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arr met and returned it, both with infantry and artillery, with great vigor. At the same time Landrum's brigade of General Smith's division, reinforced by a detachment from General Hovey's division, forced its way through cane and underbrush and joined in Carr's attack. The battle was now transferred from the enemy's left to his centre, and after an obstinate struggle he was again beaten back upon the high ridge on the opposite side of the bottom, and within a mile of Port Gibson. General Stevenson's brigade of General Logan's division came up in time to assist in consummating this final result. The shades of night soon after closed upon the stricken field which the valor of our men had won and held, and upon which they found the first repose since they had left D'Schron's Landing twenty-four hours before. At day-dawn, on the morning of the second, Smith's division, leading the advance, and followed by the rest of my corps, triumphantly entered Port Gibson, through which plac
four major-generals, fifteen brigadiers, and eighty staff-officers. The names of the former are as follows: Lieutenant-General John C. Pemberton, Pa.; Major-General Stevenson, Ala.; Major-General Martin Luther Smith, La.; Major-General Forney, Ala.; Major-General Bowen, Mo.; Brigadier-General Lee,----; Brigadier-General Moore, ted probably by Johnston, and published to raise the hopes of his army. General Forney is an Alabamian, but has failed to distinguish himself very favorably. Stevenson is the next officer in rank to Pemberton, and Smith next to Stevenson. General Bowen was formerly an architect in St. Louis, and was a captured officer at Camp Stevenson. General Bowen was formerly an architect in St. Louis, and was a captured officer at Camp Jackson. Brigadier-General Tracy, of the rebel army, was wounded at Port Gibson, and has since died. Brigadier-General Martin Green, of Mo., was killed on the twenty-fifth ult. Brigadier-General Baldwin is wounded in hospital. Colonel Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, acting as aid-de-camp on the staff of General Pemberton, and who
commanding divisions and brigades were seen galloping to the headquarters of the Commanding General. A few words in consultation, and Generals Seymour, Strong, Stevenson, and Colonels Putnam and Montgomery are seen hastening back to their respective commands. Officers shout, bugles sound, the word of command is given, and soon tgular army, and considered one of the best officers in the department, had never led his men into battle nor been under fire, took command of the Second, and General Stevenson the Third, constituting the reserve. The Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, (colored regiment,) Colonel Shaw, was the advanced regiment in the First brigade, and te side of Colonel Putnam when he fell, and with his voice and sword urged on the thinned ranks to the final charge. But it was too late. The Third brigade, General Stevenson's, was not on hand. It was madness for the Second to remain loner under so deadly a fire, and the thought of surrendering in a body to the enemy could not f
Cowan, down the gorge of Big Crow Creek to Stevenson, at the foot of the mountain, on the Memphisennessee and ten from Bridgeport. Between Stevenson and Chattanooga, on the south of the Tennessreek, and Jasper, or by Tantallon, Anderson, Stevenson, Bridgeport, and the mouth of Battle Creek, of these two, that by Cowan, Tantallon, and Stevenson being very rough between Cowan and Anderson,leading thence to Bellefont and the other to Stevenson. On these latter routes little or no foraas to extend the repairs of the main stem to Stevenson and Bridgeport and the Tracy City Branch, so As soon as the main stem was finished to Stevenson, Sheridan's division was advanced, two brigades to Bridgeport and one to Stevenson, and commissary and quartermaster stores pushed forward to tand halt on Crow Creek, between Anderson and Stevenson. General Baird to follow him, and camp nedly as possible, hidden from view in rear of Stevenson, and prepared for use. By the time they were[1 more...]
from Jackson, General Pemberton wrote: I notified you on the morning of the fourteenth of the receipt of your instructions to move and attack the enemy toward Clinton. I deemed the movement very hazardous, preferring to remain in position behind the Big Black and near to Vicksburgh. I called a council of war, composed of all the general officers. A majority of the officers expressed themselves favorable to the movement indicated by you. The others, including Major-Generals Loring and Stevenson, preferred a movement by which this army might endeavor to cut off the enemy's supplies from the Mississippi. My own views were expressed as unfavorable to any movement which would remove me from my base, which was, and is, Vicksburgh. I did not, however, see fit to place my own judgment and opinions so. far in opposition as to prevent the movement altogether; but, believing the only possibility of success to be in the plan proposed, of cutting off the enemy's supplies, I directed all my