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crowd, here's an item for you.--Let's liquor. It was Mr. Stearns, the editor of the Southern Democrat, the pro-slavery suumed his seat: which he received with a greasy smile. Mr. Stearns--his title I have forgotten — then called on every one oe ruffians would insist! When the committee sat down, Mr. Stearns again rose. Stearns is a lawyer. This, he said, is an Stearns is a lawyer. This, he said, is an extrajudicial case! It is not provided for in the statute book. It devolves on the meeting, therefore, to-- Set him free, if no law is violated? No. To say, said Stearns, what punishment shall be inflicted on the prisoner. The major had suggesr or any other solid citizen had made the suggestion. Mr. Stearns--The meeting has decided that the prisoner be tarred andon of slavery.] Hang him! shouted several voices. Mr. Stearns interposed. No, no, gentlemen! he said. Tar and featheoved that it be a hundred lashes. By the influence of Mr. Stearns, these motions were defeated. During all this discuss
st 23, 1861, and was stationed at Annapolis until January 6, 1862, when it sailed with the Burnside expedition to North Carolina, having been brigaded in General Reno's command. Under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Alberto C. Maggi, it was prominently engaged at Roanoke Island, where its casualties were 5 killed and 39 wounded. In the following month, commanded by Colonel Clarke, it fought gallantly at New Berne, where it suffered a loss of 15 killed and 42 wounded; among the killed was Adjutant Stearns. At Chantilly — in Ferrero's Brigade, Reno's Division — the regiment encountered the hardest fighting in its experience; Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph P. Rice was killed, and the total of casualties amounted to 22 killed, 98 wounded, and 26 captured, out of less than 400 men present in action. At Fredericksburg — Ferrero's (2d) Brigade, Sturgis's (2d) Division — the regiment rendered efficient service by the skill with which, from an advanced position and good marksmanship, it kept down
, who fought gallantly until stricken down by the enemy. This regiment, throughout the battle, fought like veterans, dealing death to rebels wherever they encountered them. Iowa may well feel proud of her sons who fought at Belmont. I am informed that as soon as the steamer Memphis got out of the fire of the enemy, every attention and care was paid to the wounded, of which there was quite a number on board. Many of the officers were very active in ministering to their wants, and Surgeons Stearns and Woodwarded attended theta faithfully, performing their duties, dressing their wounds, and extracting many balls. While under way to Cairo, Dr. Hamilton, Quartermaster of the Twenty-second Illinois Volunteers, also assisted and rendered most efficient aid. I am further informed that only one two-horse wagon, belonging to the Quartermaster's Department of the Twenty-second regiment Illinois, was left. It contained nothing but what could not be got aboard, because the bank of the
attery purposes and in charge of two howitzers, the whole amounting, in the aggregate, to over seven hundred men. Captain Stearns, of the Eighty-second colored infantry, was placed in charge of one of the transports, Lizzie Davis, with two hundress to Pierce's mill, thus cutting off the retreat of the enemy, whom I had expected, and had good reasons to believe Captain Stearns would succeed in drawing into the trap which I had prepared for them, inasmuch as they had, in considerable force, oer. I did not find the other transport, the Lizzie Davis, eight miles below the mill. It soon became apparent that Captain Stearns had failed to conform to my orders. Instead of landing as he was directed, he had gone six or seven miles too far, early show. On coming up with the Lizzie Davis Idirected Captain Lincoln, of the Second Maine cavalry, to relieve Captain Stearns of his command, to land with all possible despatch the two hundred men on board, and march direct to Millton. By el
her. You are the last man I'll ever bring to him to be insulted. But you sha'n't be conscripted. Come with me, and I'll help you through. You can go with my company, but not as a soldier, and I will send you to Nashville myself. My company always has the advance, and there'll be plenty of chances. Making a virtue of necessity, this proposition was gladly accepted, and all started on the march. By this time Wheeler had come up and taken the lead, Forrest following in the centre, and Stearns bringing up the rear. About eight miles from Franklin the whole command encamped for the night, and our hero slept under the same blanket with Captain Forrest and his lieutenant, --a Texan ranger named Scott, whose chief amusement seemed to consist in lassoing dogs while on the march, and listening to their yelping as they were pitilessly dragged along behind him. Toward midnight, one of their spies — a Northern man, named Sharp, and formerly in the plough business at Nashville-came in fr
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, VIII: Anthony Burns and the Underground railway (search)
This note of introduction, written by Mr. Higginson to Mr. F. B. Sanborn or Mr. R. W. Emerson, is given as a sample of the correspondence between the active abolitionists of that day:— Worcester, Sept. 14, 1860. The bearer, Capt. Stewart—sometimes known as Preacher Stewart—of Kansas, is leaving here to-day and I have advised him to pass through Concord and call on you. He is the head of the Underground Railway Enterprise in Kansas and has just made a highly successful trip. Mr. Stearns and others are raising funds to assist him in his operations. He brought on this trip a young slave girl of 15, nearly white, for whom some provision must be made. There are many letters to Mr. Higginson from Rev. Samuel May, Jr., in reference to fugitives needing aid. One of these describes a young woman with babies whose master had threatened to move earth and hell to get her back. Mr. May thought the fugitives would be searched for in Boston, and that Worcester would afford her<
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 7: (search)
attle opened by an artillery attack in force on Jackson's right, which was promptly met. This failing to move Jackson, an equally galling fire of artillery was delivered against his left, and this also was replied to effectively. At 2 p. m. the infantry battle opened against A. P. Hill on Jackson's left, and raged until 9 o'clock at night. Hill repulsed six separate assaults, the forces against him being the commands, in whole or in part, of the Federal generals Hooker, Kearney, Sigel and Stearns. Gregg's brigade, For the part borne by Gregg's brigade on the 29th, I shall follow the official reports and Mr. Caldwell's history. after sleeping on their arms on Ewell's battlefield, had returned to their first position on the left at early dawn of the 29th, and were put in line on the extreme left of the army, near Catharpin run, occupying a small, rocky, wooded knoll, having a railroad excavation bending around the east and north fronts, and a cleared field on the northwest. Thi
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., The Royall house people of a century ago. (search)
d quaint fire backs are opened) may be interested in this extract:— I fancy I can see Mrs. Welch as there, seated in a luxurious arm chair, richly dressed before a bright wood fire in a handsome parlor reading; the canary birds singing, and rare exotics shedding a delicate fragrance through the room. Though about the same age as Mr. Welch's son John, Mr. Swan makes no mention of him as a Medford boy. Being the only son of a wealthy man, he probably was placed under the tutelage of Dr. Stearns at the select academy near his home, instead of being taught by Master Kendall in the more democratic town school. Mr. Welch was described as a very handsome man, rather tall, fair, and with a fine color and handsome hair which he wore in a club queue. He was not popular in Waltham, where there was much petty spite shown him. This was probably because their mode of life was in such marked contrast to that of their neighbors, they having fine gardens, summer-houses, greenhouse, horse
l, till the erection last fall, just beside it in Medford territory, of the present creditable structure recently opened for public Assembly of the Brethren. But College avenue is not now without its houses of worship, as six have been there erected, the latest being of stone with its parish house styled the House beside the Road. College avenue has been extended across the Sorrelly plain and famous Two-penny brook into Medford over the Southern division of the railroad by the once famous Stearns estate and Royall house and ends at Cradock schoolhouse on Summer street. Warner street is the Somerville end of Medford's Harvard street and just over the line in Medford is St. Clement's church, parochial residence and school. Powder House boulevard has also been constructed beside the college area, and over and around the hill to where Mystic valley parkway crosses the Menotomy river. The new West Somerville has grown till it so completely adjoins Medford hillside that the city bo
30 to 1.40; do. White $1.50 to 1.60. The scarcity of money causes the market to be somewhat heavy. Wines.--Port, Burgundy $1 @ 2.50 per gallon: Port Juice $2.50 @ 4. Madeira, Sicily 45 @ 1.75; Old Madeira $2.50 @ 4. Sherry, Permartin, Duff and Gordon, Amontilado $2 @ 6. Wood — Wholesale: Oak $3.50 @ $3.75 per cord; Pine $2.75 @ $3. Retail: Oak $5; Pine $4.50. Wool.--Tub Washed sold at 35 @ 37; unwashed third less. Fleece as in quality. Whiskey.--Richmond Rectified 22 @ 23 cents; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75 @ $1.50 per gallon. Cattle, &c. Beef.--We quote extremes $2.50 to $4.50.-- Supply good. hogs.--Distillery, $8 @ 8.25; corn fed, $8.50 to $8.75. Sheep--$4 to $6 per cwt., for extra quality; inferior $2.25 to $3 per head. Money Matters — Exchange. Northern exchange--On New York and Philadelphia ¼ @ ½ prem. Such of the Stock Bank notes and of the Bank of the Valley, as are not taken by the Banks, are at a discount of ½ per cent.