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Fire at Adams, N. Y. Adams, N. Y.,Dec. 21. --A fire broke out in this place early yesterday morning, which consumed nearly one half of the business portion of the town. Twelve buildings were burned, and property to the amount of fifty thousand dollars destroyed, of which about twenty-five thousand is covered by insurance. The fire originated in Stearns & Webster's dry goods store, from a chimney that had burnt out during the evening. A snow plough, propelled by two locomotives, engaged in clearing the track of the Watertown and Rome Railroad of snow, ran off the track near this place yesterday morning, smashing the plough into fragments and severely injuring five or six persons employed thereon.
Sugar cured Hams 15 Market dull. Coffee.--We quote Rio 14½@15½c; Laguayra, none in market; Java 16½@17 cts.; Mocha 18 cents. Market firm. Molasses.--New Orleans 45 cents: Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 32@37 ½ cts., in hhds, 25@30; English Island. 37½ cts.; Ochenhousen's. 28. Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar, none in market. Cubs 7½@8½c: Porto Rico 8@9¼c., Loaf 11@11¼c.; Crushed and Powdered 10¾c.; Coffee Sugar: A 10; B 9¾c.; Extra C 9¾c. Whiskey. Richmond Rectified 21½@22½ cts.; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75@$1.50 per gallon. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep, &c. Beef.--Supply continues large. Extreme sales at $2.50 to $4.50 gross, the latter only for a few choice cattle. The bulk of sales were at medium prices. Sheep.--Supply not very good. We quote sales, good to prime, at $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt. gross; fair to good, per head, sell at $2.50 to $5. Hogs.--Sales of corn fed at $8@$8.25 per cwt.; distillery-fed $7.25@$7.75. Money ma
@90. Wheat.--Nothing doing. Last quotations: Good to prime Red $1.10@1.15; do. White $1.20@$1.25. Wines.--Port, Burgundy $1@2.50 per gallon: Port Juice $2.50@4. Madeira, Sicily 45@$1.75; Old Madeira $2.50@4. Sherry, Permartin, Dufi and Gordon, Amentilado $2@6. Wood — Wholesale: Oak $3.50@$3.75 per cord; Pine $2.75@$3. Retail: Oak $5; Pine $4.50. Wool.--Tub Washed sold at 35@37; unwashed third less. Fleece as in quality. Whiskey.--Richmond Rectified 21 ½@22 ½ cts.; Stearns' Old Maited Rye $1.50; other qualities 75@$1.50 per gallon. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep, &c. Beef.--Supply continues large. Extreme sales at $2.50 to $4.50 gross, the latter only for a few choice cattle. The bulk of sales were at medium prices. Sheep.--Supply not very good. We quote sales, good to prime, at $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt. gross; fair to good, per head, sell at $2.50 to $5. Hogs.--Sales of corn-fed at $8@$8.25 per cwt.; distillery-fed $7.25@$7.75. Freights. Fo
Tobacco.--Nothing doing. The holiday has suspended breaks. Last quotations: Inferior Lugs at $2.25@2.50, good and fine $3@3.50; Inferior Leaf $5@7, good $8@9; fine manufacturing scarce, price $12.50@20; good and fine English $6.50@10.50, fancy cases $20@90. Wheat.--Little doing. Last quotations; Good to prime Red $1.10@1.15; do. White $1.20@$1.25. We understand that there is a better feeling, and a lot of white has been sold at $1.30. Whiskey.--Richmond Reclined 21 ½@22 ½ cts.; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75@$1.50 per gallon. Wines.--Port, Burgundy $1@2.50 per gallon; Port Juice $2.50@4. Madeira, Sicily 45@$1.75; Old Madeira $2.50 @4. Sherry, Permartin, Dufl and Gordon, Amontillado $2@6. Wood — Wholesale: Oak $3.50@$3.75 per cord; Pine $2.75@$3. Retail: Oak $5; Pine $4.50. Wool.--Tub Washed sold at 35@37; unwashed third less. Fleece as in quality. Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, &c. Beef.--Sales at $2.25 to $4.25 per cwt. gross. These pric
bable that among the financial expedients to be recommended to Congress by Secretary Chase will be the imposition of a slight income tax. from Old Point and Fortress Monr The steamers Georgiana, Capt. Pierson, and Adelaide, Capt. Cannon, arrived on Saturday and yesterday morning, from Old Point Comfort. Among the passengers by the G. were Commodore Stringham and Lieut. Walters, of the Minnesota; Maj. McCarty, bearer of dispatches to Washington; Maj. Blass, Colonel Townsend and Lieut. Stearns. Among the passengers by the A. was Col. Butler. The big gun "Union" has been landed, and will, as soon as possible, be put in position on the beach. The regiments of Cols. Webber and Duryea had returned from their reconnaissance. They did not proceed beyond Little Bethel. Everything was quiet, but it was understood at the fortress that a large Confederate force had concentrated at Yorktown. On Saturday a flag of truce was sent to Craney Island, when it was discovered t
The Vicksburg Packet Company have purchased the steamer Prince of Wales, for $28,000. Levi Stover was executed in Memphis, Tenn., on Friday last, for the murder of a man named Stearns. The French Emperor has appointed a commissioner to attend the great exhibition at London in 18 62.
The Daily Dispatch: January 17, 1862., [Electronic resource], George N. Sanders to the Democracy of the Northwest Fragment of the late United States. (search)
cents per lb. tobacco — there has been but one sale at the Exchange this week. The following appeared to be the rates: Lugs $2.50a3.50; Common leaf $4a5; good leaf $6a7 — no Prime offering. All sold old tobacco. The prices are considered an improvement upon the quotations previous to the holidays. Tallow — 13a15 cents per lb. Wheat — we still quote $1.20a1.30 extreme prices for-red and white. whiskey — Common $1.50 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2a3; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $3.50. Wool.--market firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle, &c. Beef.--supply limited at $3.50 a $6 gross and firm. Sheep — Scarce; and we continue quotations at 5 to 8 cents per lb. Gross. hogs.--sales at $14 per cwt. Market not so active. money matters. gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 23 to 28 cents premium, and silver 15 to 25. Bank Notes — Nearly all Southern Bank notes are taken on deposit by our Banks.--We note
uotations. Stock in first hands exhausted. Seeds — There are no stocks of clover or timothy. Soda — Pure 35a37 cents per lb. tobacco — No sale since Thursday. We repeat our last quotations: Lugs $2.60a3.50; common leaf $4a5; good leaf $6a7 — no prime offering. All sold old tobacco. Tallow — 13a15 cents per lb. Wheat — We still quote $1.20a1.30 extreme prices for red and white. Whiskey — Common $1.50 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2a3; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $3.50. Wool.--Market firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle, &c. Beef.--Supply limited at $3.50 a $6 gross, and firm. Sheep — Scale; and we continue quotations at 5 to 8 cents per lb. gross. Hogs.--$13, and market heavy. Money matters. Gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 23 to 28 cents premium, and silver 15 to 25. Bank Notes — Nearly all Southern Bank notes are taken on deposit by our Banks.--We note the
Pure 35a37 cents per lb. Tobacco — Sales of the week show that there is considerable animation in the market, and prices higher and firm. We quote lugs at $2.75a$4; common leaf, $4.50a$5.50; good leaf, $5.50a $7.75. No prime offering. All now sold is old Tobacco. Tallow — 13a15 cents per lb. Wheat — Has advanced 5 cents per bushel. We quote $1.25a$1.35, extreme prices for red and white. Whiskey — Common $1.50 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2a3; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $3.50. Wool — Market firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle, & c. Beef — Sales this week at $3.50 to $5 gross; but no choice cattle were offered. Sheep — Scarce; and we continue quotations at 5 to 8 cents per lb. gross. Hogs.--Last sales at $13, and market dull. Money matters. Gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 23 to 28 cents premium, and silver 15 to 25. Bank notes — Nearly all Southern Bank notes are take
er or timothy. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb. Tobacco — Sales of the week show that there is considerable animation in the market, and prices higher and firm. We quote lugs at $2.75a$4; common leaf, $4.50a$5.50; good leaf, $6.50a$7.75. No prime offering. All now sold is old Tobacco. Tallow — 13a15 cents per lb. Wheat — We quote $1.25a$1.35 extreme prices for red and white. Whiskey — Common $1.50 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2a3; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $3.50. Wool.--Market firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle, &c. Beef.--Sales the latter part of last week at $3.50 to $5.50 for ordinary to fat Beef. Sheep — Scarce; and we continue quotations at 5 to 8 cents per lb. gross. Hogs.--Last sales at $13, and market a little stiff. Good Hogs scarce. Money matters Gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 23 to 28 cents premium, and silver 15 to 20 Bank notes — Nearly al