VI., 192, 198.
Stonewall Jackson's way,
J. W. Palmer, IX., 24, 86.
Stoney, T.,
VI., 267.
Stono Inlet, S. C.,
Confederate pickets at, VIII., 131.
Stono River, S. C.,
VI, 57, 316, 320.
Stony Creek, Va.,
scene near, IX., 243.
Stony Creek Station, Va.,
III., 340.
Storey, M.,
IX., 303.
Storrs, R. S.,
IX., 334.
Story of Civil War, the,
John C. Ropes, quoted, I., 282 seq.
Stoughton, E. H.:
II., 330; IV., 167, 171, 178: X., 307.
Stout, S. H.:
VII., 256, 284, 288 seq., 351.
Stovall, M. A.,
X., 265.
Strahl, O. F.,
III., 340; X., 157.
Strasburg, Va.:
I., 308, 364; III., 328, 332; IV., 102.
Strategy: its meaning, past and present, I., 112; of the Civil War, I., 112-136; of the war as affected by natural features of river, mountain, etc., I., 110.
Stratton, E.,
IV., 3219.
Strawberry Plains, Knoxville, Tenn.
: bridge at, II., 339; III., 328.
Streights, A. D.:
raids of, II., 332; IV., 34,