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g to the Trent affair. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, took occasion to express his dissatisfaction at the course pursued by the Government in delivering up Mason and Slidell; remarking that in less than three months we would be at war with Great Britain, or else we would tamely submit to the recognition of the Southern Confederacy, anns, his colleague, replied, saying that Vallandigham had heretofore been opposed to coercion as to the South, while now he is against the delivery up of Mason and Slidell, and consequently in favor of war. The position of his colleague was liable to suspicion that his belligerent attitude was one which would benefit the rebels, by ing a war between England and the United States--a war which the South desired. Mr. Thomas, of Massachusetts, argued in justification of the capture of Mason and Slidell. England did us grievous wrong in making the demand for them, which was unjust and insolent in spirit. She has done that which implanted in the American breast
ith him, together with the guide, Williamson, for the gallantry and good conduct displayed by them in destroying a party of Texan Rangers, located at Mrs. Lee's house, on the banks of the Occoquan, and in sight of the rebel batteries. It is to be regretted that after all resistance had ceased, a more thorough search was not made of the house to discover the actual loss of the enemy, and to bring away all their arms. By order, Brig.-Gen. Heintzelman. Isaac Moses, A. A. G Mason and Slidell arrived at Southampton, Eng., this morning. They embarked on board the British ship Rinaldo, at Boston, bound for Halifax. Owing to a furious gale, the Rinaldo could not make Halifax, and after trying ineffectually for four days to do so, she ran for Bermuda. Here the English admiral offered to send the commissioners home in Her Majesty's ship Racer, or convey them to St. Thomas to catch the West-India packet. The latter course was preferred. They acknowledge having been treated in t
alry under the command of Colonel Guitar, and a body of rebel guerrillas under Colonel Poindexter, resulting in the defeat of the latter, who lost one hundred men killed and wounded, two hundred prisoners, six wagons, about one hundred horses and saddles, one hundred and fifty guns, a quantity of ammunition and provisions.--(Doc. 179.) A skirmish took place near Reelsville, Callaway County, Mo., between a body of Missouri State cavalry under the command of Col. Smart, and Capt. Cobb's rebel guerrillas, in which the latter were routed with some loss.--All the property of John Slidell, an officer of the rebel government, was confiscated by order of General Butler, at New Orleans, La. A skirmish took place near Kinderhook, Tenn., between a body of Union troops under the command of Colonel McGowan, and a force of rebel guerrillas under Major Anderson, resulting in the defeat of the latter, who lost seven men killed, a large number wounded, and twenty-seven prisoners.--(Doc. 180.)
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Captain Wilkes's seizure of Mason and Slidell. (search)
ent by my commander to arrest Mr. Mason and Mr. Slidell and their secretaries, and send them prisons possessed with the idea that Mr. Mason or Mr. Slidell, or both, would urge Captain Moir to relinq had taken me on board. I was anxious that Mr. Slidell and Mr. Mason should not leave any of their luggage behind. Mrs. Slidell having asked me who commanded the San Jacinto, I replied, Your old ac's offer of his cabin was conveyed by me to Mrs. Slidell and Mrs. Eustis, and declined by both ladiee in waiting, I notified both Mr. Mason and Mr. Slidell that the time had come to send them to the one of the London illustrated papers, that Miss Slidell, for some cause or other, had struck me in was talking to Mrs. Slidell at the door of Mr. Slidell's state-room. While I was standing there, Miss Slidell, then a girl of 15 or 17 years, was protesting against my taking her father from her, wbalance, and thus she touched me slightly. Mrs. Slidell, writing afterward from Paris to her near r[9 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. (search)
called,--that is to say, the doctrine of the right of the people of any Territory of the Republic to decide whether Slavery should or should not exist within its borders,--that he could not, with honor or consistency, make any further concessions to the Slave interest. This, and the positive committal of the Democratic party to a pro-slavery policy in the administration of the National Government, were the chief business of several delegates in the Convention who were led by such men as John Slidell, of Louisiana, and William L. Yancey, of Alabama, then, and long before, arch-conspirators against the life of the Republic. In June, 1856, a National Democratic Convention was held at Cincinnati, when James Buchanan was nominated for President of the United States. A platform was then framed, composed of many resolutions and involved declarations of principles, drawn by the hand of Benjamin F. Hallet, of Boston. These embodied the substance of resolutions on the subject of Slavery,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
igarchy, was made president. Southern legislatures discussed the question. John Slidell, in the United States Senate, urged the propriety of withdrawing American crsiana was rather slow to move in the direction of treason. Her worst enemy, John Slidell, then misrepresenting her in the Senate of the United States, had been engagby Judah P. Benjamin, a Hebrew unworthy of his race, and others of less note. Slidell was universally detested by right-minded men for his political dishonesty, A single incident in the political career of Slidell illustrates not only the dishonesty of his character, but the facilities which are frequently offered for politicians to cheat the people. Slidell had resolved to become a member of Congress. He was rich, but, was, personally, too unpopular to expect votes enough to elect him. He resorted to fraud. None but freeholders might vote in Louisiana. Slidell bought, at Government price (one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre), one hundred
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
Hospital seized Secession Convention, 182. Slidell's seditious letter, 183. Pelican flag blesseBenjamin and John M. Landrum, of Louisiana. Mr. Slidell will also sign it. Senators Wigfall and Hements of the politicians, of Louisiana, led by Slidell, Benjamin, Moore, Walker of the Delta, and otay, January 9, 1861. prompted by advice from Slidell, Benjamin, and other representatives of the S an intimate friend and willing instrument of Slidell, The politicians more directly under the influence of Slidell seem to have had the management of the Convention. It had been all arranged bethe Convention assembled, a letter written by Slidell, and signed by himself and Judah P. Benjamin,f the above paragraph (the whole letter is in Slidell's handwriting) is given on this page. I am iernor was formally Fac-Simile of a part of Slidell's letter. thanked by the Convention for seiz and in accordance with the recommendation of Slidell and his Congressional colleagues, See note
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
ors, 228. seizure of arms in New York, 230. Slidell's last speech in the Senate, 231. Senator Be Iverson, of Georgia; Judah P. Benjamin and John Slidell, of Louisiana; Jefferson Davis and Albert Grred to See page 166. See also a notice of Slidell's Letter in note 2, page 182.), on the 14th oreby, appointed, consisting of Messrs. Davis, Slidell, and Mallory, to carry out the objects of theand March, 1861. On the 4th of February, John Slidell See page 61. and Judah P. Benjamin, of Lhe National Senate they were so dishonoring. Slidell made a speech which was marked by a cool insod experience in any attempt to assert its John Slidell. authority over the seceders. You may, heich had taken possession of the conspirators, Slidell pointed to the inevitable hostility, as he cohe crowning infamy of this farewell speech of Slidell was the utterance of the libel upon the peoplot of political leaders! Benjamin followed Slidell in a temperate and argumentative speech on th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
n and inauguration, 257. Davis's Cabinet, 258. sketch of Davis and Stephens, 259.--Confederate Commissioners sent to Europe Stephens expounds the principles of the New Government, 260. On Monday, the 4th of February, 1861, the day on which Slidell and Benjamin left the Senate, a Convention known as the Peace Congress, or Conference, assembled in Willard's Hall, in Washington City, a large room in a building originally erected as a church edifice on F Street, and then attached to Willard'sAttorney-General. William M. Browne, late editor of the Washington Constitution, President Buchanan's official organ, was appointed Assistant Secretary of State, and Philip Clayton, of Georgia, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. He offered John Slidell a seat in his cabinet, but that conspirator preferred a safer sphere of action, as minister to some foreign court. He was gratified; and Davis's leading associates in crime were all soon supplied with places of honor and profit. Jefferson
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
f the disloyal Senators, still holding seats in Congress, These were Wigfall, Hemphill, Yulee, Mallory, Jefferson Davis, C. C. Clay, Jr., Fitzpatrick, Iverson, Slidell, and Benjamin. advised him, in writing, not to present the letter of Pickens to the President until after the Southern Confederacy should be formed, a month laterunication with which I am at the present charged, will await further instructions. This correspondence was laid before the President January 16, 1861. by Senators Slidell, Fitzpatrick, and Mallory, and the President was asked to consider the matter. The boldness and impunity of the conspirators in Congress, at this time, isletter of considerable length, to which Secretary Holt gave a final answer on the 6th of February, in which, as in his reply to Senators Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, he claimed for the Government the right to send forward re-enforcements when, in the judgment of the President, the safety of the garrison required them — a righ