform[63 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 31: the prison—discipline debates in Tremont Temple.—1846-1847. (search)
nt appointed as the committee, Bradford Sumner, Charles Sumner, Hillard, Dr. Channing, and Dwight; and the pretee to consist of the other three members, with Charles Sumner as chairman. Dwight was absent during the su, though not present, more than matched him there. Sumner advised Mr. Rathbone, of Liverpool, and Dr. Julius,buting among the delegates the Liverpool edition of Sumner's recent speech. The president of the Congress was Sumner's friend, Professor Mittermaier, of Heidelberg. It was a distinguished assembly, composed of men eminx magistrate, who in a session of the Congress held Sumner's speech in his hand in full view of Dwight, ready son of William Rotch, a Nantucket whaler. He wrote Sumner that Dwight's abstinence from voting alone preventeng which he inspected the prison at Pentonville. Sumner attempted, soon after the Society's meeting, to proor to Dr. Wayland, who had declined a re-election. Sumner's report being offered, Bradford Sumner at once obj
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
xception, in the Courier, in October, 1846, to Sumner's expression, I am no politician, in his open as made chairman, and Sumner and Adams spoke. Sumner began with a tribute to Dr. Howe's character, . 286-288. The Whig newspapers, in view of Sumner's open letter to Winthrop and his expected canrecovered, The tariff is an obsolete idea. Sumner, in January, 1847, made an argument before theng Whigs kept aloof from it. The speakers were Sumner, James Freeman Clarke, Judge John M. Williams,as in the same line. In the spring of 1847 Sumner prepared for a legislative committee an elaboreport House Doe., No. 187, 1847, 35 pages. Sumner's authorship of the report does not seem to haee, submitted the report and resolutions which Sumner had drawn. There was a contest in the House, passed the Senate with no serious opposition. Sumner's resolutions thus became the declared opinionut Massachusetts again right on the record. Sumner wrote to J. R. Giddings, February 25:— O[16 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
it written that Slavery finally prevailed? Sumner wrote to Palfrey, June 8:— The news has ation. This was the secret influence to which Sumner referred. Mr. Appleton in his letter denounf Abolitionism into which he was plunging. Of Sumner he said:— I have regretted your course terverted the language of the letter; whereupon Sumner applied to him for an explanation. Mr. Lawrendecision at considerable length in a letter to Sumner, passed two years later out of political life,ice of secretary. Mann's Life, pp. 264-265. Sumner, in person and in several letters, urged him t Soilers; but Mann, while generally heedful of Sumner's opinions, did not see his duty in that lighte on the question of candidate for President. Sumner again plied Mann in 1849 with earnest entreatiically; it will yet leaven the whole lump. Sumner wrote in 1848 to Mr. Everett, inquiring if he very principles and measures. Extracts from Sumner's letters show his spirit and expectations at [16 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
ushing, the leader of the indomitables, called Sumner in debate a one— idead, abolition agitator, aand presented it as their first and last one. Sumner, however, all along signified his entire readias an alternative, and counselled adherence to Sumner to the end. The contest dragged wearily on,ivate Correspondence, vol. II. pp. 472, 479.) Sumner's opinion of the governor's position at this pe or two indomitables, to vote under cover for Sumner, or to cast one of the two blanks which were f next to him, and turning towards him, said, Mr. Sumner, I want to shake hands with you first; upon tactics of the enemy. Sincerely yours, Charles Sumner. The joy of the Free Soilers over thearch speech. Theodore Parker, failing to find Sumner at his office, wrote, April 26: You told me onzed, long after the event, the significance of Sumner's election as of that of a man whose name was enate. Von Holst. vol. IV. pp. 42, 43. Sumner, as well he might be, felt oppressed with the [75 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
d be, and needed to be stiffened. Those of Sumner's constituents who knew him best, and had lear the 26th, that any provision came up to which Sumner's amendment could be attached; and though only appropriation bills had not been acted upon. Sumner was watching meanwhile for his chance, when, o antislavery statesmen at this time, including Sumner himself, applied to the Constitution a rigid rerred to the unseasonable time and occasion of Sumner's elaborate oration, carefully written, studie vol. VI. p. 252. abstaining from comments on Sumner's speech, vindicated the Act, and applied the and Whig senators on matters quite apart from Sumner's speech, and was finally arrested by the chai the Senate for political reasons, he wrote to Sumner a letter, Feb. 11, 1853, acknowledging that heantislavery sentiments confirmed by pledges. Sumner's colleague, Davis, Mr. Davis left the Senaaid on the floor of the Senate. A letter of Sumner to Rev. Dr. R. P. Stebbins, from Newport, Oct.[79 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
he Democratic and Whig conventions he wrote to Sumner, June 11: My opinion is that we can make no efr its end. In the midst of this perplexity, Sumner, while conferring with Chase and Seward, and kBailey's house; but Mr. Allen's report of what Sumner and others said is not authentic. Chase's ince into the future, an extract from a letter to Sumner is given. Seward wrote, Nov. 9, 1852:— restored to the committee on roads and canals. Sumner, though then as always faithful in attendance,orty-four members by general ticket, being, as Sumner called them, a well-knit Macedonian phalanx, ay the city government of Boston for this year, Sumner sent to the mayor a toast in favor of a railroly to secure Wilson's election as governor. Sumner made his first speech at Greenfield, October 2 writing nearly four months after he had heard Sumner at New Bedford, assigned to the address the hicalled on him to resign his seat. Never was Sumner so strong with the Free Soilers as now. He had[54 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
s reported to have said that but for Chase and Sumner he should have encountered no obstruction. Syf the political upheaval which was at hand. Sumner made his speech February 21. Works, vol. Itended for himself. R. H. Dana, Jr., wrote to Sumner, February 26: Your magnetic mountain is a thin, March 2, by ten yeas to thirty-six days. and Sumner. Unlike other senators who were resisting theny embarrassment from antislavery senators. Sumner wrote to Mr. Dexter, March 17:— I desireand representatives. Wade, Seward, Chase, and Sumner, standing alone for the free States in the debrt. Clay made some opprobrious remarks, which Sumner only noticed by saying that he was always reaendment was adopted after various objections. Sumner then moved an amendment repealing the Fugitivee lecture, addressing him, as always, Dear Charles Sumner:— The elevated tone of its moral teal controversies of the time. The following is Sumner's second note to Dr. Welling, dated March 16, [127 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
ttend rather to the ordinary public business. Sumner offered at different times resolutions on seveg an adversary so intrepid and so well armed. Sumner wrote to Parker:— I am glad you have beeow Nothings. Then followed Bayard, and at last Sumner, who denounced the bill as an effort to bolsteenden, Seward, and even Cooper, now voted with Sumner, but Fish and Hamlin were still silent. Sumnele when Sumner delivered his lecture March 29. Sumner, in sending a daguerreotype of one of the chilthe New York Tribune and the National Era. As Sumner came, later on, to care chiefly for the effectdge, D. D., of Kentucky, in a public letter to Sumner, June 11, 1855, made the lecture the subject oddress (probably at Providence), and now heard Sumner for the first time, wrote, April 6:— Theates for us with a broad grin upon his face, Mr. Sumner remarked, Poor boy! and threw him a piece iw Nothing candidate, stated to the writer that Sumner said during the drive that the American people[29 more...]<