Browsing named entities in Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. You can also browse the collection for Stephen or search for Stephen in all documents.

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-55. Account of burning of Chambersburg, 447-49. Description of Gen. Hunter's retreat down the Shenandoah, 601. Eastport (gunboat), 20. Echols, General, 447. Edith (ship), 222. Egan, Michael, 201. Ellerbe, Mrs., 601. Elliott, Colonel Stephen, Jr., 171. Elkhorn, Battle of, 39. Tavern, 40. Elzey, General, 93. Emancipation, growth of propaganda, 151-157. Preliminary proclamation, 157. Permanent proclamation, 158; result, 161-62. Essex (gunboat), 23, 205. Eureka (gunboaSteadman, 552-55. Retreat from Petersburg to Appomattox Court House, 556-58. Surrender, 559. Conference with Grant on terms of surrender, 559. Letter from Davis concerning retreat from Petersburg, 561. Evacuation of Richmond advised, 562. Gen. Stephen D., 274, 472, 473, 474, 486, 489, 534, 536. Wounded, 490-91. Gen. W. H. F, 295, 300, 544, 547. Leesburg, Battle of, 14. Lexington, Battle of, 14. Liddel, General, 456. Lincoln, Abraham, President U. S., 66, 68, 69, 73-74, 82, 87, 11