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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 132 2 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 4 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1860., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bayard, Nicholas, 1644-1707 (search)
Bayard, Nicholas, 1644-1707 Colonial executive; born in Alphen, Holland, in 1644. His mother was a sister of Governor Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of New Netherland, whom she accompanied to America in 1647, with her three sons and a daughter. The old Bayard mansion in New York City, on the Bowery, was converted into a pleasure garden in 1798. The Astor Library is built on a part of the estate. Under the second English regime, in 1685, Bayard was mayor of New York, and a member of Governor Dongan's council. In 1698 Col. Bayard went to England to clear himself of the imputation of complicity in the piracy of Captain Kidd, having been accused by the Leisler faction of both piracy and a scheme to introduce slavery. He was tried before Chief-Justice Atwood and sentenced to death. The proceedings, however, were annulled by an order-in-council, and he was reinstated in his property and honors. He died in New York City, in 1707.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bogardus, Everardus, 1633- (search)
Kieft and some of the provincial officers absented themselves from church to avoid further clerical lashings. Kieft encouraged unruly fellows to keep up a noise around the church during the preaching. On one occasion a drum was beaten, a cannon was fired several times during the service, and the communicants were insulted. The plucky dominie denounced the authorities more fiercely than ever, and the governor brought the contumacious clergyman to trial. The excitement ran high, but mutual friends finally brought about a cessation of hostilities, if not peace. There were then two other clergymen in the province — Samuel Megapolensis and Francis Doughty — the latter preaching to the English residents there. The conduct of Bogardus had become a subject of remark in the Classis of Amsterdam, and after the arrival of Stuyvesant (1647) he resigned, and sailed for holland in the same vessel with Kieft. He, too, was drowned when the vessel was wrecked in Bristol Channel, Sept. 27, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Delaware, (search)
he river below forts Mifflin and Mercer, in the form of chevaux-de-frise—sunken crates of stones, with heavy spears of iron-pointed timber, to receive and pierce the bows of vessels. Besides these, there were floating batteries on the river. See Mercer, Fort; Mifflin, Fort. Governors of Delaware: under the Swedes. Name.Date. Peter Minuit1638 to 1640 Peter Hollender1640 to 1642 Johan Printz1643 to 1652 Johan Pappegoia.1653 to 1654 Johan C. Rising1654 to 1655 under the Dutch. Peter Stuyvesant 1655 to 1664 governors of Delaware: English colonial. From 1664 up to 1682, under the government of New York; and from 1683 up to 1773, under the proprietary government of Pennsylvania. State. Name.Date. John McKinley1776 to 1777 Caesar Rodney1778 to 1781 John Dickinson1782to 1783 John Cook1783 Nicholas Van Dyke1784 to 1786 Thomas Collins1786 to 1789 Joshua Clayton1789 to 1796 Gunning Bedford1796 to 1797 Daniel Rodgers1797 to 1798 Richard Bassett1798 to 1801 James
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Democracy in New Netherland. (search)
e. They nourished the prolific seed of democracy, which burst into vigorous life in the time of Jacob Leisler (q. v.). Stuyvesant tried to stifle its growth. The more it was opposed, the more vigorous it grew. Late in the autumn of 1653 a conventh a demand that he should give a categorical answer. In it the grievances of the people were stated under six heads. Stuyvesant met this severe document with his usual pluck. He denied the right of some of the delegates to seats in the conventionelves with the North --meaning Sweden and Denmark. The convention was not to be intimidated by bluster. They informed Stuyvesant, by the mouth of Beeckman, that unless he answered their complaints, they would appeal to the States-General. At this eeckman to leave his presence. The plucky ambassador coolly folded his arms, and silently defied the magistrate. When Stuyvesant's anger had abated, he asked Beeckman's pardon for his rudeness. He was not so complaisant with the convention. He or
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dutch West India Company. (search)
s of the Reformed Church in the United Provinces as the only theological formula to be allowed in public worship in New Netherland. The spirit of popular freedom, which the Dutch brought with them from Holland, asserted its rights under the tyranny of Wilhelm Kieft (q. v.), and a sort of popular assembly was organized at New Amsterdam. Its affairs in New Netherland were necessarily under the direct management of a director-general or governor, whose powers, as in the case of Kieft and Stuyvesant, were sometimes so arbitrarily exercised that much popular discontent was manifested, and their dealings with their neighbors were not always satisfactory to the company and the States-General; yet, on the whole, when we consider the spirit of the age, the colony, which, before it was taken possession of by the English in 1664, was of a mixed population, was managed wisely and well; and the Dutch West India Company was one of the most important instruments in planting the good seed from wh
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Esopus War, the. (search)
Esopus War, the. There had been a massacre by the Indians of Dutch settiers at Esopus (now Kingston, N. Y.) in 1655. The settlers had fled to Manhattan for security, but had been persuaded by Stuyvesant to return to their farms, where they built a compact village for mutual protection. Unfortunately, some Indians, who had been helping the Dutch in their harvests in the summer of 1658, became noisy in a drunken rout, and were fired upon by the villagers. This outrage caused fearful retal 1664 intermittingly. Some Indians, taken prisoners, were sent to Curacoa and sold as slaves. The anger of the Esopus Indians was aroused, and, in 1663, the village of Wiltwyck, as the Esopus village was called, was almost totally destroyed. Stuyvesant was there at the time, holding a conference with the Indians in the open fields, when the destructive blow fell. The houses were plundered and burned, and men, hurrying from the fields to protect their families and property, were either shot d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Melyn, Cornelius 1639- (search)
t, and, as president of the Eight Men, he wrote a vigorous letter to the States-General urging them to interfere in behalf of the province. On the accession of Stuyvesant, he was falsely accused of rebellious practices as one of Kieft's council of Eight Men, and a prejudiced verdict was given against him. He was sentenced to seven he demanded that his vindication should be made as public as had the sentence of disgrace; but his redress. was denied. Melyn was persistently persecuted by Stuyvesant, and at length, weary with suffering, he returned to Holland to seek justice there. He joined delegates of the commonalty of New Amsterdam, who wrote voluminous documents, filled with complaints against Stuyvesant's administration. There were promises of relief, but their fulfilment was delayed, and when Melyn returned to New Netherland Stuyvesant renewed his persecutions. He made new charges against the patroon, confiscated his property in New Amsterdam, and compelled him to confine
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
refused to ratify the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, claiming for each State the right to regulate its own suffrage laws. Population in 1890, 1,444,933; in 1900, 1,883,669. See United States, New Jersey, in vol. IX. Governors. Peter Minuit, governor of New Netherlandassumes office 1624 Wouter Van Twiller, governor of New Netherlandassumes office1633 William Keift, governor of New Netherlandassumes office1638 John Printz, governor of New Sweden assumes office 1642 Peter Stuyvesant, governor of New Netherlandassumes office 1646 Philip Carteret, first English governorassumes office 1664 Edmund Andros, under Duke of Yorkassumes office 1674 East Jersey. West Jersey. Philip Carteret 1676 Board of Commissioners 1676 Robert Barclay 1682 Edward Billinge 1679 Thomas Rudyard, deputy 1682 Samuel Jennings, deputy1679 Gawen Lawrie, deputy 1683 Thomas Olive, deputy1684 Lord Neill Campbell, deputy1686 John Skeine, deputy1685 Andrew Hamilton, deputy 1687 Daniel Coxe16
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Netherland. (search)
r, and had arranged with the Dutch governor (Stuyvesant) a plot for a general insurrection of the na the matter, and envoys and a letter to Governor Stuyvesant. They also ordered 500 men to be raiselly denied any knowledge of such a plot, and Stuyvesant indignantly repelled even a suspicion, and slony, and two leading men from Boston. Governor Stuyvesant was at Fort Orange (Albany) when news o who should quietly submit to English rule. Stuyvesant assembled his council and the magistrates ator consultation. The people, smarting under Stuyvesant's iron rule, panted for English liberty, and, would not listen to such a proposition, Stuyvesant tearing up the letter demanding the surrendehe gate of the fort. On reading the letter, Stuyvesant promptly refused. He read the letter to hi sent in a deputation to demand the letter. Stuyvesant stormed. The deputies were inflexible, anr answer to-morrow with ships and soldiers. Stuyvesant was unmoved. And when men, women, and child[5 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, colony of (search)
ndian tribes by his cruelties, and so disgusted the colonists by his conduct that,. at their request, he was recalled, and sailed for Europe, with ill-gotten wealth, in the spring of 1647, and perished by shipwreck on the shores of Wales. Peter Stuyvesant succeeded Kieft. He was a brave soldier, who had lost a leg in battle, and came to New Netherland from Curacoa, where he had been governor. He was then forty-four years of age, energetic, just, and so self-willed that Washington Irving calanted to his brother James, Duke of York, all New Netherland, including the region of country between the Hudson and Delaware rivers; and in August the same year an English fleet appeared before New Amsterdam and demanded its surrender. Governor Stuyvesant resisted for a while, but was compelled to comply, and the whole territory claimed by the Dutch passed into the possession of the English on Sept. 8, 1664. At the treaty of peace between England and Holland, the Dutch were allowed to