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$1 per lb; Harness 75a80 cents; Rough Starting 55 cts; Calf Skins $48a55 per dozen — Stock or all kinds very light. liquors — Common (20 per cent) whiskey $1.50 per gallon; W. Wallace's Mountain Dew $3.50, New Proof Whiskey $2; old maited (Stearns & Co.) $3.50; Apple Brandy (new) $2.50. Lard — 21a23 cents. Lime — Mountain unslacked, $2.00 to $2.50 per bbl; according to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, $1.30 to 1.40 cts. Nails — Old Dominion, 10a11 cents. Offal (mill)--Bde higher. We quote inferior lugs at $2.75 good $3 25, 3 75a4; inferior leaf $5a5.50 good $5.50a$7.50; fine $8,50a 10.50. Tallow — 15a16 cents per lb. whiskey.--Common $2 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2.50 to $4; old malted (Stearns &Co.) $4 Wheat — We quote red $1.15 a $1.20, while $1.25 a 1.30. Wool.--Market firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle market. Beef — We quote at $5.00a7.00 gross, which is 14 to 15 net. Sheep — S