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John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 16 0 Browse Search
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ne and Thomas Ellworth sent to hospital. June 26. Two horses died,—exhaustion. June 27. Private Newton, Killoran and Corp'l Smith missing. Corp'l Smith returned. June 29. Fifteen horses drawn from Capt. Cochrane; eight transferred to Capt. Strang. June 30. Private Killoran returned; private Judson Stevens sent to hospital. July 1. Eleven enlisted men with caissons in Ammunition Train heretofore counted as detached returned as present for duty. J. H. Knowland excused from duty. ly 28. Two horses shot by order Capt. Sleeper, farcy. July 29. Frank A. Munroe sent to brigade hospital. July 31. Ten (10) horses received from Capt. Cochrane. Devereux, Bailey and Trefry, returned to duty. Twelve horses turned over to Capt. Strang. One horse died on the road-exhaustion. Aug. 1. [Entry nearly all destroyed] * * Wheelock returned to duty * * Hospital James * * * Killoran, Newton, Holbrook, Spooner, Thos. Smith, Allen and Munroe at hospital. Lieut. Wm. G. Rollins * *
. 2. Lieut. J. Webb Adams on detached service at Twelfth New York Battery. Corp'l S. Paine returned to duty from hospital. Four recruits received from camp of distribution. Sept 3. One horse died—Glanders. Seven (7) horses turned over to Capt. Strang. Sept. 4. Private J. M. Ramsdell sent to brigade hospital. Sept. 6. Received notice of Thresher and Phillips' transfer to general hospital Aug. 26, 1864. J. W. Bailey returned to duty from general hospital. R. Bemis made farrier. Setal. Oct. 10. One horse received from Capt. Fisher. Private H. N. Bemis sent to brigade hospital and Private Henry Murphy detailed to Provost Marshal, Second Corps. Oct. 11. One horse died—Stoppage. Oct. 12. Four horses turned over to Capt. Strang. Oct. 13. Fourteen (14) recruits received; James Lee, John D. White, Francis Rooney, L. E. Quint, Chas. Conners, J. P. Allen, Patrick Foley, Geo. T. Cranston, Patrick Carr, Jere. O'Connell, A. P. Follett, Michael Birmingham, Michael Farrel
vates Wm. Rawson, Thos. Cusick, G. W. Stetson, L. W. Adams and J. P. Brown being at Camp Parole, Md., as paroled prisoners. Nov. 7. Notice received of private C. D. Thompson at hospital, Annapolis, Md. Nov. 8. Four horses turned over to Capt. Strang by order of Lieut. E. L. Smith Battery K, 4th U. S. Art'y, A. A. I. Officer. Nov. 11. Private H. Orcutt reported to quarters. Nov. 12. Private Baxter reported to quarters. Nov. 13. Notice received of the death from wounds received in aThayer and Henry Orcutt reported to quarters. Private A. C. Billings returned to duty from general hospital. Monthly inspection by Lieut. Clark A. I. G. Art'y Brigade. Dec. 15. One horse died—Stoppage. Thirteen (13) horses turned over to Capt. Strang by order of Lieut. Clark, A. I. G. Art'y Brig. Private information received of the death of Judson Stevens at East Boston while on furlough, Aug. 31, 1864. Lieut. Geo. H. Day on leave of absence of 15 days to Boston. Dec. 16. Nine recruits
ers. March 24. Private Edwin A. Hill returned from General Hospital. March 25. Packed up at 8 A. M.; 89 rounds of ammunition expended in action near Hatcher's Run (77 rounds of Hotchkiss Case shell and 12 rounds of Hotchkiss Percussion). March 26. Q. M. Serg't Wm. H. Fitzpatrick and Private Timothy Nowell returned from furloughs. March 27. Private Charles Fiske returned front General Hospital at City Point. March 28. Two guns turned over to J. P. Farley, eighteen horses to E. J. Strang. One corporal and nine men detailed for cattle guard. Two horses died of exhaustion. March 29. Serg't B. F. Parker returned from 20 days furlough. April 1. Private Geo. H. Putnam and D. R. Stowell returned from 20 days furlough. April 2. Expended 97 rounds of ammunition. Delivered 120 rounds of Hotchkiss Percussion to First N. H. Battery. April 3. Three horses died of exhaustion. April 5. One horse died of exhaustion. April 6. Two horses died of exhaustion. Expended 3
Stanton, E. M., 338. Stewart, Gen., 235. Stuart, Gen. J. B., 113, 127, 139, 141, 142. Stedman, Hon., Chas. M., 327. Stetson, Geo. W., 203, 204, 205, 325, 326, 339, 398. Stevens, Judson, 205, 302, 401. Stevens, John H., 31, 84, 163, 198, 199, 200, 207, 303, 304, 399, 400, 403. Stevensburg, 193, 195, 208. Stearns, John A., 28, 29. Stone, Gen. A. P., 52. Stowell, David R., 44, 83, 84, 85, 148, 200, 201, 205, 206, 207, 208, 255, 359, 405, 409, 426. Strand, T. W., 202, 407, 441. Strang, Capt., 302, 305, 348, 351, 398, 401, 426. Strickland, Geo. H., 28. Strong, Capt. J., 202, 203, 205, 207. Strout, Jonas W., 255, 256. Sulham, Jacob B., 200, 202, 349. Sullivan, John F., 349, 401. Sulphur Springs, 115, 118, 121, 125, 126, 132, 141. Sumner. Gen. E. V., 101. Sykes, Gen. Geo., 107, 142, 191. T. Robertson's Tavern, 171, 173, 181, 182, 184, 217. Todd's Tavern, 214, 216, 217, 218, 225, 226, 228. Burgess' Tavern, 357, 364, 372, 373, 412. Globe Tavern, 353. Yellow T