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Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906 21 1 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 5, April, 1906 - January, 1907 3 1 Browse Search
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ned with two new teachers, Henry Bartlett and Miss Ann D. Sprague. At the Neck Mr. Collier's resignation too The schools for females, under Mr. Bartlett and Miss Sprague, were closed the last of October. We are pleased to announce that Miss Sprague is again engaged for the ensuing season. Mr. Sawyer (No. 1) is highly praised,for females opened May 1, under Josiah Moody and Miss Sprague. In July Mr. Moody was succeeded by Melzer Flaged again May 5, 1823, with Luther S. Cushing and Miss Sprague as teachers. In July, No. 2, at the Neck, was v The female school, under Luther S. Cushing and Miss Sprague, was kept six months. The examination was highly gratifying, especially Miss Sprague's work. May 3, 1824, this school opened again, under Samuel Bartlett and Miss Sprague. The schools for poor children were also kept six months; they were examined and approved by thyear, instead of six months. Mr. Barrett (?) and Miss Sprague have continued here and given general and great
87, 90, 96. Somerville Avenue, 47. Somerville Historical Society, 2. Somerville Historical Society, Officers of, 24, 48, 76, 102. South America, 31. South Kingston, R. I., 64. South Writing School, 38. Speed, Adjutant, 50. Sprague, Ann D., 93, 95, 96. 97, 99. Sprague, Elizabeth (Stower), 88. Sprague, John, 85. 87, 88. Sprague, Jonathan, 87. Sprague, Mary (Bunker), 87. Springfield Street, 8. Spring Hill, 7. Staffordshire, Eng., 80, 81. State Board of Education,Sprague, Elizabeth (Stower), 88. Sprague, John, 85. 87, 88. Sprague, Jonathan, 87. Sprague, Mary (Bunker), 87. Springfield Street, 8. Spring Hill, 7. Staffordshire, Eng., 80, 81. State Board of Education, 2. State Street, Boston, 86. St. Charles Street, 54. Stephen, 23. Stetson, David, 64, 90. Stevens, Ephraim, 95. Stickney, Mr., 67, 68. Stimpson, Abigail (Sweetser), 87. Stimpson, Andrew, 87. Stimpson, Joseph, 85. 87. Stoneham, Mass., 15, 39, 41. Stone, John, 63, 66. St. Paul, Minn., 1. Storer, Mr., 83. Stoughton, Mass., 1. Stow, Mass.. 20. Stowers, Nicholas. 5. Surinam, S. A., 85. Sussex, Eng., 81. Swan, John, 19. Swan, Samuel, 17, 19, 20. Swan, Samuel, Esq., 41.
has been taught or learned in this school. On the contrary much has been attempted and learned beyond the requirements of our public schools. Cornelius Walker ended his labors as teacher of the Latin Grammar school October 24, and went to the Eliot school in Boston. Charles Peirce was chosen his successor. The salary of male teachers within the peninsula was $600 at this time. Josiah Fairbanks was appointed to the female school in Austin street, as Mr. Barrett resigned in July. Miss Ann D. Sprague, assistant, resigned (March, 1827) and was succeeded by John Holroyd. This school contains 250 females whose character and habits are rapidly forming, and who are soon to exert a silent but powerful influence upon the manners and morals of the community around them. The building is badly constructed and much crowded. The standard of public education is undoubtedly rising in consequence of the establishment of the primary schools. The number in the primary grades is 476, in the gra
. Simpson, Margaret A., 53. Skilton Estate, 90. Skilton, Lydia A., 72, 81, 99. Skilton, Malvina B., 81. Smellie's Natural Philosophy, 98. Smith, E. E. 81. Smith, Ebenezer, Jr., 50. Smith, Juliet G., 53. Soldiers' Monument, 2. Some Old Trees, Number 1, 1-9. Some Old Trees, Number 2, 53-64. Some Old Trees, Number 3, 85-91. Somerville Avenue, 55, 57, 58, 65. Somerville Journal, 22. Somerville Journal Souvenir, 55. Sowden, J., 12. Spaulding, A., 11. Sprague, Ann D., 20. Spring Street, 60. Stanton, L., 14. Stanton, L. W., 50. Stearns, Maria A., 47. Stearns, Maria H., 46. Stephenson, Thomas, 52. Stetson, Lebbeus, 59. Stetson, Susan S., 53. Stevens, John, 49. Stevens, L., 15. Stevens, Rachel T., 75, 76. Stickney, Ira, 21. Storer Estate, 4. Story Street, Cambridge, 6. Stone, A., 12. Stone Elm, 9. Stone, Daniel, 11. Stone, Sara A., 1, 53, 85. Stone, Simon, 3. Sudbury Street, Boston, 4. Sullivan's Political Class Book, 98