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art of the conference would permit, but though the two other commissioners appeared willing to do so, Mr. S. strongly objected, arguing that the bare recital of facts was the best presentation of the case to the public mind. Now, as it would have been dishonest to conceal from me such an opportunity as is described, and treacherous to the people to have given such an account as it was thought would most certainly lead them to the opposite conclusion, I take it that someone is slandering Mr. Stephens, and so publicly that even a philosopher might be moved to correct it. There has been certainly much zeal displayed in the planting and cultivating of prejudice against me, but many of the stories are so absurd that it required a morbid state of opinion to receive them. Dobbin William Preston Johnston. always was sterling; his father and his mother were pure gold. Tell him how gratefully I recognize his care for my children. On the whole, it must be more comfortable to be the
or feigned, we are bound to accept the seeming. This is possible, but is not easy for virtue far short of the God-like or saintly examples of the Redeemer, the first Christian Martyr. From Mr. Davis to Mrs. Davis. Fortress Monroe, Va., January 24, 1866. Judge Campbell, I have been told, wrote a full account of the interview with Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward, and that it has been published in the Northern papers. Mr. Hunter promised me to write such a statement. The stories told of Mr. Stephens are improbable, because the meanest capacity must perceive that my powers and duties rested on the organization made by the Southern States, and that it would have been treasonable usurpation to attempt to destroy the organization by the exercise offunctions given to maintain it. When the Continental Congress sent Commissioners to meet Lord Howe, who had announced himself as empowered to treat for the adjustment of the controversy between the States and Great Britain, the Commissioners,
chief control and direction of the President of said Confederate States, upon the same principles, basis, and footing, as if said Commonwealth were now, and during the interval, a member of said Confederacy. This agreement was approved and ratified by the Convention on the 25th; although, so early as April 20th, the movement of Confederate troops, from Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, to Richmond, had commenced. The treaty of offensive and defensive alliance negotiated by Vice-President Stephens did not, therefore, inaugurate that movement: it could but regulate and perhaps augment it. A complete reign of terror had, by this time, been established throughout Eastern or Old Virginia. Immigrants from Free States were hunted out on suspicion of Unionism, unless they chose to enlist at once in the Rebel army; and only the most violent and obstreperous sympathy with Secession could save them from personal outrage. Appeals from those who had formerly figured as inflexible U
n of Great Britain. I agree, therefore, with the Senator from Kentucky, that there is a desire to change this Government. We see it emanating from every point in the South. Mr. Toombs was not willing to wait for the movement of the people. Mr. Stephens, in his speech to the Legislature of Georgia, preferred the calling of a Convention; but Mr. Toombs was unwilling to wait. Mr. Stephens was unwilling to see any violent action in advance of the action of the people; but Mr. Toombs replied: I Mr. Stephens was unwilling to see any violent action in advance of the action of the people; but Mr. Toombs replied: I will not wait; I will take the sword in my own hand, disregarding the will of the people, even in the shape of a Convention, and history will record that he kept his word. He and others had become tired and dissatisfied with a government of the people; they have lost confidence in iran's capacity for self-government; and furthermore, they would be willing to form an alliance with Great Britain; or, if Great Britain were slow in forming the alliance, with France; and they know they can succeed t
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
opping Supplies to Fort Pickens,42 47.Confederate Commissioners to Seward, and Reply,42 48.A. H. Stephens' Speech on the Corner Stone, 44 49.Vessel fired into at Charleston,49 50.U. S. Fleet at Chs,133 85.Baltimore--Attack on Massachusetts Troops,133 86.Baltimore, An Embargo at,134 87.A. H. Stephens' Speech at Richmond, April 22,134 88.New York Bar, Meeting of,135 89.John Bell and E. H. E Davis' Message, April 29,166 118.The Weverton Letter,175 119.A Sign of the Times,175 120.A. H. Stephens' Speech at Atlanta, Ga., Ap. 30,175 121.The Palmetto Guard, &c.,177 122.28th Regiment N. Y8 146 1/2.Motley's Letter on Causes of the War,209 147.Secession Military Act,219 147 1/2.A. H. Stephens' Union Speech at Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 14, 1860,219 148.The English Press on the Fall ofVolunteers, 2d Regiment,269 188 1/2.Dr. McClintock's Speech at Exeter Hall, London,269 189.A. H. Stephens' Speech at Atlanta, Ga., May 23,270 190.New York Volunteers, 5th Regiment, (Duryea's Zouave
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
of the new confederacy, in his inaugural speech delivered on the 18th of February, declares that it is an abuse of language to call it a revolution. Mr. Vice-President Stephens, on the contrary, in a speech at Savannah, on the 21st of March, pronounces it one of the greatest revolutions in the annals, of the world. The question was not that upon which the Convention of South Carolina relied. You will hardly believe it; posterity will surely not believe it. We listened, said Mr. Vice-President Stephens, in his reply, to my honorable friend last night, (Mr. Toornbs,) as he recounted the evils of this Government. The first was the fishing bounties paid mo, the arsenals emptied, and the mints plundered. Navigation laws. The second of the grievances under which the South is laboring, and which, according to Mr. Stephens, was on the occasion alluded to pleaded by the Secretary of State of the new Confederacy as a ground for dissolving the Union, is the Navigation Laws, which gi
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Appendix C, p. 31. (search)
ry it has borne the brunt of a hurricane as fierce and pitiless as ever raged. At the North, and in Europe, they cried havoc, and let loose upon us all the dogs of war. And how stands it mow? Why, in this very quarter of a century our slaves have doubled in numbers, and each slave has more than doubled in value. The very negro who, as a prime laborer, would have brought $400 in 1828, would now, with thirty more years upon him, sell for $800. Equally strong admissions were made by A. H. Stephens, now Vice-President of the Confederacy, in that carefully prepared speech which he delivered in Georgia in July, 1859, on the occasion of retiring from public life. He then said:-- Nor am I of the number of those who believe that we have sustained any injury by these agitations. It is true, we were not responsible for them. We were not the aggressors. We acted on the defensive. We repelled assault, calumny, and aspersion, by argument, by reason, and truth. But so far from the
on, Doc. 19; Capt. McGowan's report concerning the, Doc. 21; seized at Indianola, Texas, D. 29; Doc. 119; put in commission in Confederate navy, D. 57 Stars and Bars advocated, D. 20 Stars in my Country's Sky, P. 4 Star-Spangled Banner never to be surrendered by the South, D. 20; sung at the Union meeting, N. Y., April 20, Doc. 117 State sovereignty does not authorize secession, Int. 15 Steam-gun, description of Winans', P. 98 Steele, John B. D. 32 Stephens, A. H., speech at Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 14, Doc. 219; quotation from, Int. 46; voted against the secession of Georgia, D. 15; elected Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy, D. 17; Corner-Stone, speech of, at Savannah, Ga., March 21, D. 19; Doc. 44; personal appearance of, P. 24; offered a place in Lincoln's cabinet, P. 9; speech at Richmond, Va., April 22, D. 40; Doc. 134; speech at Atlanta, Ga, April 30, D. 51; Doc. 175; speech at Atlanta, Ga., May 23, Doc. 270; notice of, D. 76
Doc. 48.-the Confederate Congress. Meeting of the First session. Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1862.--The Senate convened at noon. The Vice-President elect of the Confederate States; the Hon. A. H. Stephens, in the chair. The Vice-President, under the authority of the Constitution, formally opened the session of the Senate. He called the attention of Senators to the published acts passed by the Provisional Congress, and caused the temporary clerk to read the last clause of the permanent Constitution; also, the act of the Provisional Congress putting in operation the permanent government of the Confederate States, and the act supplemental to the same. The roll being called, the following Senators answered to their names: Arkansas--Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Johnson. Florida--Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Baker. Georgia--Mr. Hill. Kentucky--Mr. Simms. Louisiana--Mr. Sparrow. Mississippi--Mr. Brown. Missouri--Mr. Clark and Mr. Peyton. North-Carolina--Mr. Davis and Mr. Dort
hoped that the Government will act promptly in this matter. The following extract of a letter was found in an old wallet in Fort Clinch, Fernandina, Fla.: (Copy.)Nashville, Tenn., February 26, 1862. dear son: I had not much time to write to you, for we are retreating from Nashville. The d — d Yankees have driven us out of our old quarters, and they will soon drive us out of this place. They are about thirty thousand strong, and fight like devils. I am afraid they will take Stephens, for he only left here yesterday. I don't think the South can hold out much longer, for the people are starving to death, and so are the soldiers up this way. I think they will rebel against themselves. Won't it be awful for us now to give up to the d — d Yankees? Cumberland Island, opposite Amelia Island, was once the property of General Nat. Greene, of Revolutionary fame, and is now in the hands of his descendants. It was donated by the State of Georgia to the General, for his dist