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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
. 26th Georgia. 31st Georgia. 38th Georgia. 60th Georgia. 61st Georgia. Smith's brigade. Brigadier-general William Smith. 13th Virginia. 49th Virginia. Brigadier-general William Smith. 13th Virginia. 49th Virginia. 52d Virginia. 58th Va., Col. F. H. Board. Hoke's brigade. Brigadier-general Robert F. Hoke. 6th North Carolina. 21st North Carolina. 54th North Carolina Graham's Va. Battery (Rockbridge Art.). Hupp's Va. Battery (Salem Art.). Smith's Bat. (3d Richmond Howitzers). Watson's Bat. (2d Richmond Howitzers). Mc 7th Louisiana. 8th Louisiana. 9th Louisiana. Smith's brigade. Brig.-gen. William Smith. Col. John S. Hoffman. 13th Virginia. 31st Virginia. 49th Virginiatery (Salem Artillery). Graham's Virginia Battery (Rockbridge Artillery). Smith's Battery (3d Richmond Howitzers). Watson's Battery (2d Richmond Howitzers). French's division, left Maryland Heights for Frederick City, and Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of the same division, moved from the Heights, by way of the Chesape